Undiluted Gin Spirits

Drought Edition Gin by Pienaar and Son is Bottled at 80% ABV

Cape Town-based distillery Pienaar and Son will be launching a new Drought Edition Gin for each of its classic spirits, which drastically reduces the amount of water used in the making of each product. At present, the gin spirits come off the still at about 80% ABV and are diluted to 43% ABV. Since about 200 litres of water is required per batch to dilute the gin, the all-new Drought Edition Gin will simply be bottled at 80% ABV, helping to conserve a significant amount of water.

As most consumers will be combining the gin with tonic water, the product offers a simple solution for everyone wishing to do their part to reduce water wastage. In a matter of months, Cape Town, South Africa is set to face "Day Zero," where it will run out of water, which inspired the concept.
Trend Themes
1. Water-conserving Spirits - By reducing the amount of water used in the production process, distilleries can create new spirit offerings that appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
2. High ABV Spirits - Bottling spirits at higher Alcohol by Volume (ABV) levels offers consumers a unique and potent drinking experience.
3. Sustainable Solutions - The Drought Edition Gin showcases the potential for innovative and sustainable solutions in response to regional water scarcity challenges.
Industry Implications
1. Craft Distillery - Craft distilleries can explore water-saving techniques in their production processes to differentiate their spirits and attract eco-conscious customers.
2. Alcohol Beverage - The alcohol beverage industry can experiment with higher ABV products to target consumers looking for stronger and more intense drinking options.
3. Eco-friendly Products - The Drought Edition Gin represents an opportunity for the eco-friendly products sector to offer sustainable alternatives in response to environmental challenges.

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