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 Keynote Speaker

Nigel Goodwin

Entrepreneur/ Consultant / Case Writer / Executive Educator
Singapore / Asia-Pacific
Member Since
Nov 2005
Nigel is an entrepreneur, consultant, case writer and executive educator based in Singapore. As the founder of Goodwin Marketing Consultants, he designs and delivers customized training programs for multinational clients across the Asia-Pacific region -- from China to India and Australia, and all points between. His expertise covers competitive strategy, marketing, innovation and scenario planning.

In a previous life, Nigel was Jeremy Gutsche's office mate in Toronto -- an experience that was both inspiring and traumatizing.
The Latest Commercial Spacecraft
There is nothing cooler than spaceflight. Nothing. And now we're getting closer. Jeff Bezos, the billionaire visionary behind, has joined the race to bring commercial spaceflight to the masses.… MORE
Horny Taxis
Horny Taxis
Advertising for Bull Riders
This week in New York, five normally yellow taxi cabs have been covered in fake brown and white cowhide and decorated with bulls' horns. It's part of a promotion for a bullriding event to be held from… MORE
Personalized Bobbleheads
Personalized Bobbleheads
Pretend You're Famous!
The macro-trend of personalization has scored again, and this time it’s personalized bobbleheads. You know, we’re talking about those little plastic caricatures of athletes and other... MORE
Wrapper Writers
Wrapper Writers
50 Cent, Snoop Dogg Publish Street Novels
Rappers 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg are both publishing novels about street life. 50 Cent has co-written a series of novels featuring characters based on members of his G-Unit crew. The books' themes are… MORE
Slimming Pills for Overweight Dogs
The dieting and slimming craze has moved to a whole new playing field. The world's first weight loss drug for dogs -- yes, dogs -- has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Slentrol, made… MORE
Jeremy Gutsche, Founder of Trend Hunter (INTERVIEW)
Jeremy Gutsche, Founder of Trend Hunter (INTERVIEW)
Simply put, Jeremy Gutsche IS Trend Hunter Magazine. As the founder and publisher of Trend Hunter Magazine, Jeremy scouts the frontiers of the virtual world in a bold search for new ideas. He is the publication's… MORE
The Anger Bar
The Anger Bar
Smash Glasses, Rant or Hit Workers
Here's a bar that caters to a very specific niche market -- angry people. The Rising Sun Anger Release Bar in Nanjing, China lets customers smash glasses, rant and even hit specially trained workers.… MORE
Girls Gone Wired
Girls Gone Wired
Technology Gender Gap Closing Fast
Forget the shoes and the diamonds, buy her a flat-screen TV. A recent survey found that three out of four American women would prefer a plasma screen to a glittering necklace. The survey, entitled (I… MORE
World's Most Expensive Homes
World's Most Expensive Homes
The world's most expensive homes sell at fantastic prices -- some in excess of US$100 million -- and those prices are rising ever higher. New wealth is being created around the world, affluent buyers… MORE
Launching Gangsters' Music Careers
Launching Gangsters' Music Careers
A British businessman and marketing expert is searching for the next rap stars -- by going into LA's most dangerous neighborhoods and recruiting gang members with lyrical talent. Jon Nokes has invested… MORE
Scarlett Johansson Ties Up with Reebok
Scarlett Johansson Ties Up with Reebok
Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson has signed a deal to create a new line of clothing and footwear with Reebok. The Scarlett Rbk line will feature t-shirts, track jackets and hoodies and will appear in… MORE
Computer Program Changes The Science of Hit Music
Computer Program Changes The Science of Hit Music
It looks like popular music is going to get even more commercial than it already is. A computer program has been developed that supposedly increases a songwriter's chance of scoring a hit. The program,… MORE
Action Advertising
Action Advertising
Why just tell people what you do when you can actually show them? Take this ad from Adidas' "Impossible is Nothing" campaign as an example. Sure, the bus is plastered with the campaign's regular ads --… MORE
Help the Aged: Video Games Keep Brains Young
Help the Aged: Video Games Keep Brains Young
Here's some welcome news: video games are actually good for your brain. And in Japan, older people are increasingly picking the games up to keep their brains sharp. Video game makers are responding to… MORE
Cell Phone Movies
Cell Phone Movies
Make a Feature Film on Your Cell Phone
This is cool -- now anyone can make a feature film using only a cell phone. It is increasingly common for video footage shot on cell phones to appear in the mainstream news media. This is largely due… MORE
High-class Hamburgers
High-class Hamburgers
Many star chefs are now turning to burgers and fries to make their mark. So forget the foie gras and pass me the chilli sauce. A few examples of this fast food / haute cuisine: David Burke of New York's… MORE
Destination Weddings: Something Different
Destination Weddings: Something Different
Let's be honest: weddings are repetitive. Just the same old show with different faces. So why not escape the local country club or community hall and find an alternative? An all-inclusive destination… MORE
Invisibility Cloak
Invisibility Cloak
For Real!
If this works, it'll be the greatest invention in history and the coolest gadget known to mankind. Researchers at Duke University and Imperial College London have developed the blueprint for an invisibility… MORE
Luxury Movie Theatre
Luxury Movie Theatre
At least one movie theatre owner -- or exhibitor, as they're known -- is trying to lure consumers back to the big screen with a luxury cinema. In 1946, the average American went to the movies 28 times… MORE
US Army gets into Video Gaming
US Army gets into Video Gaming
The US Army has found a new way to raise its profile and attract new recruits: through an online video game. The game, entitled America's Army, simulates both combat and life in the military service.… MORE
Music and Faith
Music and Faith
In Manchester, Christians found a way to breathe new life into their religion -- through rock 'n' roll. During last week's Easter proceedings, the Crucifixion was retold with the help of the city's incredible… MORE
India: Massive Market for High-tech Products
India: Massive Market for High-tech Products
Technology companies from the western world should stop thinking of India as a place to dump low-cost, low-tech versions of their products, says one of the country's senior technologists. Ajay Gupta, who… MORE
Presidential Fashion: Comfy Sweaters
Presidential Fashion: Comfy Sweaters
Bolivia's casually dressed new president has inspired a fashion craze in his country: casual sweaters. Evo Morales became famous during the recent election campaign for wearing a comfortable red, white… MORE
Google will Organize Your Life
Google will Organize Your Life
A search engine, email and now a calendar. Google has found another way to attach itself to your life. Google's new web-based calendar lets people store appointments, receive reminders and share schedules… MORE
Sweden Invades China (with an Ikea in Beijing)
Sweden Invades China (with an Ikea in Beijing)
Did Sweden invade China? Well, not really. But Ikea did. The Swedish furniture giant opened its biggest Asian store in Beijing on Wednesday to capitlize on China's home improvement trend. The new Beijing… MORE
Tracking your Teenager (with a GPS phone)
Tracking your Teenager (with a GPS phone)
Disney is lauching a new service in the US to allow parents to monitor how their kids use mobile phones. Parents will be able to keep track of voice, text, video and picture messages and set limits on… MORE
Mr Switzerland to Comfort World Cup Widows
Mr Switzerland to Comfort World Cup Widows
Switzerland is using male sex appeal to attract female tourists while their boyfriends and husbands take in the beer-swilling football hooliganism of the World Cup soccer finals in neighboring Germany… MORE
Virtual Golf at Home
Virtual Golf at Home
The new Real World Golf game for PlayStation 2 lets you play a round of golf in the comfort of your own living room. With a foot-long plastic club attached to a motion capture unit, your swing will be… MORE
Smell-o-vision in Japanese Cinemas
Smell-o-vision in Japanese Cinemas
Movies will now be a treat for the eyes, ears... and nose. A Japanese cinema screening Colin Farrell's latest film, The New World, will enhance the film by filling the theatre with a variety of fragrances.… MORE
Canine Couture
Canine Couture
Dogs Get Madeover for International Runway Shows
My dog’s too sexy for Milan, New York and Japan. And he does his little turn on the catwalk. Pet fashions have become big business. A year or two ago pets were fashion accessories (a la Paris Hilton),… MORE
Reality TV, Spielberg Style
Reality TV, Spielberg Style
Even Steven Spielberg ("Schindler's List", "Saving Private Ryan") is getting into reality TV. The Oscar-winning director has joined forces with reality TV impresario Mark Burnett ("Survivor", "The Apprentice")… MORE
Supersized Eva Longoria
Supersized Eva Longoria
It might seem like a mirage, but it's not. It's a publicity stunt for Maxim magazine. In celebration of its 100th issue, Maxim placed a massive reproduction of one of its magazine covers in the Nevada… MORE
Saudi Sex Changes
Saudi Sex Changes
If you don't like it, change it. That's what five women in Saudi Arabia have done. The conservative Islamic laws of Saudi Arabia place significant restrictions on women's freedoms. Women are not even… MORE
Hollywood Films Available Online (Legally!)
Hollywood Films Available Online (Legally!)
Hollywood is embracing digital film distribution like never before. Half a dozen major studios have launched a download website, Movielink. Major movies will be available for download through the site.… MORE
I'm Lovin' It, and I Want the World to Know
I'm Lovin' It, and I Want the World to Know
"Yoo-hoo! I can make you famous!" McDonald's has found a new way to get its customers involved in the ubiquitous "I'm Lovin' It" marketing campaign. The world's largest fast food company announced an… MORE
Ear Hygiene Innovations
Ear Hygiene Innovations
On-the-Go Ear Cleaning Stations in Tokyo
Get ready for a beauty salon with a twist: cleaning your ear canal, with full-color coverage on TV. A small salon called Mimi Kurin (which means Ear Clean) recently opened near one of Tokyo's biggest… MORE

Featured Ideas

Kids: The New High-Tech Consumers
Kids: The New High-Tech Consumers
What do televisions disguised as cuddly toys, mobile phones shaped like teddy bears and nanny robots have in common? They're high-tech toys for kids, and they foretell the emergence of a new consumer market.… MORE
Cosmetic Surgery for Your Valentine
Cosmetic Surgery for Your Valentine
Say "I love you" with the gift of cosmetic surgery. Forget about the flowers and chocolate. This Valentine's Day, couples in China are giving each other plastic makeovers. According to the BBC: "Young… MORE
Canine Couture
Canine Couture
Dogs Get Madeover for International Runway Shows
My dog’s too sexy for Milan, New York and Japan. And he does his little turn on the catwalk. Pet fashions have become big business. A year or two ago pets were fashion accessories (a la Paris Hilton),… MORE
Ear Hygiene Innovations
Ear Hygiene Innovations
On-the-Go Ear Cleaning Stations in Tokyo
Get ready for a beauty salon with a twist: cleaning your ear canal, with full-color coverage on TV. A small salon called Mimi Kurin (which means Ear Clean) recently opened near one of Tokyo's biggest… MORE
China the Focus of Starbucks Growth
China the Focus of Starbucks Growth
I'll have a double-tall, non-fat Chinese tea, please. Coffee king Starbucks is going from Seattle to Shanghai and spreading caffeine jitters around the globe. "Starbucks has said it expects to see its… MORE
Runaway Bride Dolls
Runaway Bride Dolls
Duluth Bobblehead Dolls Inspired by a Real Runaway Bride
Runaway Bride bobblehead dolls disappeared from Duluth, Georgia just as fast as the real thing. The dolls seem to have been inspired by a real runaway bride from the same town who made headlines last year.… MORE
Laptop Fuel Cells
Laptop Fuel Cells
Soon, you'll be able to work or watch DVDs on your laptop for an entire transatlantic flight. Taiwanese tech company Antig recently announced that its new fuel cells for laptop computers would be on store… MORE
Jeremy Gutsche, Founder of Trend Hunter (INTERVIEW)
Jeremy Gutsche, Founder of Trend Hunter (INTERVIEW)
Simply put, Jeremy Gutsche IS Trend Hunter Magazine. As the founder and publisher of Trend Hunter Magazine, Jeremy scouts the frontiers of the virtual world in a bold search for new ideas. He is the publication's… MORE
Fertility Drugs to Beat One-Child Policy
Fertility Drugs to Beat One-Child Policy
Women in China have found an innovative way to beat their government's infamous one-child policy: by taking fertility drugs. "In the late 1970s China began limiting most couples to one child," reports… MORE
Help the Aged: Video Games Keep Brains Young
Help the Aged: Video Games Keep Brains Young
Here's some welcome news: video games are actually good for your brain. And in Japan, older people are increasingly picking the games up to keep their brains sharp. Video game makers are responding to… MORE
High-class Hamburgers
High-class Hamburgers
Many star chefs are now turning to burgers and fries to make their mark. So forget the foie gras and pass me the chilli sauce. A few examples of this fast food / haute cuisine: David Burke of New York's… MORE
Luxury Movie Theatre
Luxury Movie Theatre
At least one movie theatre owner -- or exhibitor, as they're known -- is trying to lure consumers back to the big screen with a luxury cinema. In 1946, the average American went to the movies 28 times… MORE
Batman vs Bin Laden
Batman vs Bin Laden
Quick, turn the Bat-television to CNN for the latest Bat-coverage. The legendary Dark Knight, Batman, is slated to take on terror mastermind Osama bin Laden in his next comic book outing. According to… MORE
Soaring Ships
Soaring Ships
Cruise Boats Take to the Skies With Aeroscraft Hybrid Airship
This sure beats economy class on a 747. A privately-funded California firm is developing a new vehicle for air travel called the Aeroscraft. An airship the length of two football fields elevated by 14… MORE