Diane Schroer Wins Lawsuit
Cecilia Biemann — September 20, 2008 — Social Good
References: abcnews.go
A transgendered woman, who lost a job offer because of her sexual status, has won a potentially groundbreaking sex discrimination lawsuit.
Diane Schroer was offered a job at the Library of Congress as David Schroer. However, when David attended his first meeting with his future boss, Schroer told her that he would be transitioning to a woman before starting the job. The next day, the job offer was retracted.
Finding that sex discrimination law applies to transgendered women, a federal court judge in Washington, D.C., ruled that the Library of Congress discriminated against Diane Schroer when it offered her the job and then rescinded it after learning she was transgendered.
Diane Schroer was offered a job at the Library of Congress as David Schroer. However, when David attended his first meeting with his future boss, Schroer told her that he would be transitioning to a woman before starting the job. The next day, the job offer was retracted.
Finding that sex discrimination law applies to transgendered women, a federal court judge in Washington, D.C., ruled that the Library of Congress discriminated against Diane Schroer when it offered her the job and then rescinded it after learning she was transgendered.
Trend Themes
1. Transgender Rights - There is a rising demand for laws to protect transgender individuals from job discrimination opportunities.
2. Inclusivity Practices - Companies should review their recruitment and hiring processes to promote inclusivity and eliminate discriminatory practices against transgender individuals.
3. Gender Reassignment Benefits - Companies that offer gender reassignment benefits can provide a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining a diverse talent pool.
Industry Implications
1. Human Resources - HR departments need to create policies, practices, and awareness trainings on transgender rights and inclusivity practices.
2. Legal Services - Law firms specializing in employment law should develop expertise in transgender rights laws and represent transgender individuals in job discrimination lawsuits.
3. Insurance - Insurance companies can pioneer gender reassignment benefits in their healthcare plans to support the transgender community and promote a more diverse and inclusive society.