New Images on U.K. Cigarette Packs
Going Like Sixty — October 2, 2008 — Lifestyle
References: news.bbc
Gruesome images await British smokers today as a new series of graphic pictures is set to appear on cigarette packages. Canadian smokers have seen similar images for years and it has had a dramatic impact on smoking. There are 15 different and shocking pictures of cigarette damaged bodies that will appear of the packaging. The images replace the strongly written text warnings that have been on U.K. cigarette packs.
Implications - The decision to change the packaging was made by the Department of Health who stated that if the written warnings had motivated over 90,000 smokers to quit, just think about what these graphics images could do. The horrendous images feature blackened lungs, tooth decay and alarming surgical procedures.
Implications - The decision to change the packaging was made by the Department of Health who stated that if the written warnings had motivated over 90,000 smokers to quit, just think about what these graphics images could do. The horrendous images feature blackened lungs, tooth decay and alarming surgical procedures.
Trend Themes
1. Graphic Packaging - The use of graphic images on cigarette packaging can disrupt traditional packaging design and potentially increase the impact of health warnings.
2. Behavioral Impact - The inclusion of shocking images on cigarette packs can potentially lead to a significant reduction in smoking rates by appealing to the emotions and creating a negative association with smoking.
3. Regulatory Changes - The introduction of graphic images on cigarette packaging reflects a trend towards stricter regulations and greater emphasis on public health messaging in the tobacco industry.
Industry Implications
1. Tobacco - The tobacco industry is facing disruptive innovation opportunities as graphic packaging becomes more prevalent, necessitating a shift in marketing strategies and product branding.
2. Packaging - The packaging industry can capitalize on the trend of graphic packaging by developing innovative and impactful designs that comply with regulations and meet the needs of various industries, such as tobacco.
3. Public Health - The field of public health can leverage the use of graphic images on cigarette packs to educate and communicate the harmful effects of smoking, potentially leading to behavior change and improved population health.