Big Brother Contestent not Told of Father's Death
Lauren G — July 10, 2007 — Pop Culture
References: news.ninemsn.au
Can Reality TV stoop lower? An experience from the Big Brother suggests that the answer to that question is, "YES!"
Contestant Emma Cornell, who was part of the Gold Coast Big Brother, was not notified of her father's death! The decision is being, "condemned as inhumane, unethical and psychologically damaging." However, it was apparently the wish of the family...
NineMSN commented, "ethicists say such a decision cannot be made for Emma, regardless of what her family or even her father wanted. The fact that Emma had been estranged until recently from her father, who was sick with cancer before his daughter entered the Gold Coast Big Brother house, only made her ignorance more damaging."
Contestant Emma Cornell, who was part of the Gold Coast Big Brother, was not notified of her father's death! The decision is being, "condemned as inhumane, unethical and psychologically damaging." However, it was apparently the wish of the family...
NineMSN commented, "ethicists say such a decision cannot be made for Emma, regardless of what her family or even her father wanted. The fact that Emma had been estranged until recently from her father, who was sick with cancer before his daughter entered the Gold Coast Big Brother house, only made her ignorance more damaging."
Trend Themes
1. Ethical Reality TV - Developing reality TV shows with ethical considerations for the mental and emotional well-being of the contestants
2. Transparency in Reality TV - Implementing transparency guidelines to ensure contestants are informed of important events outside the show that may affect them
3. Social Responsibility in Reality TV - Mandating social responsibility practices for reality TV shows to avoid negative publicity and harm to individuals
Industry Implications
1. Broadcasting - Broadcasting companies can develop programming guidelines that promote ethics and social responsibility
2. Entertainment - Entertainment companies can incorporate transparency and ethical considerations in reality TV production
3. Media - Media companies can advocate for transparency and responsible practices in reality TV shows to avoid damaging media portrayal of the industry