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40 Faux Realities

From Mockumentaries to Reality TV and the Joaquin Phoenix Documentary

— September 19, 2010 — Pop Culture
There has been hype about the authenticity of the Joaquin Phoenix documentary 'I'm Still Here,' which appears to be another instance of documented unreality.

A bit of humor can make a serious issue softer, and some simple embellishment can make a boring story stimulating. Between TV shows that script life and mockumentaries that lampoon it, the modern audience craves reality -- but with a twist.
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Controversial Documentaries
Controversial Documentaries
‘Sarah Palin's Alaska' Irks Environmentalists
Nature Mockumentaries
Nature Mockumentaries
'The Majestic Plastic Bag' Ups Awareness & Support for Plastic Bag Ban Bill
Late Night Mockumentaries
Late Night Mockumentaries
'The Late Night War' by Ken Burns Parodies Leno, Conan & NBC
Reality TV Sinking Lower
Reality TV Sinking Lower
Big Brother Contestent not Told of Father's Death
Comedian Mockumentaries
Comedian Mockumentaries
'Weird: The Al Yankovic Story" is a Hilarious Faux Biopic
Reality Star Films
Reality Star Films
Lauren Conrad Inks a Movie Deal for "Fictional Book"
Politicians as Reality TV Stars
Politicians as Reality TV Stars
Tom DeLay to Join Cast of "Dancing With the Stars"
Reality TV Stoops To New Low
Reality TV Stoops To New Low
Donor To Choose Winner Of Their Kidneys
Horror Mockumentaries
Horror Mockumentaries
Paranormal Activity is a Terrifying Low-Budget Horror Film
Comeback Mockumentaries
Comeback Mockumentaries
Ralph Macchio ‘Wax On, F*ck Off' Faces a Mid-Life Crisis
Faux Reality Show
Faux Reality Show
Roommates on MySpace
Uber Viral Mockumentaries
Uber Viral Mockumentaries
BMW Rampenfest
Pre-Movie Mockumentaries
Pre-Movie Mockumentaries
Rain of Madness Spoofs Tropic Thunder
Reality TV Kid Exploits
Reality TV Kid Exploits
“Kid Nation” Stirs Controversy About Exploitation of Children
Reality TV Schools
Reality TV Schools
Ultimate Lowbrow Learning
Documentary-Style Comparevertising
Documentary-Style Comparevertising
Whopper Virgins Choose Between Burger King & McDonald's B
Arranged Marriage Reality TV
Arranged Marriage Reality TV
HBO Now Casting Volunteers
Renegade Reality TV Shows
Renegade Reality TV Shows
Ex-Cop Launches 'KopBusters' to Catch Crooked 5-0's
Publicity Stunt to Boost Movie Hype?
Publicity Stunt to Boost Movie Hype?
Morgan Spurlock Says He Found Osama bin Laden
Mockumentary Viral Marketing
Mockumentary Viral Marketing
The Hatfield Hot Dog Howitzer
Reality Book Deals
Reality Book Deals
Lauren Conrad Becomes an Author
Singing Reality Housewives
Singing Reality Housewives
Countess LuAnn of 'The Real Housewives of New York City' Attempts Vocal
Monochrome Mockumentaries
Monochrome Mockumentaries
'Thousand and One Words' Photoblog is Quirky
Documentary-Style Commercials
Documentary-Style Commercials
Nokia's The Fourth Screen
Film 2.0 Viral Marketing
Film 2.0 Viral Marketing
Tropic Thunder's Sophisticated Formula
The Selling of Celebrity
The Selling of Celebrity
Paris Hilton Inc Documentary
Pre-Movie Awareness
Pre-Movie Awareness
Tugg Speedman is a Panda Celebrity
Mockumentary TV Webisodes
Mockumentary TV Webisodes
Michael Cera and Clark Duke Shine in Online Series
Reality TV Feuds
Reality TV Feuds
The Hills Stars Photoshopped Together In Promo Pics
Reality TV Bullying Scandals
Reality TV Bullying Scandals
Vogue Snubs Australian Top Model Winner
Mockumentary Fashion Show Crashing
Mockumentary Fashion Show Crashing
Sacha Baron Cohen As Bruno in Paris
Career Revivals Through Dance
Career Revivals Through Dance
Season 7 "Dancing With The Stars" Cast
Reality Diva Divorces
Reality Diva Divorces
Lauri Waring of ‘Real Housewives of Orange County' Wants More
Reality TV Making Bands Big
Reality TV Making Bands Big
Open Air Stereo & The Prom Kings
Planted Publicity?
Planted Publicity?
LEAKED Fat Tom Cruise Tropic Thunder Trailer
Fake Intimacy (Part IV)
Fake Intimacy (Part IV)
Reality TV as Exercise
Reality TV as Exercise
Kim Kardashian 'Dancing With Stars' to Slim Down
Australia's Next Top Model Debate
Australia's Next Top Model Debate
Is Alice Burdeu Too Skinny to Compete?