The One Minute Wonder Series Shows Compelling Perspectives
Gil Cohen — February 1, 2013 — Pop Culture
References: oneminutewonder &
As Harold Dunnink, designer and founder of the Momkai digital creative agency, explains in his One Minute Wonder video, “I find my inspiration in other people’s perspectives.”
That is precisely the sentiment behind this series of one minute interviews from innovation studio Present Plus. We get to take a look at the works and inspirations of creative minds and entrepreneurs, getting some insight into their perspectives and personalities.
The videos are short and quaint, providing a brief glimpse at the personal story behind these individuals and their success. If you have half and hour, you can get to know a little bit about 30 different interesting people and how they see things. You may find your own inspiration in one of the One Minute Wonder videos.
That is precisely the sentiment behind this series of one minute interviews from innovation studio Present Plus. We get to take a look at the works and inspirations of creative minds and entrepreneurs, getting some insight into their perspectives and personalities.
The videos are short and quaint, providing a brief glimpse at the personal story behind these individuals and their success. If you have half and hour, you can get to know a little bit about 30 different interesting people and how they see things. You may find your own inspiration in one of the One Minute Wonder videos.
Trend Themes
1. Short Video Interviews - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a platform for short video interviews that provide a glimpse into the lives and perspectives of creative minds and entrepreneurs.
2. Personal Stories - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a storytelling platform that allows individuals to share their personal stories and experiences in a concise and engaging manner.
3. Inspirational Content - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build an online platform that curates and delivers bite-sized inspirational content from successful individuals in various fields.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Media - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a digital media platform that specializes in short-form video content, catering to audiences seeking quick and inspiring insights.
2. Online Education - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Establish an online education platform that offers bite-sized courses featuring personal stories and insights from successful entrepreneurs and creatives.
3. Content Creation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a content creation platform that assists individuals in capturing and sharing their personal stories through short videos and engaging visuals.