Diver & Aguilar Captures the 'Native American' Motorcycle Scene
Meghan Young — November 9, 2010 — Lifestyle
References: diveraguilar & behance.net
Clearly, it's not just Westerners that enjoy the biker lifestyle, just check out the 'Native American' photo series. Although I can't see wearing such cultural attire as being safe or comfortable on a motorcycle, it gets the point across quite nicely.
Photographed by Diver & Aguilar, the 'Native American' photo series features simple yet stunning portraits of what seems to be real-life bikers.
Photographed by Diver & Aguilar, the 'Native American' photo series features simple yet stunning portraits of what seems to be real-life bikers.
Trend Themes
1. Cultural Biker Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a line of culturally-inspired protective gear for bikers that showcases diversity and fosters cultural appreciation.
2. Ethnic Motorcycle Subculture - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a platform or online community dedicated to connecting and empowering bikers who embrace their cultural heritage.
3. Photography Spotlight on Non-western Biker Identity - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with photographers to capture and showcase the unique style and stories of bikers from diverse cultures beyond the Western perspective.
Industry Implications
1. Motorcycle Apparel - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate cultural elements into motorcycle apparel designs to cater to bikers seeking unique and representative fashion options.
2. Online Biker Communities - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build an online platform that combines motorcycle enthusiasts with a focus on celebrating diverse cultural backgrounds and fostering inclusivity.
3. Photography Equipment and Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop photography equipment or services specifically tailored to capture the essence of non-Western biker subcultures and their unique style.