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Misheard Pop Lyrics Chart

Clean the Sky - Positive Eco Trends & Breakthroughs

Sting is #1 of 10 Worst Misquoted Lyrics

— August 23, 2008 — Pop Culture
Some of pop music's top bands did not escape this top of the charts listings for misheard lyrics. These are lines that fans think are something else - some of them are just hilarious.

The UK hearing aid company Amplifon commissioned the survey. Its spokesman said, "'We heard some brilliant misquotes during our research that had us in stitches."

Sting, who is already not known for brilliant lyrics came out #1 as determined from an online poll of 2000 music fans. The Police's song "When The World Is Running Down" had the lyrics "You make the best of what's still around". It was heard as " You make the best homemade stew around."

The Bee Gees were at #2 with their disco tune "Staying Alive". "It's alright. It's okay. You may look the other way" was misheard as "It's alright. It's okay. You may make love the other way."

Even the revered Beatles did not escape. They were #3 with "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds". "The girl with kaleidoscope eyes" - "The girl with colitis goes by".

At #4 was U2 with their "Mysterious Ways". "She moves in mysterious ways" became oddly "Shamu the mysterious whale".

The Beatles again at #5 with "Michelle". "Michelle ma belle, sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble, tres bien ensemble". Non-francophone fans heard it as "Michelle ma belle, some say monkeys play piano well, play piano well."

Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" was #6. "Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the Fandango" was perhaps a little difficult to fathom. It was heard as "Scallaboosh, Scallaboosh, will you do the banned tango."

Sting/The Police again at #7 with a different song, "Message In A Bottle". The lyrics were simple enough -"A year has passed since I wrote my note." Perhaps due to poor enunciation, fans heard it as "A year has passed since I broke my nose."

David Bowie made #8 with "Changes". The actual lyrics were "Strange fascination fascinating me" but were misheard as "Strange vaccinations are killing me."

At #9 is Oasis with "Wonderwall". "You're gonna be the one that saves me" became "You're gonna be the one at Sainsbury's." Sainsbury's is a supermarket chain in the UK.

And last but not least, at #10 is Kate Bush with her "Wuthering Heights". "Heathcliff! It's me, Cathy and I've come home oh, so cold, let me in-a your window" was misheard as "It's me; I'm a tree, I'm a wombat. Oh, so cold at the end of your winter."
Trend Themes
1. Misheard Lyrics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing technology or tools that can accurately decipher and correct misheard lyrics in real-time.
2. Music Listening Experience - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating immersive and interactive music listening experiences that allow fans to engage with lyrics and understand them better.
3. Language Translation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Designing language translation tools specifically for song lyrics to accurately convey the intended meaning to non-native speakers.
Industry Implications
1. Hearing Aid - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporating advanced speech recognition technology in hearing aids to help users accurately understand song lyrics and enjoy music.
2. Music Streaming - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborating with artists and music platforms to provide annotated lyrics and interactive features that enhance the music streaming experience.
3. Language Learning - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing language learning apps or platforms that use popular songs and their misheard lyrics as engaging and relatable language practice material.