These Malika Favre Varoom Magazine Graphics Give Savvy Film Tips
Emily Evans — July 26, 2011 — Pop Culture
References: malikafavre & mymodernmet
Some of the best advice a person can get can come in a lighthearted, from-the-heart kind of way—just like these adorable Malika Favre Varoom Magazine graphics do. Each of these colorful graphics is a satirical interpretation on how to make a great movie.
The literal, yet comical, play on words that the Malika Favre Varoom Magazine graphics take—such as the "grill your client" poster—is actually highly effective. I can bet that if I was an amateur film maker looking for some insider tips, I would find these posters super helpful!
Implications - Companies looking to give sound advice should consider appropriating comedy into their presentations, as to avoid looking condescending or appearing bland. Consumers have proven to react well to advice with humorous, light-hearted undertones.
The literal, yet comical, play on words that the Malika Favre Varoom Magazine graphics take—such as the "grill your client" poster—is actually highly effective. I can bet that if I was an amateur film maker looking for some insider tips, I would find these posters super helpful!
Implications - Companies looking to give sound advice should consider appropriating comedy into their presentations, as to avoid looking condescending or appearing bland. Consumers have proven to react well to advice with humorous, light-hearted undertones.
Trend Themes
1. Comedic Advice - Using humor in advice and tips for various industries, products and services.
2. Satirical Interpretations - Creating graphics, memes or videos that use witty and sarcastic elements to provide insightful and useful tips for audience consumption.
3. Literal Play on Words - Incorporating idiomatic expressions and well-known phrases to offer practical and humorous messages to customers.
Industry Implications
1. Film Industry - Utilizing comedic and satirical techniques to provide better advice for novice and professional filmmakers and enthusiasts.
2. Marketing Industry - Creating comedic and light-hearted messaging strategies for brands and products looking to reach wider and younger audiences.
3. Content Creation Industry - Incorporating witty and humorous elements in instructional videos, podcasts and blogs to educate and entertain audiences all at once.