'Meltdown' is a Child-Friendly Way to Educate Youngsters About Global Warming
Ian Andrew Panganiban — March 13, 2013 — Eco
References: meltdown-game & adverblog
The effects of climate change is a subject matter that is often difficult for children to understand, but this global warming board game is the perfect way to teach them about it.
The German science magazine for children GEOlino has created what is called, ‘Meltdown -- the first board game that melts.’ The goal of the game is to get the family of polar bears to the mainland before the ice melts. The miniature ice bergs are placed at the top of a sponge that soaks up the melted ice. The game utilizes actual ice to simulate the current environmental hardships that are happening around the world.
The integration of global warming into a board game is just another way for environmentalists, scientists and everyday global citizens to educate people around them about the impact of global warming.
The German science magazine for children GEOlino has created what is called, ‘Meltdown -- the first board game that melts.’ The goal of the game is to get the family of polar bears to the mainland before the ice melts. The miniature ice bergs are placed at the top of a sponge that soaks up the melted ice. The game utilizes actual ice to simulate the current environmental hardships that are happening around the world.
The integration of global warming into a board game is just another way for environmentalists, scientists and everyday global citizens to educate people around them about the impact of global warming.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Games - There is an opportunity to create more board games that are geared towards educating consumers on climate change and eco-friendly lifestyle.
2. Gamified Education - Other industries such as education could create gamified learning tools that teach complex subjects in a fun and interactive way.
3. Interactive Environmental Experiences - Outdoor recreation and tourism industries could create interactive experiences to help educate people about the environment and encourage environmentally-conscious behaviors.
Industry Implications
1. Board Game - There is an opportunity for board game manufacturers to branch out and create eco-friendly games that are entertaining and educational for children and adults.
2. Education - Educational institutions and technology companies could partner to create gamified tools that teach students about difficult subjects such as climate change.
3. Outdoor Recreation - Outdoor recreation and tourism industries could create interactive experiences such as eco-themed scavenger hunts or guided tours to increase environmental awareness and promote sustainability.