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42 Glacier-Inspired Innovations

From Global Warming Candles to Paper Iceberg Installations

— February 16, 2015 — Eco
With global warming on the rise, photographers, mega-brands and artists have taken it upon themselves to create glacier products to raise awareness about this melting cause. As the global temperature begins to rise, it is important -- now more than ever -- to grab attention to the melting icecaps. Artists have created digital iceberg art, glacier candles and icy soap bars to fight the effects of global warming. Photographers have scaled glaciers to capture unforgettable pictures of these melting beauties.

Eventually, photographs will be all that human-kind has left of these magnificent light aqua icebergs. From melting iceberg art installations to glacier terrariums and icecap sticky notes, there is an influx of inspiration from these Arctic wonders.
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Wintery Mission Graphics
Wintery Mission Graphics
Greenpeace's 'Save the Arctic Tour' Infographic Examines State of the Ice
Space-Invading Cellphones
Space-Invading Cellphones
The 41 Megapixel Nokia 808 Pureview was Sent up in the Air as a Test
Satellite Earth Photography
Satellite Earth Photography
The Sentinel-1A Satellite Took These Beautiful Images of the Earth
Ice Cave Tours
Ice Cave Tours
This Tour Takes You Into the World's First Ice-Cap Glacier Cave
Polar Landscape Photography
Polar Landscape Photography
Jean de Pomereu's Winter Views Capture
Adventurous Awareness Campaigns
Adventurous Awareness Campaigns
Alex Bellini Will Live On a Melting Iceberg for Up to a Year
Glacial Picnic Excursions
Glacial Picnic Excursions
The Four Seasons Whistler Offers a Heli-Picnic of a Lifetime
Otherworldly Icelandic Photos
Otherworldly Icelandic Photos
Richard Bernabe's Photos Capture Icy Structures in Iceland
Ice Cave Marriage Proposals
Ice Cave Marriage Proposals
This Frozen-Inspired Engagement Will Melt Your Heart
Iceberg-Shaped Housing
Iceberg-Shaped Housing
The Isbjerget Apartment Complex is a Chilly Waterfront Addition
Corrogated Habitat Ads
Corrogated Habitat Ads
These WWF Ads Raise Awareness About the Homes of Endangered Species
Rocky Northern Light Abodes
Rocky Northern Light Abodes
The Hydraulic Power Station by Stein Harme Architecture is Mystical
Global Warming Soaps
Global Warming Soaps
William Lee Designs Stunning Cleansers Inspired by Glaciers and Icebergs
Glacial-View Icelandic Homes
Glacial-View Icelandic Homes
This Icelandic Home by PK Arkitektar Has Spectacular Views
Stoic Iceberg Pastels
Stoic Iceberg Pastels
The Chasing The Light Portrait Series by Zaria Forman is Dynamic
Snow Slide Brewers
Snow Slide Brewers
The Glacier Nespresso Will Make the Perfect Icy Coffee Drink
Eco-Activist Sticky Notes
Eco-Activist Sticky Notes
The Snuk Memo Pad Decorates and Informs About Global Warming
Global Warming Candles
Global Warming Candles
The Glacier Project Creates Glacier-Inspired Candles to Save the Icebergs
Awe-Inspiring Glacial Photography
Awe-Inspiring Glacial Photography
Kate Friend's Glacier Photography is Truly Breathtaking
Glacier-Esque Museum Concepts
Glacier-Esque Museum Concepts
The Moscow Polytechnic Museum and Educational Centre is Icy
Digital Iceberg Art
Digital Iceberg Art
Chaotic Atmospheres Creates Scenes of Nature that Look Like Paintings
Glacier Wedding Photography
Glacier Wedding Photography
Chris Beck Captures Torsten and Sarah Under a Dramatic Ice Cave
Famous Glacier Photography
Famous Glacier Photography
Nowhere is a Place by Frank Thiel Depicts the Perito Moreno Glacier
Icy Industrial Fashion
Icy Industrial Fashion
The Deficiency Collection Makes Natural Forms from Manmade Materials
Domestic Iceberg Ads
Domestic Iceberg Ads
The Bosch Freezer Campaign Promotes NoFrost-Technology
Slick Icy Seating
Slick Icy Seating
The Glacier Chaise Longue Gives Your Home a Wintry Look
Microscopic Object Photography
Microscopic Object Photography
Marcel Christ Goes Under the Microscope for This Series
Geometric Glacial Candles
Geometric Glacial Candles
These Modular Iceberg Candles Turn Global Warming into Decor Pieces
Flipped Iceberg Photography
Flipped Iceberg Photography
Alex Cornell Captures an Unusual Sight When Traveling the Antarctic
Iceberg-Inspired Sofas
Iceberg-Inspired Sofas
The Airberg Sofa from John-Marie Massaud Looks Like a Floating Iceberg
Gradient Iceberg Lighting
Gradient Iceberg Lighting
These Icy Lights by Alvaro Uribe Design are Mystically Alluring
Industrial Ice Cap Side Tables
Industrial Ice Cap Side Tables
Glacier End Table is the Collision of Natural and Artificial Design
Glacial Glass Monasteries
Glacial Glass Monasteries
The 'Aerial Installation' by Baptise Debombourg is Frozen and Surreal
Glacial Lookalike Lamps
Glacial Lookalike Lamps
The Dima Loginoff 'Mountain View' Lamp is Sleek and Cool
Sculptural Clothing Racks
Sculptural Clothing Racks
The Berg by Akash Eskafi is Made for a Mountainous Mess
Majestic Iceberg Photography
Majestic Iceberg Photography
This Antarctica Photography Series is Ethereal and Captivating
Ethereal Surreal Landscape Photography
Ethereal Surreal Landscape Photography
This Series of South Patagonia's Landscapes is Majestic
Melting Iceberg Art Installations
Melting Iceberg Art Installations
Olafur Eliasson’s Melting Ice Art is Sustainably Kept Cool
Reversed Terrarium Orbs
Reversed Terrarium Orbs
Mariele Neudecker Creates Upside Down Worlds in Her Glass Globe Art
Artisan Water Branding
Artisan Water Branding
New Zealand Artesian Luxury Water Bottles Are Stamped with Opulence
Chaise Lounge Bathtubs
Chaise Lounge Bathtubs
This Modern Bathtub from Moma Design Features Two Elegant Glass Panels
Paper Iceberg Installations
Paper Iceberg Installations
What Lies Beneath by Gabby O'Connor Embodies the Essence of Antarctica