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23 Examples of Fun Science

From Light-Vomiting Toys to Cadaverous Cartoon Characters

— May 26, 2014 — Life-Stages
Science toys are a wonderful and effective way to teach kids about the wonders of the world around them without boring them. Many such toys are so subtle in their scientific foundations that kids may not even be aware of the amount of science they are learning.

Many science toys targeted towards kids are in fact simplified or scaled down versions of fundamental scientific tools and instruments. By playing with simplified versions of hugely important scientific instruments, kids can begin to develop an understanding of what it is that scientists do and why their work can be fun. Other toys consist of fun, animated versions of scientific objects and concepts.

Some science toys even allow kids to build and create things, fostering in them an appreciation for experimentation and directed thinking.

The range of science toys out there is huge, and represents a great way to make learning fun for kids.
Child-Friendly Treasure Apps
Child-Friendly Treasure Apps
The Time Tremors App Lets Kids Learn About History in a Treasure Hunt
Building Block Space Vehicles
Building Block Space Vehicles
The LEGO Mars Curiosity Rover Set is Fan-Made
Toddler-Friendly Microscopes
Toddler-Friendly Microscopes
The Zoomy Handheld Digital Microscope is Perfect for Baby Einsteins
Toy Brick Atom Smashers
Toy Brick Atom Smashers
The LEGO Large Hadron Collider Makes Science Fun
Melting Board Games
Melting Board Games
'Meltdown' is a Child-Friendly Way to Educate Youngsters About Global Warming
Magical Physics Toys
Magical Physics Toys
The Feel Flux Toy Uses an Obscure Physics Principle to Confuse and Amuse You
Kid-Friendly Spud Experiments
Kid-Friendly Spud Experiments
Potato Chip Science Demonstrates the Power of the Potato
Buildable Space Rovers
Buildable Space Rovers
The NASA littleBIts Space Kit Lets Children Recreate the Mars Rover
Ballooning Portable Planetariums
Ballooning Portable Planetariums
The Inflativerse Offers a View of Space in No Time at All
Child-Friendly Activity Subscriptions
Child-Friendly Activity Subscriptions
Kiwi Crate Service Offers Fun Monthly Packages to Kids
Tech-Inspired Dollhouses
Tech-Inspired Dollhouses
Roominate Inspires Little Girls to Pursue Dream Jobs Associated With Men
Fun Fluorescent Swingsets
Fun Fluorescent Swingsets
The 'Swing Lamp' is an Illuminated Solution to Nighttime Fun
Double Helix Balloon Sculptures
Double Helix Balloon Sculptures
This 10,000 Balloon Double Helix Sculpture is an Ode to Science
Scientific Particle Puzzles
Scientific Particle Puzzles
These Kids Brain Teasers are Perfect for the Scientist-in-Training
Robotic Building  Toys
Robotic Building Toys
'Topobo' Construction Kit Remembers Its Motions
Textbook Biology Bedding
Textbook Biology Bedding
Dirtsa Studio's Science Pillows are Cushions for Keeners
Scientific Crayon Sets
Scientific Crayon Sets
Chemistry Crayons Let Your Child Color Inside the Periodic Table's Lines
Wind-Powered Kids' Toys
Wind-Powered Kids' Toys
Tamiya 'Loopwing' Car Blends Fun and Eco-Friendliness
Magical Sci-Fi Gloves
Magical Sci-Fi Gloves
‘The Force Glove’ Will Teach Kids About Magnets in a Fun Way
Light Vomiting Toys
Light Vomiting Toys
The Marcus Tremonto ‘Lightbotz' are Colorfully Cute
Cadaverous Cartoon Characters
Cadaverous Cartoon Characters
The Mickey Mouse Anatomy Sculpture Makes Learning Fun
DIY Foam-Shooting Machine Guns
DIY Foam-Shooting Machine Guns
Nerf Dart Blaster Can Fire 500 Rounds Per Minute