Extra Cool Chewing Gum Ads Contract Consumers
Amelia Roblin — July 5, 2011 — Pop Culture
References: jiajie.cn & adsoftheworld
George Costanza will happily remind you that in cold temperatures shrinkage of some body parts may occur, but it's clear that in these Extra Cool Chewing Gum ads, entire people may be at risk of reducing in size.
The J&J advertising agency of Shanghai, China, created a run of three print ads to promote a menthol-rich chewable that serves up a seriously chilly flavor. Asking themselves what happens to people when they become cold, no doubt they arrived at the images within this clever campaign.
Three people are featured in these Extra Cool Chewing Gum ads, each swimming in an ensemble of oversized clothing that has evidently slipped right off. The fish-lipped facial expressions of each of the subjects confirms that the icy snack that caused their extreme minimization.
The J&J advertising agency of Shanghai, China, created a run of three print ads to promote a menthol-rich chewable that serves up a seriously chilly flavor. Asking themselves what happens to people when they become cold, no doubt they arrived at the images within this clever campaign.
Three people are featured in these Extra Cool Chewing Gum ads, each swimming in an ensemble of oversized clothing that has evidently slipped right off. The fish-lipped facial expressions of each of the subjects confirms that the icy snack that caused their extreme minimization.
Trend Themes
1. Cold-induced Shrinkage - Opportunity for companies to develop products or services that protect people from shrinking in cold temperatures.
2. Print Advertising Creativity - Opportunity for advertising agencies to create innovative and attention-grabbing print ads using clever concepts.
3. Menthol-rich Chewables - Opportunity for companies to develop and market menthol-rich chewing gum products with unique and intense flavors.
Industry Implications
1. Clothing - Opportunity for clothing companies to develop oversized clothing for cold temperatures that protect against shrinkage.
2. Advertising - Opportunity for advertising agencies to create print ads for various industries that use creative concepts to capture consumer attention.
3. Confectionery - Opportunity for confectionery companies to develop and promote menthol-rich chewing gum products that offer a uniquely cold and intense flavor experience.