Air Comet Flight Attendants Strip Down to Draw Attention to Unpaid Wages
boom chicky boom — April 3, 2010 — Naughty
References: vancouversun
Air Comet flight attendants are causing turbulence as pictures from the nude calendar they posed for make their way around the Spanish media and the ‘friendly skies’ of cyberspace.
Using their nude bodies, the intent of the Spanish airline’s employees is to draw attention to their unfortunate predicament—up to 9 months of unpaid wages before Air Comet filed for bankruptcy in December.
With all the PR these women are getting, hopefully they will be able to recoup some of their lost wages through the sale of the calendars.
Using their nude bodies, the intent of the Spanish airline’s employees is to draw attention to their unfortunate predicament—up to 9 months of unpaid wages before Air Comet filed for bankruptcy in December.
With all the PR these women are getting, hopefully they will be able to recoup some of their lost wages through the sale of the calendars.
Trend Themes
1. Activist Marketing - The trend of using controversial or provocative tactics to draw attention to social or political issues through marketing campaigns.
2. Gig Economy - The trend towards freelance or contract work, resulting in greater flexibility and autonomy for workers but less job security and benefits.
3. Crowdfunding - The trend of funding projects or businesses through contributions from a large number of people, often facilitated by online platforms.
Industry Implications
1. Airline Industry - This industry can explore new ways to prioritize worker compensation in order to prevent employee protests and improve public relations.
2. Fashion Industry - This industry can explore ways to use unconventional marketing tactics to raise awareness of social issues and generate buzz around their products.
3. Media Industry - This industry can explore ways to balance the need for sensational news stories with ethical reporting that empathizes with issues faced by society.