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Robot Reverends
Robot Reverends
The 'I-Fairy' Robot Marries Satoko Inoue and Tomohiro Shibata
The wedding between Satoko Inoue and Tomohiro Shibata this weekend in Japan definitely takes the wedding cake because they became the first couple to be married by a robot. Named 'I-Fairy', the robot was… MORE
Scribbled Towers
Scribbled Towers
The Arcelormittal Orbit Tower Will Give 2012 Olympic Visitors a Birds-Eye View
The 2012 Olympic games are enough to lure sports enthusiasts to visit London, but the addition of the ArcelorMittal Orbit tower will entice visitors for many years after the 2012 Olympics have come and… MORE
Naughty Pin-Up Protests
Naughty Pin-Up Protests
Air Comet Flight Attendants Strip Down to Draw Attention to Unpaid Wages
Air Comet flight attendants are causing turbulence as pictures from the nude calendar they posed for make their way around the Spanish media and the ‘friendly skies’ of cyberspace. Using their nude bodies,… MORE
Forehead Breast Implants
Forehead Breast Implants
Marion Cotillard Shares the Best Kept Secret of French Women
This Funny or Die video starring French actress Marion Cotillard, and several sets of forehead breast implants, could evoke any of the reactions--Hot, LOL, WTF, Cute, and Must see. Substitute a little… MORE
Twitpic Poster Virals
Twitpic Poster Virals
Lady Gaga's Twitter Endorsement Made Artist Yaminor Famous
After watching the newly released Lady Gaga video featuring Beyonce for the ‘500th time,' artist Yamino was inspired to stay up all night to draw a poster.  She had no idea until seeing over 3,000 messages… MORE
Bald Canvases
Bald Canvases
Philip Levine's Head Designs Turn Bald Heads Into an Art Form
When Philip Levine started losing his hair in his early twenties, instead of getting depressed about it, he decided to embrace his baldness and have fun with it. Levine hired Kat Sinclair, a professional… MORE
Topless Tobogganing
Topless Tobogganing
Germans Strip Down to Their Skivvies for Some Naughty Winter Fun
Germany took the bronze in the 4-man bobsled Olympics in Vancouver this year. The German woman’s team didn’t fare as well in the competition, although ending the race much warmer than some of their female… MORE
Alice in Wonderland Tattoos
Alice in Wonderland Tattoos
Disneyfied Ink Designs That Go Down the Rabbit Hole
My first thought when I saw this woman's back was that without a doubt she will be attending the opening of Alice in Wonderland in the Theater on March 5th.  She is obviously a true fan of Alice and her… MORE
Purse Rats
Purse Rats
Capybara Pets May Replace Popular Purse Poodles
This 100 lb giant hamster is real and is living as a pet in the Texas home of owner Melanie Typaldos.  Melanie was introduced to the largest rodent species in the world, a Capybara, on a trip to Venezuela… MORE
5-Year-Old Fashion Bloggers
5-Year-Old Fashion Bloggers
Meet Katie, Hired by Racked at New York Fashion Week
Tavi, the 13-year-old fashion blogger whose fame earned her the coveted front row seat at many hot fashion shows, will need to move over and make room for another young fashion blogger debuting at New… MORE
Webcam-Ready Valentines
Webcam-Ready Valentines
Hallmark Introduces Augmented Reality Greeting Cards
This year Hallmark celebrates their 100th year birthday. Through the years, greeting cards have evolved from traditional to special effects to digital e-cards to mobile.  Next up, just in time... MORE
Bubble-Wrapped Streets
Bubble-Wrapped Streets
The Highest Accident Road in the UK Has Packaging-Inspired Protection, the insurance comparison website, chose the 50th anniversary of the introduction of bubble wrap (January 27th) to promote their safety message. They wanted to warn drivers, especially with… MORE
Designer Facial Branding
Designer Facial Branding
Ryan McSorley's 'Skin by Chanel' Imprints Chanel Logo On Your Forehead
Chanel temporary tattoos were recently featured on Another type of temporary skin art is being introduced by student designer Ryan McSorley called ‘Skin by Chanel.’ Created for a school… MORE
Presidential Musicals
Presidential Musicals
'Barack Obama' Stars in "Hope!" Opening in Germany January 17th
“Hope!”, a musical about President Barack Obama, will debut in Frankfurt, Germany on January 17th. The musical is based on the 2008 presidential campaign, and follows President Obama’s career by taking… MORE
Safe Sexting Apps
Safe Sexting Apps
Cover Up Your Nude Texts on Your iPhone
Sexting, the term coined for sending nude photos via text message, has been in the news a lot lately as statistics show an increasing number, 30 percent, of teens reported either having sent or received… MORE
World-Wide Hypnotictrances
World-Wide Hypnotictrances
Chris Hughes Will Cast an Internet Spell
World Hypnotism Day is a day that was created with the mission “to remove myths and misconceptions while promoting the truth and benefits of hypnotism to the people of the world”. Taking place on January… MORE
Drive-Thru Diets
Drive-Thru Diets
Woman Loses 54 Lbs Eating Taco Bell
Just in time for New Years resolutions, there’s a new diet to ring in the New Year with. The ‘Drive-Thru Diet’ is being introduced by Taco Bell in a weight loss campaign with a menu that includes 7 items… MORE
Condom Mobs
Condom Mobs
How Many Students Can Fit in a Giant Condom? (instead of a Phone Booth)
What may look like an out of control mob of college students piling into a giant condom to a passerby, was actually a planned event to raise funds for AIDS prevention in Africa. The ‘Condom Mob’ idea… MORE
Hollywood-Style Engineering
Hollywood-Style Engineering
Ford Uses 'Avatar' Motion Capture Software to Build Cars
The same motion-capture technology that was used to create the movie ‘Avatar’ is being used by Ford Motor Company to virtually engineer and design better and less expensive vehicles. By analyzing the captured… MORE
'For or Against' Fur Campaigns
'For or Against' Fur Campaigns
High Fashion Dolls Take the Animal Rights Fight to the Streets
Are you a fur lover or hater?  Puretrend wrote an article with an accompanying photo montage to help people identify/visualize where they stand on the 8 possible positions they came up with to cover the… MORE
See Thru Garments
See Thru Garments
X-Ray Vision Glasses Not Included With 'Intimacy' Line
Dutch artist, Daan Roosegaarde is taking wearable technology to a new level with his latest project Intimacy being developed in collaboration with his Studio, V2_Lab, and fashion designer Maartje Dijkstra.… MORE
Designer Fast Food
Designer Fast Food
Mcdonald's is McFancy With Hermes Fries
Imagine walking up to the counter at McDonald’s and ordering a Burberry burger with either Gucci or Hermes fries and a Paul Smith sundae for dessert! Wake up, you’re not in Kansas anymore! You have just… MORE
Transparent Trucks
Transparent Trucks
Transparentius Camera Projects ‘Blindspot' on Truck's Back Panel
A relaxing scenic drive in the country on a long and winding road can come to an abrupt halt when you find yourself staring at the back of a road hogging semi-truck. The frustration builds as you try to… MORE
Wrapping Paper Pranks
Wrapping Paper Pranks
Man Gets His Whole Apartment Wrapped for Epic Christmas Prank
How would you react if you received not just a few gifts for Christmas, but a whole house full? I would have to wonder if Santa mixed up the naughty and nice lists with someone else! One man named Louie… MORE
LED Laser Guitars
LED Laser Guitars
Ok Go Lit Up the Stage at 2009 Design Miami
FashioningTechology blogger Syuzi referred to Moritz Waldemeyer as "the go-to-guy for the music industry to create magical, illuminated outfits and now—instruments."  After browsing through his list of… MORE
Global Sing-Alongs
Global Sing-Alongs
Starbucks Love Project 156 Brings Countries Together in a Worldwide Lovefest
In support of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, on December 7th, Starbucks Coffee Company invited the world to a live global sing-along performance of the Beatles legendary hit ‘All You Need Is Love.’ The… MORE
Blowing Up Your Friends
Blowing Up Your Friends
Adidas Star Wars App Lets You Laser Your Facebook Buddies
Adidas is introducing their ‘Original Star Wars Collection’ arrival in January with a mash—a Google Maps/Facebook Connect in a Star Wars Death Star Superlaser’ mash-up application. Using realistic 'Star… MORE
Avatar Toys
Avatar Toys
Augmented Reality Brings the World of Pandora Home
As the Avatar hype heats up with the debut of the movie this weekend, don’t be surprised if your kids are adding Mattel’s new line of Avatar toys to their wish list.  In keeping with the high-tech caliber… MORE
Video Painting
Video Painting
Sweatshoppe use a digital paint roller to project a video on Brick Walls
The multimedia performance partners of Sweatshoppe, Bruno Levy and Blake Shaw, developed a new technology where video, mark-making and architecture come together in a jaw-dropping interactive display they… MORE
Bodily Ping Pong
Bodily Ping Pong
This Version is Played While You Slow-Dance
Pong Prom is the design that Ed Keeble developed for an art project with the goal of creating both a competitive and collaborative experience for two game players. The project uses the Lilypad Arduino platform, which is a microcontroller board design that controls game play, the display, and communication between devices. Embedded in the specially designed hoodies, at strategically located points, are patches of conductive fabric sewn on the shoulders, hips, and shirt cuffs which communicate with the Arduinos. The game paddle is controlled via … MORE
Stress-Relief Pubs
Stress-Relief Pubs
Hit People with Bottles at nda~ bakayarou
When I get stressed out, I pour a glass of wine, turn on soothing music, light a couple of candles, and relax in the tub or bed with a good book. At nda~ bakayarou, a newly opened pub in Nagoya, Japan,… MORE
Glowing Lung Sculptures
Glowing Lung Sculptures
Kate MacDowell's Organs and Skeleton Porcelain
Kate MacDowell’s sculpture style is a striking mix of human anatomy and nature. She attributes her stunning artwork to be a reflection of how she perceives her world working and living in diverse environments.… MORE
Misleading Mobile Apps
Misleading Mobile Apps
The Playboy iPhone App Features Only Articles
The first official Playboy iPhone App has just been released through iTunes. However, it may only appeal to anyone who claims to buy Playboy ‘for the articles,’ as there are no scantily clad girls. To… MORE
Virtual X-Mas Knitting
Virtual X-Mas Knitting
Create Wonderful Wintry Holiday Sweaters Online
If you are looking for a fun diversion to add a little creative spark to your day, Kansas City Art Institute has launched the perfect website for you to while away a few minutes—knitting a holiday sweater. … MORE
Marijuana Restaurants
Marijuana Restaurants
Ganja Gourmet, Where You Never Want to Stop Eating
If you walk through the doors of Ganja Gourmet in Denver, without knowing anything about the restaurant, the pictures on the wall of Bob Marley and Mona Lisa smoking a joint will be your first clue that… MORE
DIY iPhone Christmas Cards
DIY iPhone Christmas Cards
Tech-Friendly Gift May Be the Most Expensive Card Ever
My gift giving philosophy is that a gift is more than what is inside the package. If the gift is presented in a unique way, that’s what the recipient will appreciate and remember for many years to come.… MORE

Featured Ideas

Newlywed Sex Tweets
Newlywed Sex Tweets
@newlywedsontjob Updates the World with Hot Honeymoon Tweets
The latest application of Twitter is blazing a new trail. While on their Honeymoon, the best man of the bride and groom rigged their bed at home to sense when they are doing the mattress mambo, and report… MORE
Precious Stone Mosaics
Precious Stone Mosaics
Gemstone Creative Turns Any Images Into a Shimmering Work of Art
Gemstone Creative is reintroducing the concept of the mosaic in contemporary designs using precious stones.  Although Gemstone Creative specializes in custom portraits, they will turn any image into a… MORE
Eye Movement Art
Eye Movement Art
Despite Being Paralyzed, the EyeWriter Lets Tony Quan Make Art
We are so often amazed by people who rise above suffering, and inspire others through their affliction, like graphic artist, Tony Quan. He is a man stricken with Lou Gehrig’s disease who,... MORE
Condom Mobs
Condom Mobs
How Many Students Can Fit in a Giant Condom? (instead of a Phone Booth)
What may look like an out of control mob of college students piling into a giant condom to a passerby, was actually a planned event to raise funds for AIDS prevention in Africa. The ‘Condom Mob’ idea… MORE
DIY iPhone Christmas Cards
DIY iPhone Christmas Cards
Tech-Friendly Gift May Be the Most Expensive Card Ever
My gift giving philosophy is that a gift is more than what is inside the package. If the gift is presented in a unique way, that’s what the recipient will appreciate and remember for many years to come.… MORE
Bold Eco Kicks
Bold Eco Kicks
Osborn Design Studios' Shoes Get You on Your Feet in Fair-Trade Fashion
Click here for a jazzy video of Osborn Design Studios’ shoes that will turn your feet into happy feet by merely watching it—or, of course, by stepping out in a pair of these brightly colored fun shoes.… MORE
Scrumptious City Foodscapes
Scrumptious City Foodscapes
Food Stylists Make London Landmarks That Look Good Enough to Eat
To promote their ‘We have fun with food’ slogan, Good Food TV Channel commissioned a team of food stylists to create a ‘foodscape’ of famous London landmarks. Photographer, Carl Warner, led a team of… MORE
Temperature-Sensing Pans
Temperature-Sensing Pans
The Spots on the Coral Pan Change Color
Here is a cool concept in kitchen cookery, introducing Coral, a pan of many colors. The Coral pan can be used for both cooking and serving (the handle can easily be removed), but the most innovative feature… MORE
Hamster Hotels
Hamster Hotels
A New Villa in France Where You Can Get Your Hamster On
Apparently, the US isn’t the only country with a renewed interest in hamsters.  France has joined the hamster-mania circuit, by opening up a Hamster Hotel.  For 99 Euros ($148.10), you can spend the night… MORE
Drive-Thru Diets
Drive-Thru Diets
Woman Loses 54 Lbs Eating Taco Bell
Just in time for New Years resolutions, there’s a new diet to ring in the New Year with. The ‘Drive-Thru Diet’ is being introduced by Taco Bell in a weight loss campaign with a menu that includes 7 items… MORE
Conehead Christmas Trees
Conehead Christmas Trees
A Creative Alternative to the Traditional Tree
As Consumers are looking for less hassle holidays, Christmas traditions are being re-invented -- just look at the conehead Christmas trees in the above gallery.  One new concept launched by the designer… MORE
Forehead Breast Implants
Forehead Breast Implants
Marion Cotillard Shares the Best Kept Secret of French Women
This Funny or Die video starring French actress Marion Cotillard, and several sets of forehead breast implants, could evoke any of the reactions--Hot, LOL, WTF, Cute, and Must see. Substitute a little… MORE
Soda-Inspired Sneakers
Soda-Inspired Sneakers
Puma Second Round 'Soda Pack' Kicks Channel Your Fave Fizzy Drink
Puma’s First Round ‘Soda Pack’ came out this past summer with colorway combinations similar to the ones on 7-Up or Sprite, Sunkist and Coca-Cola cans. Puma’s First Round shoes must have been a hit, since… MORE
Augmented Reality Avatars
Augmented Reality Avatars
Sony Demos Face Recognition Technology Turns Gaming Into Real Life
If you’ve ever wondered what goes on behind the closed doors of Hi-Tech Manufacturers, Sony’s Face Recognition Technology is a good example.  The R&D has been ongoing, but a Face Recognition Library using… MORE