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A Mess (Of Drawers) For Your Mess
A Mess (Of Drawers) For Your Mess
It looks like a freaking mess - and it is - but this chest of drawers just might be answer to your disorganized mess, that you've been looking for. Just don't be thrown off by the price - this mess will… MORE
Porn Stars Borrow From Hollywood
Porn Stars Borrow From Hollywood
Katie Holmes Rejects Katee Holmes
An 18 year-old virgin with aspirations of stardom has borrowed Katie Holmes name for her debut. She has plans to use the name 'Katee Holmes' as her screen name despite the angry reaction of Katie Holmes… MORE
Negative Political Advertising
Negative Political Advertising
Still on the Rise Because It Works
We've all seen ads where politicians smear the name of their opposition, foretelling utter doom if the other guy wins. As distasteful and low and these ads may be, the facts show that these ads really… MORE
Desperate Publicity Stunts
Desperate Publicity Stunts
Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne Pose Topless
As part of her special thank you to fans Britney Spears posed topless alongside her letter of thanks. Avril Lavingne recently posed topless on the cover of a US magazine (especially hypocritical in light… MORE
The Most Fascinating Urinals In the World
The Most Fascinating Urinals In the World
Urinals might not be something you think to check out when you're going on vacation, but it's really quite amazine how different they can be in the hidden corners of the worlds. Here we have urinals from… MORE
Mile High Club For Women Used to Promote Women Only Bathrooms
Mile High Club For Women Used to Promote Women Only Bathrooms
As part of their marketing campaign, Silverjet Airlines is promoting 'Women Only' washrooms with a very racy video. It seems the airline is making full use of The Mile High Club concept to promote their… MORE
Dressing On The Cheap
Dressing On The Cheap
Dress Made Out of 196 Packages of Ramen Noodles
Well... I'm not sure what to make of this dress... apparently it's fashioned out of 196 packages of ramen noodles. I don't imagine it would be too comfortable but I must say the model certainly wears it… MORE
The Forever Stamp
The Forever Stamp
The Forever Stamp stamps out rate hike increases for sending a piece of mail, no matter how long you wait to mail your letter. This is great news to consumers since in the past, stamps would expire, resulting… MORE
Cashing In On Homophobia
Cashing In On Homophobia
Girl Sues School Over Brokeback Screening
Claiming that she was inflicted with emotional trauma, a 12 year old girl and her family are sueing for $400,000 in damages after a classroom screening of the pro-gay movie, Brokeback Mountain. The claim… MORE
Little Girls in Thong Bikinis Featured In Popular Magazines
Little Girls in Thong Bikinis Featured In Popular Magazines
Terrible Ad Trends
In a terrible display of bad taste, girls as young as 9 years of age have been photographed striking provocative poses wearing nothing but string bikinis. And these photos are being featured in popular… MORE
Technology For Terrorists
Technology For Terrorists
Face Recognition Scouts for Potential Criminals
In the fight against terrorism, leaders are thinking about using face recognition software combined with digital surveillance photos to scout for potential criminals. There is an outcry that these advances… MORE
'Life's Short. Get A Divorce'
'Life's Short. Get A Divorce'
Edgy Billboard Encourages Divorce
Chicago attourney Corri Fetman has created quite a stir with her billboards that exclaims, "Life's Short. Get A Divorce" betwixt two hot-bodied models. What makes the ad different from most legal advertisements,… MORE
Meth + Pop Rocks = Strawberry Quik (Drug Branding Or Dealing to Kids?)
Meth + Pop Rocks = Strawberry Quik (Drug Branding Or Dealing to Kids?)
Drug dealers are now dressing up their meth by mixing it with fruity drink powders and marketing it as 'Strawberry Quik'. Whether this is merely an effort to 'brand' their 'quality' product OR an effort… MORE
Sony Uses Slaughtered Goat To Promote Game
Sony Uses Slaughtered Goat To Promote Game
Sony really crossed the line this time when it used images of a freshly slaughtered goat to promote it's game, "God of War 2". Animal rights activists were enraged by the depiction and Sony has repented… MORE
Virtual Rape and Cyber Assaults
Virtual Rape and Cyber Assaults
Yes, The World is Messed Up
Rape has long been classed as a crime of violence and control, and recent virtual assaults (on Second Life and AutoAdmit) have people talking about the long-term effects of Virtual Rape. Women who have… MORE
Regain Your Virginity
Regain Your Virginity
Hymenoplasty Makes You A Technical Virgin
Regaining one's virginity is all the rage amongst Muslim women in France. A quick 30-minute operation termed 'hymenoplasty' allows non-virgins to have their hymen re-sewn, meaning these women are technical… MORE
The Bubble Wrap Bikini
The Bubble Wrap Bikini
Two Fun Pastimes in One
If you're the type who can't resist bubblewrap and you have a hankering for naughty outfits, then check out the Bubble Wrap Bikini. This is fool proof 2-for-1 fun! For only $20, you can skip around in… MORE
Fomosexuality Comes Out of the Closet on Ugly Betty
Fomosexuality Comes Out of the Closet on Ugly Betty
If you're a fan of the tv show, Ugly Betty, then you know that it's all about sex and its every form and deviation. You'll also know that recent episodes handled some pretty out there topics - everything… MORE
Dirty Makeovers
Dirty Makeovers
Will Courteney Cox's Dirty Photoshoots Revitalize Her Fame?
Say goodbye to the neat-freak Monica Geller persona of Courteney Cox. Her new TV show called 'Dirt,' where she stars as a naughty tabloid magazine editor, has called for a complete image makeover. As… MORE
A Fad From Hell That Just Won't Die
Goatse. Do you know the term? If not, then there's nothing to see here, move along... you have been warned! For those of you who have already been scarred, stay with me. Enjoy a cool website called Goatse… MORE
The Internet Has The Power To Reveal Sins
The Internet Has The Power To Reveal Sins
Despite the fact that most Internet activities can be tracked in one way or another, people are driven to use the web, no matter how revealing it can be. Many people claim to be shocked by the proliferation… MORE
Weird Weddings
Weird Weddings
Hedonism and Nudity Replace Tradition
In a world where anything goes, outlandish and even bizarre choices are seen in just about every aspect of daily life including weddings. A growing number of couples are taking a minimalist approach (at… MORE
XXX Video Games for Women
XXX Video Games for Women
Just as having lots of women in a nightclub makes a particular bar more attractive to men, so too with video games. If men know that women are playing a certain video game, (especially online) then that… MORE
Madame Selling Phone Records of High-End Washington Clients
Madame Selling Phone Records of High-End Washington Clients
To raise money for her legal battles, a prominent Washington, D.C. Madame known as 'Jeane' is threatening to sell over 10,000 telephone records spanning a 13 year old period. These records contain detailed… MORE
Rise in Casual Sex Leaving Women Emotionally Unsatisfied
Rise in Casual Sex Leaving Women Emotionally Unsatisfied
In a world of freedom and choices, naysayers rapping on the dangers of casual sex are not received with open arms. However, studies are showing that casual sex is not all that it's cracked up to be for… MORE
A Book Of Shock and Awe By Chris Nieratko
Hugely popular VICE columnist, Chris Nieratko (known for peeing his pants in public on purpose and for being mocked by Tom Cruise) has recently launched his own website where fans can be entertained by… MORE
Galvanized Steel Chainmail Condom
Galvanized Steel Chainmail Condom
Full Metal Jacket
Finally a full metal jacket for your knight in shining armour! Unfortunately this condom won't do much when it comes to providing any real protection or for holding down the fort. It's good for a laugh… MORE
Phone Sex
Phone Sex
Playboy Will Run Previews On Mobile Phones
Playboy TV's latest marketing strategy includes running softcore previews of their realty show 'Double Entry' on cell phones. Users who are unable to download streaming video won't be left out - they'll… MORE
Dating Trends for Singles
Dating Trends for Singles
From Innovative to Bizarre
From Dinner-In-the-Dark Parties to Silent Dating, there are lots of new ways to get to meet that special someone. Along with many new and innovative approaches to dating come some pretty strange concepts… MORE
Teen Sex Trends May Shock You
Teen Sex Trends May Shock You
From phone sex to pornography, kids today are being introduced to the wide world of sex by the media and their peers… and at a much earlier age than parents may think. Studies show that teen sex habits… MORE
Dirty Little Secrets for the World to Enjoy
Wanna get all the juicy secrets and hot gossip from perfect strangers? Then be sure to check out one of the web's latest phenomenons: PostSecret. It's a simple Blog space that posts handmade postcards… MORE
Female Sex Habits of the 21st Century
In the past, women were viewed as objects to be desired by men, but society would never allow them to express any interest in sex, or sexual desire of their own. Today things have changed significantly… MORE