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43 Whisker-Enhancing Developments

From Scented Beard Oils to $100,000 Facial Hair Trimmers

— May 11, 2012 — Fashion
Since the stone ages men of all shapes and sizes have sported varying varieties of face-hiding beards and a collection of whisker-enhancing developments will help the men of today keep their facial hair burly and their masculinity in overdrive.

While there are plenty of gag gifts on the market available to those who have difficulty growing in a thick facial mane, the more seasoned male will opt instead to pursue products that keep their chin coifs exceptionally well groomed.

Razors and clippers are in a constant flux of evolution to create a closer shave for a more perfected patch of hair. Social media has also jumped on board the whisker sporting movement to help the tech-savvy man find inspiration on the facial hair style to sport next, complete with renderings of what the gent would look like with each look.

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Suspended Shavers
Suspended Shavers
The Goodjoy Hooking Razor Can be Hung Anywhere in the Bathroom
Stop Motion Facial Hair Clips
Stop Motion Facial Hair Clips
'Angry Beard' Depicts the Epic Battle Between Stubble and Toiletries
Wooden Whisker Groomers
Wooden Whisker Groomers
Straighten out That Stache with the Offerman Woodshop Mustache Comb
High-Tech Precision Razors
High-Tech Precision Razors
The Remington Touch Control Trimmer Shaves with Accuracy
Record-Breaking Swiss Shaves
Record-Breaking Swiss Shaves
The Gillette World's Biggest Shave Mows Roger Federer's Facial Hair
Facial Hair Restoratives
Facial Hair Restoratives
The Wild Man Beard Conditioner Turns the Scratchy into the Soft
Computer-Powered Stubble Stoppers
Computer-Powered Stubble Stoppers
The USB Micro Shaver is Designed for Guys On-the-Go
Blade Protectors
Blade Protectors
The Razor Holder Will Keep You and Your Razor Safe
Telling Trimming Instructions
Telling Trimming Instructions
The GQ Modern Man's Guide to Beards Provides Direction
Fierce Facial Hair Fragrances
Fierce Facial Hair Fragrances
The Dude No. 1 Beard Oil is a Grizzly Goatee Experience
Sleekly Slim Shavers
Sleekly Slim Shavers
The Gerhardt Kellermann Razor Design is Cutting Edge
Sinuous Shavers
Sinuous Shavers
Ascanio Afan de Rivera Costaguti Revamps Women's Razors
Chin Hair History Charts
Chin Hair History Charts
The Science of Beards Infographic Talks About Male Scruff
Body Grooming Videos
Body Grooming Videos
Gillette Launches Ad With Shaving Tips for the Groin
Shave-Aiding Shower Heads
Shave-Aiding Shower Heads
The Reflect Shower Mirror is a Shower Head Ideal for Shaving
Massive Shaving Murals
Massive Shaving Murals
Gillette Artistically Features The World's Biggest Shave
Phone-Shaped Razors
Phone-Shaped Razors
The Braun Mobile Shaver is Perfect for Guys On the Go
Luxe Auto-Inspired Shavers
Luxe Auto-Inspired Shavers
These Bolin Webb Razors are for Those Who Prefer to Shave With Swag
Lip-Carpet Criteria Lists
Lip-Carpet Criteria Lists
The Bite 'Mustaches and Crime' Chart is a Ranks Rogue Facial Hair
Razors with Rulers
Razors with Rulers
The Trim Slim Ensures Perfect Sideburns
Facial Hair Healers
Facial Hair Healers
The Mustache Bandages Make Being Hurt Fun
Soapbox Shaving Kits
Soapbox Shaving Kits
Chad Kirsebom Designs the Perfect KEEN Facial Hair Removal Set
Phones That Shave
Phones That Shave
The Rong Zun 758 is a Literal Razor Phone
Compact Car Razors
Compact Car Razors
The Sleek Audi Traveling Shaver by Poling Huang
Shaving With Skates, Whiskers & Shears
Shaving With Skates, Whiskers & Shears
Wilkinson Sword Saves You With Home Delivery
Shaving Ads
Shaving Ads
Philips Arcitecs' Hairy Apple
Shave at Your Desk
Shave at Your Desk
Electric USB Razor
Facial Hair Helpers
Facial Hair Helpers
The Moustache Grower's Guide Helps You Choose and Shape Your 'Stache
Flexible Shavers
Flexible Shavers
The Folding Razor is a Sharp Invention
Facial Hair Warnings
Facial Hair Warnings
The Urban Outfitters Guide To Beard Trustworthiness
Eco Gadgets
Eco Gadgets
Wind Up Shavers
Bedazzled Facial Hair
Bedazzled Facial Hair
Brad Pitt Beaded Beard is a Sight to Behold
Sculpted Stache Campaigns
Sculpted Stache Campaigns
Philips Electric Razor Ads Emphasize Skin Around the Mustache
Shaving Mobile Apps
Shaving Mobile Apps
Gillette Launches uArt Application for iPhone
$100,000 Razors
$100,000 Razors
The Zafirro Iridium Razor is the World's Most Expensive Men's Shaver
Minimalist Modern Razors
Minimalist Modern Razors
Penghao Shan's Mobius Shaver Gives a Traditional Design an Artistic Twist
Winning Whiskers
Winning Whiskers
David Traver Wins 2009 World Beard Championship (UPDATE)
Slim Cycle Accessories
Slim Cycle Accessories
The Tioga MT-ZERO Pedal Offers Serious Precision
Digit-Enveloping Razors
Digit-Enveloping Razors
The Ring-Shaver Revolves Around Concentrated Ease and Agility
Full-Torso Facial Hair Extensions
Full-Torso Facial Hair Extensions
The Nipple Hair Mustache is Hot
Badass Beard Competitions
Badass Beard Competitions
Photographer Sheri Manson Shoots Fantastic Facial Hair
Peach Fuzz Zappers
Peach Fuzz Zappers
Sun Maita Threader Kit is a DIY Facial Hair Remover for Ladies
Growing Every Beard Style
Growing Every Beard Style
One Man's Extreme Facial Hair Quest