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38 Ways to Keep Bugs at Bay

From Insect-Ensnaring Decanters to Insect Repellent Perfumes

— July 8, 2012 — Tech
Nothing ruins a peaceful night out like the buzzing of a pest, but there are many ways to keep bugs at bay with these innovations on today's market. While DEET-based sprays remain a popular choice for outdoorsman, its environmental impact has others looking for friendlier alternatives.

Ants, mosquitos, flies and other creepy crawlers are often coming into your homes or invading your picnics looking for a free meal. Keeping your food covered and your garbage cans sealed is one step to avoid nasty infestations. With clever ways to keep bugs at bay like mosquito warding radios and insect repelling perfumes, it's possible to enjoy the great outdoors without worrying about the itchy aftermath.

Unfortunately there are people more prone to getting bites due to their physical characteristics. For example, blondes attract more mosquitos than brunettes -- it's a price you pay to have more fun no?
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Tech Plant Eaters
Tech Plant Eaters
Mohsen Shahinpoor's Flytrap Robot Can Mimic Muscle Function
Sleek Uzi-Repellant Menswear (UPDATE)
Sleek Uzi-Repellant Menswear (UPDATE)
The Miguel Caballero Polo Shirt Blocks Sweat and Bullets
Luxury Leather Fly-Smashers
Luxury Leather Fly-Smashers
The No. 1 Alligator Flyswatter is Made of Alligator Leather
Anti-Insect Applications
Anti-Insect Applications
Enjoy a Mosquito-Free Summer Courtesy of this Smartphone App
Insect Warding Receivers
Insect Warding Receivers
The Go Outside Mosquito Repellent Radio Keeps Bugs at Bay
Bug-Be-Gone Garments
Bug-Be-Gone Garments
Nanolabel Anti-Mosquito Technology Turns Clothing into Insect Repellant
Insect Repellent Perfumes
Insect Repellent Perfumes
Outscent by Jao Lets You Smell Good and Keeps the Bugs Away
Geeky FlySwatters
Geeky FlySwatters
Delete Button For Windows or Macs
Insect Repelling Clothes
Insect Repelling Clothes
Buzz Off
Pesky Pest Graphs
Pesky Pest Graphs
The ‘Are You A Mosquito Magnet?’ Infograph is Anything But Repellant
Designer Bug Zappers
Designer Bug Zappers
The INADAYS InaTrap Electronic Insect Killer Will Rid You of Pests
Cutting-Edge Bug Zappers
Cutting-Edge Bug Zappers
Eco-Magnet Rids the Air of Insects and Potential Illness
Spider Web Fly Swatters
Spider Web Fly Swatters
Webbed Swatter Guarantees Flyless Living
Bug Repelling Brain Protectors
Bug Repelling Brain Protectors
Ear Guards Keep Your Ears and Cranium Insect Free
Bug Bite Gadgets
Bug Bite Gadgets
Heated Itch Relief Soothes Scratchiness Electronically
Pest Repellent USBs
Pest Repellent USBs
This Ultrasonic Repellent Keeps Mosquitoes at Bay
Insect-Repelling Genie Lamps
Insect-Repelling Genie Lamps
The Aladdin Magic Vaporizer Creates a Bug-Free Environment
Grow Your Own Venus Fly Trap
Grow Your Own Venus Fly Trap
Birth Control For Insects
Birth Control For Insects
Controlling Creepy Crawlers
Flyswatter Timepieces
Flyswatter Timepieces
The Urban Outfitters 'Time Flies' Clock is a Fly on the Wall
Ornamental Eco Wasp Traps
Ornamental Eco Wasp Traps
Stylish with no Pesticide
Stinky Sock Oil Lamps
Stinky Sock Oil Lamps
Designs for the ‘Malaria Must Go' Project to Fend of Mosquitos
Bug Suction Devices
Bug Suction Devices
The Mosquito Bug Vacuum Takes Care of Pests
-40 C Bug Freezing Spray (Chemical Free)
-40 C Bug Freezing Spray (Chemical Free)
Pyromaniac Insect Killers
Pyromaniac Insect Killers
The Fiery Mosquito Catcher by Johannes Vogl
Fly-Eating Robots
Fly-Eating Robots
Carniverous Clock Helps Solve Pest Problems
Ant-Free Picnic Platters
Ant-Free Picnic Platters
The FERN Contemporary Dishes Platform is for Meal-Sharing Amongst People
High-Frequency Mobile App Marketing
High-Frequency Mobile App Marketing
Fanta ‘Stealth Sound System' Targets Teens'
High-Tech Insect Swatters
High-Tech Insect Swatters
The Photonic Fence Kills Mosquitoes with a Laser
Solar-Powered Insect Lures
Solar-Powered Insect Lures
'Sundew Flower Trap' Attracts Insects to Carnivorous Plants
Fashionable Flyswatters
Fashionable Flyswatters
Dr. Skud Swatter by Philippe Starck
Anti-Odor Garbage
Anti-Odor Garbage
Minus by Cem Tutuncuoglu Removes the Stink from your Bin
Mosquito Curtains
Mosquito Curtains
Removable Screens For Your Porch
Insect-Ensnaring Decanters
Insect-Ensnaring Decanters
This Glass Fruit Fly Trap Beguiles Bugs into a Classy Carafe
Jarred Juice Lids
Jarred Juice Lids
The Cuppow Mason Jar Sippin' Lids are Country-Inspired
Sterilizing Food Containers
Sterilizing Food Containers
The BeFresh Fruit Storage Kills Bacteria and Keeps Produce Fresh
Comfy Canopy-Covered Camping
Comfy Canopy-Covered Camping
Sleep Off the Ground Without Bug Bites in the Netted Cocoon Hammock
Self-Watering Planters
Self-Watering Planters
iGrow by Psychic Factory is a Pot That Absorbs Water on Its Own