Trendopoly — April 23, 2007 — Unique
References: iwantoneofthose
Got a green thumb? Then you'll want to get ahold of the Grow Your Own Venus Fly Trap. This is the stuff old horror movies were made of and here you can have one of these carnivorous plants right in your own home! The Venus Fly Trap is a native of South Carolina, USA. It lures, captures and consumes real live flies! Might want to watch those fingers!
Implications - The Grow Your Own Venus Fly Trap kit comes with a planting pot, seeds, a compost pellet and a manual all about how to raise your seed into a fly-eating beast. Venus Fly Traps can be difficult to grow because they often thrive in mossy marshes.
Implications - The Grow Your Own Venus Fly Trap kit comes with a planting pot, seeds, a compost pellet and a manual all about how to raise your seed into a fly-eating beast. Venus Fly Traps can be difficult to grow because they often thrive in mossy marshes.
Trend Themes
1. Indoor Gardening - The trend of indoor gardening is growing as consumers desire plants to add greenery to their homes and improve air quality. Businesses can develop products and services to support indoor gardening.
2. Carnivorous Plants - Carnivorous plants such as the Venus Fly Trap are becoming popular due to their unique characteristics and ability to consume pests. Companies can explore opportunities to develop new carnivorous plant products or incorporate them into existing pest control services.
3. DIY Kits - Consumers are interested in do-it-yourself kits for a range of products, including plants. Companies can develop DIY kits to appeal to this market segment and provide easy-to-use solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Home and Garden - The Home and Garden industry can capitalize on the trend of indoor gardening and offer a range of products and related services.
2. Pest Control - The Pest Control industry can explore opportunities to incorporate carnivorous plants like the Venus Fly Trap into their existing services as an alternative solution to traditional pest control methods.
3. Education and Hobby - The Education and Hobby industry can develop educational materials and kits related to indoor gardening and carnivorous plants to appeal to consumers interested in these topics.