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35 Innovative Veggies

From Vegetable Bikinis to Carrot Clarinets

— July 14, 2009 — Lifestyle
With all the hype around bacon and meat, I thought it would even out the field and put the spotlight on vegetables.

This cluster includes everything from edible tableware in the shape of lettuce, to rejected vegetable auctions.

Add some good health and check out this cluster to see how you can balance out your diet!

Implications - Vegetables might be the key to a healthy diet, but this nifty gathering of vegetable-inspired innovations is proof that their appeal can go well beyond the edible. From advertising, to vending machines, beverages and artwork, the nifty veggie ideas in this tasty collection show just how versatile these healthy staples can be.
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Broccoli Flutes
Broccoli Flutes
Man Plays 'Angels We Have Heard of High' Using Real Veggies
Rejected Vegetable Auctions
Rejected Vegetable Auctions
Pre-Cooked Brussels Sprouts On eBay
Vegetable Vodka
Vegetable Vodka
Square One Cucumber Flavor
Joke Facebook Group Takes Off
Joke Facebook Group Takes Off
Panic Buying Carrots
Texting Veggies
Texting Veggies
Microchipped Plants Notify Farmers of Thirst Via Cell Phone
How to Grow Your Own Luffa
How to Grow Your Own Luffa
Sea Cucumbers in Your Home
Cucumber Water
Cucumber Water
For Beauty, Health and Flavour
Space Produce
Space Produce
Mega Veggies Could End World Hunger
Carrot Clarinets
Carrot Clarinets
Vegetable Instruments for DIY Eco-Friendly Music-Making
Vegetable Lights
Vegetable Lights
Triple Cabbage by Anon Pairot
Growing Fresh Veggies In Space
Growing Fresh Veggies In Space
AeroGrow On NASA Shuttle
Vegetable Orchestra
Vegetable Orchestra
Music From Vegetable Instruments or Modern Art?
Veggie Flavoured Vodka
Veggie Flavoured Vodka
'Three Olive' Tomato Vodka
Vegetable Vending Machines
Vegetable Vending Machines
For Vegans On The Go
Promoting Deformed Produce
Promoting Deformed Produce
EU Embraces Wonky Veggies
Novelty Vegetables
Novelty Vegetables
Heart Shaped Cucumber Kits
Retrofitted Green Roofs
Retrofitted Green Roofs
'The Flat' Condo in LA Gets Rooftop Vegetable Garden
Yogurt with Fruits and Vegetables
Yogurt with Fruits and Vegetables
Veggie Flavored Soda
Veggie Flavored Soda
Pepsi Ice Cucumber
Vegetable-Based Religious Festivals
Vegetable-Based Religious Festivals
'Night Of The Radishes' Carvings in Mexico
Vegetable Organs
Vegetable Organs
Kyle Bean Designs an In-Your-Face ‘You Are What You Eat' Sentiment
Ice Cucumber Soda
Ice Cucumber Soda
Pepsi's Veggie Pop Gets Big in Japan
Subliminal Food Packaging
Subliminal Food Packaging
Smiling Faces Hidden in Broccoli Florets
Vegetables As Appliances
Vegetables As Appliances
Antoine Lebrun's Aion Kitchen
Blending Animals and Vegetables
Blending Animals and Vegetables
The 'Anivegetales' Could Help Kids Eat Their Greens
Getting Naughty With Vegetables
Getting Naughty With Vegetables
PETA's Pro-Vegetarian Commercial Banned from Super Bowl
Monstrous Edibles
Monstrous Edibles
Alien-Like Fruits and Vegetables
Recreating Famous Art With Food
Recreating Famous Art With Food
Vegetable Masterpieces by Ju Duoqi
Vegetable Bikinis
Vegetable Bikinis
PETA's 'Lettuce Ladies' Promote Vegetarianism (UPDATE)
Mutant Veggie Ad
Mutant Veggie Ad
Green Peace Uses Shock Factor
Giant Urban Carrots
Giant Urban Carrots
Farmer's Market Campaign
Carved Vegetable Bikinis
Carved Vegetable Bikinis
The 'Big Is In' Campaign by Magimix
Edible Tableware
Edible Tableware
Playing With Your Food is OK With These Beautiful Fruit and Vegetable Bowls
Evil Vegetable Body Art
Evil Vegetable Body Art
10 Killer Pumpkin Tattoos