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37 Unconventional Super Bowl Snacks

From Doughnut Hamburgers to Recession Pizza

— February 6, 2011 — Lifestyle
With the big game only days away it's time to start preparing your snack inventory because lets face it, the Super Bowl isn't all that good without 5 pounds of suicide wings. Now you probably have the conventional stuff lined up--burgers, pizza, chips--but I give you these 37 Unconventional Super Bowl Snacks as alternatives to the usual, just in case you're feeling a bit adventurous.

Implications - With the continuous rise of the fast food industry, speedy, simple food choices are dominating the culinary world and the options for something different are decreasing. Fast food companies looking to keep up with the massive amounts of surrounding competition are introducing unconventional twists on those uniform and mass-produced items.
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Sport-Themed Wieners
Sport-Themed Wieners
The Football Sausage is Great for the Hungry Pigskin Fan
Recession Pizza
Recession Pizza
The 'Leggera' from Pizza Express is a Deceivingly Expensive Meal
Mexi-Jewish Food Combos
Mexi-Jewish Food Combos
Nachos and Latkes Come Together to Create Latkchos
Delicious Extreme Makeovers
Delicious Extreme Makeovers Changes the Way We See Fast Food
State-Branded Burgers
State-Branded Burgers
McDonald's Japan Unveils Some State-Specific Tasty Treats
Jesus-Endorsed Burgers
Jesus-Endorsed Burgers
Christ the Redeemer's Favorite Fast Food is the Big Bob Burger
Celebrity Junkfood
Celebrity Junkfood
Tim McGraw Corn Chips
Goldleaf Burgers
Goldleaf Burgers
$175 Wallstreet Kobe Burger
Bacon Topped Veggie Burgers
Bacon Topped Veggie Burgers
Odd Secret Fast Food Menu Discoveries
Seven-Patty Burgers
Seven-Patty Burgers
Japanese Burger King Offers Gigantic Windows 7 Whoppers
Burger King Potato Snacks
Burger King Potato Snacks
Fries In Your Cupboard
Fast Food Fusion
Fast Food Fusion
McDonald's Replaces Buns With Tortillas for the Mac Snack Wrap
Political Junk Food
Political Junk Food
Obama Fingers Are Curry Flavored Chicken Strips in Germany
Free Hot Dogs
Free Hot Dogs
Oscar Mayer Gives Away $1 Million in Wieners to Celebrate Taste Test Victory
Frog Leg Pizza
Frog Leg Pizza
The Controversial ‘Hopper' Pie
Football-Flavored Soda
Football-Flavored Soda
NFL Inpires Jones
Cone Crusts
Cone Crusts
Gum-Flavored Hot Dogs
Gum-Flavored Hot Dogs
Bubble Gum Cocktail Wienies Are Gross Gag Gifts
Doughnut Chips
Doughnut Chips
Homer Simpson's Dream Fries Are Deep-Fried 'Psycho Donuts'
Snack Food Stadiums
Snack Food Stadiums
24,000-Calorie Tribute to the Super Bowl
Microwave Potato Chips
Microwave Potato Chips
The Chip Maker For DIY Low-Fat Mouthwatering Snacks
Meat Flavored Potato Chips
Meat Flavored Potato Chips
Deep-Fried Snacks Vegetarians Will Scowl At
$3700 Pizza
$3700 Pizza
The Pizza Royale 007
Fast Food Confections
Fast Food Confections
Cupcakes and Smoothies Now at Taco Bell
Patriotic Pizza
Patriotic Pizza
Bizarre Stars & Stripes Tributes
Asianizing Potato Chips
Asianizing Potato Chips
Cool Packaging at Japanese Design Show
Vending Machine Burgers
Vending Machine Burgers
Tateishi Burger Has Patrons Order Burgers via Machine
Luxury Junk Food
Luxury Junk Food
Caviar Burgers at Serendipity3
Pizza Vending Machines
Pizza Vending Machines
The Wonderpizza of Italy Kiosk
Eco-Friendly Fast Food
Eco-Friendly Fast Food
McDonald's Opens LEED-Certified Restaurant in Chicago
Donut Hamburgers
Donut Hamburgers
The Luther Burger
Heart Attack Hamburgers
Heart Attack Hamburgers
Food Network Magazine's Top 50 Burgers Are to Die For
185-Pound Burgers
185-Pound Burgers
World's Largest Hamburger is Gluttony Incarnate
Luxury Hot Dogs
Luxury Hot Dogs
Miami's Franktitude Restaurant
Canned Cheeseburger
Canned Cheeseburger
Junk Food With 12 Month Shelf Life
Science Of Bad Pizza Toppings
Science Of Bad Pizza Toppings
The Onion Research Project
Designer Fast Food
Designer Fast Food
Mcdonald's is McFancy With Hermes Fries