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59 Bizarre Virus & Bacteria Innovations

From Swine Flu iPhone Apps to Computer Virus Paintings

— June 21, 2009 — Science
The swine flu outbreak has revolutionized the way we publicize (and sensationalize) viruses and bacteria. From the mania we experienced over H1N1 to panic over an impending computer virus, sometimes viruses get a bit too much press for the public's good.

Other times, however, the exact opposite is true, and diseases and viruses exist that deserve more attention than they do. Powerful PSAs and shockvertising campaigns aim to arrest the viewer's attention and raise awareness. Imagine the panic that would have ensued had some of these PSAs been about swine flu!
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Vaccinations Via Smoothie
Vaccinations Via Smoothie
Probiotic Offerings Promise Tasty Protection Against Disease
Engineered Disease Fighting
Engineered Disease Fighting
Using Lazy Bacteria To Fight Human Viruses
Virus Gullibility
Virus Gullibility
If Conficker Worm is Not An April Fool's Hoax, 15 Million PCs Could be Inf
Virus Tracking Technology
Virus Tracking Technology
Japanese Mobiles Single Out Swine Flu Victims
Laptop Forcefields
Laptop Forcefields
Hi Volt Antivirus
Nano Tech Advance
Nano Tech Advance
Viruses Up Close And Personal
New Material Could Provide Alternative Heart Disease Treatment
New Material Could Provide Alternative Heart Disease Treatment
Heart Assist Webbing
Electronic Noses
Electronic Noses
Medical Noses to Sniff the Scent of Disease
Social Mega Viruses
Social Mega Viruses
Koobface Target Facebook Users (Lurk Cautiously)
Fun With Viruses
Fun With Viruses
The Internet Explorer Worm Coming To a Computer Near You
Disease-Resistant Grapes
Disease-Resistant Grapes
New Strain of 'Delicious' Grapes Developed in Florida
Overzealous PSAs
Overzealous PSAs
1979 Swine Flu PSA Evokes Laughter Instead of Fear
Outbreak Monitors
Outbreak Monitors
Google Maps That Show Swine Flu Outbreak
Pills That Prevent Heart Disease
Pills That Prevent Heart Disease
5-in-1 Polypill Could Also Prevent Stroke
Scientific Threesome
Scientific Threesome
3 Parent Embryo Could Cure Genetic Diseases
Cinematic Shockvertising
Cinematic Shockvertising
Motor Neurone Disease Association Ad Is Like a Horror Movie
Sickness-Fighting Sleeves
Sickness-Fighting Sleeves
Inventive Moms Prevent the Spread of Bacteria With the Germy Worm
Spectator Banning
Spectator Banning
Swine Flu Exiles Fans from Pro Soccer in Mexico
Antibiotics from Excrement
Antibiotics from Excrement
Muskrat Feces Contains Bacteria Killer and Insecticide
6 Scary Modern Diseases
6 Scary Modern Diseases
World Health Organization Warns of These 6
Virus-Fighting Garments
Virus-Fighting Garments
The Anti-Bacterial Dress Prevents Cold and Flu
Morbid Statement Jewelry
Morbid Statement Jewelry
AIDS Virus Ring
Bacteria Uses Vitamins To Generate Electricity
Bacteria Uses Vitamins To Generate Electricity
Vitamin B2 Found To Be The Key
Global Warming Increases Flesh Eating Disease
Global Warming Increases Flesh Eating Disease
Pandemic Apps
Pandemic Apps
IntuApps Swine Flu Tracker Helps You Avoid Areas of H1N1 Outbreak
Viral Virus Scares
Viral Virus Scares
Conficker Computer Worm Expected to Wreak Havoc on April 1
Coronary Karma
Coronary Karma
Deer Hunting Linked With Heart Disease
Condoms For USBs
Condoms For USBs
Electronic Rubber To Keep Viruses From Screwing Your PC
Canned Needles
Canned Needles
"Antivirus" Syringe Dispenser
Infect Your PC
Infect Your PC
Hundreds Click on Hoax Google Adsense Virus
Viruses Engineered to Make Batteries
Viruses Engineered to Make Batteries
Video-Game Skin Conditions
Video-Game Skin Conditions
Freaky Diseases From Boycotting The Outdoors
Study: Chocolate Cravings Caused By Gut Bacteria?
Study: Chocolate Cravings Caused By Gut Bacteria?
Plant-Based Diets
Plant-Based Diets
Chronic Diseases Reversed, Obesity Ended Per ‘The China Study'
Disease Detection by Breath
Disease Detection by Breath
Laser Analysis Finds Cancer, Diabetes, Asthma & More
16 Year Old Produces Electricity from Magnetic Bacteria
16 Year Old Produces Electricity from Magnetic Bacteria
Astonishing Flu Carriers
Astonishing Flu Carriers
10 Animals That Carry Illness, From Swine Flu to Whale Flu
Inventing a Disease to Sell Drugs
Inventing a Disease to Sell Drugs
The Thin Pill
Disturbing Illness Awareness
Disturbing Illness Awareness
Sarah's Story for Motor Neurone Disease Campaign
Premium Probiotic Frozen Treats
Premium Probiotic Frozen Treats
Pierre's Yovation is Packed with Hardy Beneficial Bacteria
Fashionable Germ Guards
Fashionable Germ Guards
Handmade Fashionable Swine Flu Masks
Swine Flu Conspiracies
Swine Flu Conspiracies
H1N1 Accused of Being Developed in a Laboratory
Glow-in-the-Dark Puppies
Glow-in-the-Dark Puppies
Transgenic Dog Helps Researchers Understand Disease
Bacteria Detectors
Bacteria Detectors
Never Eat Rotton Meat Again
Stylish Epidemics
Stylish Epidemics
Creative Swine Flu Fashion Spreads Rapidly on the Web
Computer Virus Paintings
Computer Virus Paintings
The Unexpected Beauty Of Malwarez
Artistic Gravity Computer Virus
Artistic Gravity Computer Virus
Newton Virus
Opportunistic Swine Flu Gear
Opportunistic Swine Flu Gear
The USB Surgical Mask Fends Off H1N1 Influenza, Wastes Energy
Powerful Alzheimer's Ads
Powerful Alzheimer's Ads
Saatchi & Saatchi Exposes Tragedy of the Disease
Human Pig Masks
Human Pig Masks
David Castillo Knits Swine Flu Masques, And You Can Too
Water Virus Filters
Water Virus Filters
The Portable LifeSaver Systems Cleans Out Bacteria
Disease-Detecting Cell Phones
Disease-Detecting Cell Phones
Scientist's Hack Analyzes Blood and Scans Cells
UV Cutting Boards
UV Cutting Boards
Alkeo's Ultraviolet Light Kills Bacteria Immediately
Health Masquerades
Health Masquerades
Designer Swine Flu Masks by CheapChampagne
H1N1 Fashion
H1N1 Fashion
Cheeky Clothing Adds Humor to Fear of Swine Flu Symptoms
Bacteria Toys
Bacteria Toys
Plush Microbes Teach Kids About Disease
Celebrity Infections
Celebrity Infections
Paris Hilton Spreads Dangerous Virus to Thousands
Drawing with Bacteria
Drawing with Bacteria
Art on Agar
Superfluous Virus Prevention
Superfluous Virus Prevention
Macabre Surgical Masks to Fend Off H1N1, aka Swine Flu