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36 Reinvented Sushi Dishes

From Sushi Corn Dogs to Tex-Mex Sushi Rolls

— June 25, 2015 — Lifestyle
Sushi dishes are a delightful hand-crafted meal that is visually pleasing and satisfies seafood cravings. However, these sushi dishes can stray from the traditional Asian style and take on an even more creative presentation.

A fun way to re-invent sushi is by combining it with another dish such as the pasta-sushi hybrid meals or the sushi burrito hybrids. Other sushi ideas take the idea of sushi and swap out the ingredients to make tasty dessert sushi or healthy banana sushi. If these dishes aren't bold enough there is also insect-infused sushi for the ultimate foodie to try something new.

Sushi is a great shareable meal and it is a very versatile dish that can be altered and changed to suit any culinary desire. These meals are certainly anything but traditional and they are ultimately satisfying for the adventurous eaters!
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Raw Fish Burgers
Raw Fish Burgers
Sushiro's 'Saba Burger' is Made with a Slice of Uncooked Mackerel
Healthy Homemade Sushi
Healthy Homemade Sushi
Iamafoodblog's Avocado Chicken Broccoli Summer Rolls are Light and Fresh
Expensive Sushi Lunches
Expensive Sushi Lunches
Sushi Jiro's Artisanal Seafood Snacks Are Priced at $366 Per Set
Fried Spam Sushi
Fried Spam Sushi
This Egg and Spam Musubi Turns the Hawaiian Food Fare Into a Crispy Meal
Shareable Restaurant Meals
Shareable Restaurant Meals
P.F. Chang's Small Plate Menu Items are Meant to be Split with Others
Sugary Dessert Sushis
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Sushi Gets a Sweet Aesthetic Makeover With Cookie Dough and Ice Cream
Crispy Waffled Sushi
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This Waffle Iron Sushi Contains Rice With Optimal Crispiness Levels
Salmon Sushi Sliders
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The Vulgar Chef's Sushi Themed Sandwich is Inspired by the Philadelphia Roll
Invasive Species Sushi
Invasive Species Sushi
Miya's Sushi Uses Invasive Plant and Animals for Its Fish Sushi
Spicy Sushi Burritos
Spicy Sushi Burritos
The Low-Key Poke Joint Offers These Epic Hot Cheeto-Rolled Sushi Wraps
Chocolate-Covered Sushi Specialities
Chocolate-Covered Sushi Specialities
These Nutella Sushi Rolls Blend the Best of Both Worlds
Healthy Banana Sushi
Healthy Banana Sushi
This Healthy Sushi Recipe from Fit Foodie Finds is Simple and Sweet
Sushi-Stuffed Croissants
Sushi-Stuffed Croissants
Mr. Holmes Bakehouse Offers Morning Treats Inspired by Seafood
Peculiar Poutine Sushi
Peculiar Poutine Sushi
The Vulgar Chef Comically Creates this Japanese-Canadian Food Fusion
Tex-Mex Sushi Rolls
Tex-Mex Sushi Rolls
This Epic Meal Time Recipe Fuses Japanese & Mexican Cuisine
Iconic Salad Sushi
Iconic Salad Sushi
Planet Sushi Created a Maki Roll in Honor of Caesar Salads
Insect-Infused Sushi
Insect-Infused Sushi
Peter Yung Sells Insect Sushi that is Unrecognizably Buggy
Tomato-Based Sushi
Tomato-Based Sushi
At fresh&co, Roma Tomatoes are Used as an Alternative to Fish in Veggie Sushi
Sushi Burrito Hybrids
Sushi Burrito Hybrids
Sushito is the Brain Child of Unami Sushi & Asian Grill Owner
Sushi Cone Snacks
Sushi Cone Snacks
'Rolltation' Now Offers Sushi in a Cone
Edible Sushi Canvasses
Edible Sushi Canvasses
Artist Takayo Kiyota's Sushi Roll Art is Beautiful and Edible
Chocolate Wafer Sushi
Chocolate Wafer Sushi
The Japanese Kit Kat Shop Will Be Selling Asian-Inspired Chocolate Bar Sushi
Scrumptious Sushi Burritos
Scrumptious Sushi Burritos
The Geisha’s Kiss Sushi Burrito Combines Both Asian and Mexican Flavors
Thanksgiving Sushi Rolls
Thanksgiving Sushi Rolls
This Untraditional Sushi Recipe is Filled with Thanksgiving Foods
Ramen Sushi Rolls
Ramen Sushi Rolls
This Sushi Cleverly Substitutes White Rice for Instant Noodles
Pasta-Sushi Hybrids
Pasta-Sushi Hybrids
This Unique Dish Blends Italian and Japanese Cuisine
Gold-Plated Sushi Rolls
Gold-Plated Sushi Rolls
Shinjuku Isetan Offers a Sushi Roll Wrapped in Edible Gold Leaf
Sushi Corn Dogs
Sushi Corn Dogs
Culinary Bro Down Creates a Greasy Take on Spicy Tuna Rolls
Hybrid Sushi Shops
Hybrid Sushi Shops
Toronto's 'SŪ&BŪ' Serves Up Japanese Delicacies with a Mexican Twist
Artistic Sushi Shops
Artistic Sushi Shops
Toronto's 'Square Fish' Serves Up Colorful Mosaic-Style Sushi Dishes
Sushi-Inspired Burger Rolls
Sushi-Inspired Burger Rolls
The Vulgar Chef Turned His McDonalds Big Mac Into Burger Sushi Rolls
Sushi Burrito Food Trucks
Sushi Burrito Food Trucks
The Sushiburri Truck in Toronto Serves Japanese-Mexican Fusion Cuisine
Flat-Pack Sushi Containers
Flat-Pack Sushi Containers
'Sushecō' Recently Developed a More Eco-Friendly Kind of Sushi Tray
Cartoon Sushi Creations
Cartoon Sushi Creations
These Bento Boxes are Filled with Adorable Edible Cartoon Characters
Fusion Dessert Sushi Rolls
Fusion Dessert Sushi Rolls
These Waffle Breakfast Sushi Rolls Don't Need Soy Sauce
Sushi-Inspired Vegetarian Snacks
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