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44 Statement Rings

from Mangagement Rings to Face Contour Rings

— November 25, 2009 — Lifestyle
Statement rings are more in demand than ever, largely due to the glamorization of lavish weddings in the media and exuberant celebrity engagement rocks. To have your digits stand out now takes more than ever, and as this slideshow demonstrates, statement rings aren't just reserved for over-the top weddings -- people are sporting everything from mangagement rings to finger jewels that celebrate the demise of a relationship. Check out some of the most unique statement rings featured on Trend Hunter!
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Face Contoured Rings
Face Contoured Rings
Your Profile on Your Lover's Hand
Political Bling
Political Bling
7 Rings for Sparkling Candidate Support
Trophy Ring
Trophy Ring
Knotch Up Your Score With This Anti-Engagement Ring
Signature Rings
Signature Rings
Celebrity Autographs Immortalized In Silver for Stealth Fans
Metaphorical Mood Rings
Metaphorical Mood Rings
Li Jianye Designs Relationship-Rescuing Jewelry
Secret Garden Rings
Secret Garden Rings
'The Turtle in the Garden' Jewelry by MrsDazo Will Poke Your Eye Out
Mansion Rings
Mansion Rings
Tournaire's Dream Home Rings are Glam Building Replicas
Wedding Ring Lighting
Wedding Ring Lighting
D. B. Kim and Swarovski's Pretty Lights Unity Ring Pendant
Cactus Rings
Cactus Rings
Prickly Jewelry by Barbara Uderzo
Faux Watch Rings
Faux Watch Rings
Timepiece Look-a-Like Jewelry By Denise Julia Reytan
Man-Gagement Rings
Man-Gagement Rings
Men Start to Require a “Ring on It” to Seal the Deal
15K Basketball Bling
15K Basketball Bling
The Lakers Championship Rings are Huge
Luxury Toy Jewelry
Luxury Toy Jewelry
Swarovski Teams LEGO for Plastic Brick and Crystal Rings (UPDATE)
Unwedding Rings
Unwedding Rings
Stop Asking the Question!
Irrational Exhuberance In Rings
Irrational Exhuberance In Rings
Losselliani One-of Designs
Band-Aid Engagement Rings
Band-Aid Engagement Rings
Declaring Your Love (for First Aid) With Romantic Bandages
Macho-Man Rings
Macho-Man Rings
Super Bowl Rings Are Every Man's Fashion Dream
Japanese Icons Go Bling
Japanese Icons Go Bling
The $4250 Hello Kitty Diamond Ring
Show-Stopping Finger Jewels
Show-Stopping Finger Jewels
Oversized Statement Rings by Bia Vasconcellos
Fingerprint Wedding Rings
Fingerprint Wedding Rings
Fake Diamond Ring Mugs
Fake Diamond Ring Mugs
The 2-Carat Cup
Rainbow Eternity Bands
Rainbow Eternity Bands
Baguettes Make These Rings Appeal to Non-Wives Too
Binary Wedding Rings
Binary Wedding Rings
Cuz You're a Nerd
Fingerprint Wedding Bands
Fingerprint Wedding Bands
Camille Hempel Rings
Lotus Rings
Lotus Rings
Nature Inspired Jewelry and Silver Accessories by Eva DeCarlo
Fingertip Gardens
Fingertip Gardens
Living Rings by AudreyLaine Are Made With Scrap Copper
Edible Jewelry
Edible Jewelry
Dried Fruit Rings Are Nutritious and Fashionable
Seductive Serpent Jewelry
Seductive Serpent Jewelry
Slither Into These Sparkling Snake Rings & Necklaces
Relationship Status Rings
Relationship Status Rings
Constellation Jewellery
Unusual Wedding Bands
Unusual Wedding Bands
Contorted Rings
Accessories Shaped by Sound
Accessories Shaped by Sound
Personalized Audio Waveform Rings
Electric Engagement Rings
Electric Engagement Rings
Plug and Socket Duo Rings are Most Obvious Metaphor Ever
Seacreature Jewelry
Seacreature Jewelry
Amazing Silver Octopus Rings by Antonio Palladino
Tiny Putting Green Jewelry
Tiny Putting Green Jewelry
Faux Moss Rings by ‘Adorn Jewelry'
Mechanical Diamond Rings
Mechanical Diamond Rings
Engagement Ring With Hidden Diamond by John Weldon
Alcoholic Adornments
Alcoholic Adornments
Piaget Gives Flavor to Jewelry With Cocktail Rings
Wedding Bands for Gearheads
Wedding Bands for Gearheads
The Nuts and Bolts of Love
Living Jewelry
Living Jewelry
Bonsai Rings by Julia Goland
Engagement Rings for Men
Engagement Rings for Men
H. Samuel Tioro Ring Lets Ladies Pop the Question for a Change
USB Engagement Ring
USB Engagement Ring
Swarovski Flash Drive
Statement Rings
Statement Rings
Angelina Jolie's Green Oscar Ring Still Has Jewelery Mavens Mesmerized
Diamond Defender
Diamond Defender
Killer Engagement Ring
Fingerprint Wedding Bands
Fingerprint Wedding Bands
Ultra Personalized Rings by Brent and Jessica Williams
Wedding Ring Tattoos
Wedding Ring Tattoos
From Hitch Date Digits to Inked “I Do” Finger Scribbles