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44 Star Wars Inspirations

From Star Wars Burlesque to Star Wars Baking

— February 19, 2010 — Unique
The force is strong with these Star Wars inspirations. Even Yoda himself would be pleased with this collection of Trend Hunter's finest features on all things Star Wars.

Flick through the gallery to get a glimpse at everything from Jedi religion to Star Wars LEGO Olympics.

Being a Star Wars fan isn't a hobby, it's a lifestyle.

Implications - The cult-like status of Star Wars fans has led many to create some of the most outrageous products dedicated to the movie. The sci-fi flick was ahead of its time that introduced new ideas and has been an integral part of many people's childhoods. Whether it's shoes, furniture or even religion, businesses have always found ways to capitalize on George Lucas' success. Nostalgia is an effective selling point that can make anything profitable.
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Futuristic Historical Art
Futuristic Historical Art
Last Star Wars Supper
Star Wars TV Series
Star Wars TV Series
The Clone Wars
Star Wars USB
Star Wars USB
Geeky Gizmos Have Fun Extras
Golf In Space
Golf In Space
Star Wars-Inspired Golf Gear
Urban Star Wars Invasions
Urban Star Wars Invasions
'Death Star' Over San Francisco
Jedi Religion
Jedi Religion
Star Wars Inspired Spirituality
Iconic Movies as Educational Tools
Iconic Movies as Educational Tools
Tweedlebop's ‘Star Wars ABC'
Movie-Themed Matrioshkas
Movie-Themed Matrioshkas
‘Star Wars' Nesting Dolls
Star Wars Tribute Sculptures
Star Wars Tribute Sculptures
George Lucas in Carbon
Virtual Reality Light Sabers
Virtual Reality Light Sabers
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Steampunked Star Wars
Steampunked Star Wars
SillOf's Workshop
Geeky Political Tributes
Geeky Political Tributes
Star Wars Presidential Election Posters
Cross-Cultural Toys
Cross-Cultural Toys
‘Star Wars' Kokeshi by Temple7e
Star Wars Art
Star Wars Art
The Vader Project Brings Underground Artists to Star Wars
Star Wars-Inspired Lighting
Star Wars-Inspired Lighting
The At-At Walker Lamp by Lifegoods
Star Wars Lego Olympics
Star Wars Lego Olympics
The Imperial Sportstroopers
Star Wars Kitchen Gadgets
Star Wars Kitchen Gadgets
R2-D2 Peppermill
Star Wars Disney Characters
Star Wars Disney Characters
The Phantom Mickey
$18,000 Star Wars Statues
$18,000 Star Wars Statues
Bronze Darth Vader
Mini Star Wars Fridges
Mini Star Wars Fridges
R2D2 Cooler
‘Star Wars' Editorials
‘Star Wars' Editorials
Dejan Miholjcic's Hot Photo Set is a Geek's Dream
Cyburban Stormtroopers
Cyburban Stormtroopers
‘Star Wars' in Paris by Delsaux
Star Wars Origami
Star Wars Origami
Sporting Goods for Geeks
Sporting Goods for Geeks
Star Wars Bowling Balls
Empire Fighting Kicks
Empire Fighting Kicks
The Star Wars Sneakers are Finally Revealed
Nerdy Holiday Decor
Nerdy Holiday Decor
Star Wars Christmas Ornaments
Treats for Geeks
Treats for Geeks
Star Wars Millennium Falcon Cakes
Celebrity Star Wars
Celebrity Star Wars
Victoria and David Beckham as Princess Leia and Luke
Star Wars For Posterity
Star Wars For Posterity
Intergalactic Photoshopping Puts Characters In Famous Paintings
Star Wars Graffiti
Star Wars Graffiti
Street Art From a Gallery Far, Far Away
Star Wars Kitchen Appliances
Star Wars Kitchen Appliances
The Darth Vader Toaster
Pet Costumes
Pet Costumes
Star Wars Dog Costume
Star Wars Baking
Star Wars Baking
Giant Yoda Birthday Cake
Star Wars Papercrafts
Star Wars Papercrafts
Giant C-3PO Model is Intricate and Intense
The Force-Inspired Footwear
The Force-Inspired Footwear
The Adidas Star Wars 2010 Campaign Embodies Classic Characters (UPDATE
DIY Geeky Nativity Scenes
DIY Geeky Nativity Scenes
Star Wars and Lego Christmas Imagery
'Star Wars' Sneakers
'Star Wars' Sneakers
From Darth Vader Boots to Adidas 'Star Wars' Pack
Wearable Papercrafts
Wearable Papercrafts
Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmets
Star Wars Aquariums
Star Wars Aquariums
The R2D2 Fish Tank
Steampunk Star Wars
Steampunk Star Wars
Illustrations From Bjorn Hurri
Star Wars Fashion
Star Wars Fashion
The Stormtrooper Hoodie
Stars Wars Pumpkins
Stars Wars Pumpkins
Spooky Sith-O-Lanterns
Star Wars Burlesque
Star Wars Burlesque
Sci-Fi Strip Tease Pleases Space-Nerds