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56 Social Media Infographics

These Hilarious Infographics Break Down Modern Communication

— January 7, 2012 — Pop Culture
There's no question that social media has forever changed the way that human beings interact, and these social media infographics show readers exactly how. From Facebook and Twitter all the way to smartphones, crowdsourcing websites and blogging softwaress like Blogspot and Tumblr, the digital realm is a world in and of itself. These graphics not only break down who is online, but all of the ways that these programs are used and even breakdown the geographic boundaries of social media.

Funny, informative and well-mapped, they are designed to help both the social-media savy and clueless understand the world in which we live. Mapping everything from celebrity to corporate social media use, these graphics are an excellent and entertaining tool.
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Mac-Happy Hearsay Infographics
Mac-Happy Hearsay Infographics
'Anatomy of An Apple Rumor' Documents the Evolution the Company
Amusing Social Media Allotments
Amusing Social Media Allotments
The 'Every Blog That Exists' Infographic is Hilariously Accurate
User-Identifying Infographics
User-Identifying Infographics
Mr. Android 2011 Identifies the Typical Android User
Virtual Shopaholic Stats
Virtual Shopaholic Stats
The 'Social Media Makes The Sale' Infographic Gets Serious
Smartphone Prediction Charts
Smartphone Prediction Charts
The Goodbye Wallets Infographic Introduces Near Field Communication
Celeb Social Media Stats
Celeb Social Media Stats
The 2011 MTV VMAs Infographic Demonstrates the Importance of Social Media
Social Media Scaling Charts
Social Media Scaling Charts
The Hierarchy of Digital Distractions Infographic is Highly Accurate
Suppressed Networking Stats
Suppressed Networking Stats
The 'Social Media Revolution' Graph Looks at China's Cybersecurity
Smartphone Anniversary Infographics
Smartphone Anniversary Infographics
The Happy Birthday iPhone Infographic Tracks its Progress
Social Media Hacker Graphs
Social Media Hacker Graphs
'Twacked: When Good Twitter Accounts Go Bad' Sets the Record Straight
Dearly Departed Technology Charts
Dearly Departed Technology Charts
The 'Streaming Killed the Video Star' Infographic is Telling
Frenemy Social Media Stats
Frenemy Social Media Stats
The 'Why Do Facebook Users?' Graph Answers Queries of Sleepless Nights
Celeb Twitter Trees
Celeb Twitter Trees
The Twitter Infographic Celebrates 100 Million More New Accounts
Crowdsourced News Site Breakdowns
Crowdsourced News Site Breakdowns
'The Reddit Invasion' Infographic Shows the Site's Rise to Fame
Celeb Twitter Influence Charts
Celeb Twitter Influence Charts
'I'm Big on Twitter' Infographic Predicts Emmy Award Winners
Social Sharing Infographic
Social Sharing Infographic
StumbleUpon Page Life Cycle Highlights US Traffic
Digital Career-Building Stats
Digital Career-Building Stats
Voltier Creative Demystifies the Professional Power of Social Media
Tweeting Birthday Tributes
Tweeting Birthday Tributes
The Happy Birthday Twitter Infographic Honors the MicroBlogging Site
Social Networking Stats
Social Networking Stats
'An Average Day on Facebook' Shows the Number Behind the Popular Site
Combating Social Media Sites
Combating Social Media Sites
Google + vs Facebook Infographic Compares the Battling Powerhouses
Celebrity Tweeting Stats
Celebrity Tweeting Stats
The Visual History of Twitter Infographic has Fun-Filled Facts
Indecisive Networking Choices
Indecisive Networking Choices
The Social Network Decision Tree Will Help You Pick the Right Site
Total Technology Timelines
Total Technology Timelines
The 'Every Generation Needs a Revolution' Infographic is Truth Telling
Social Media Success Charts
Social Media Success Charts
This 'Twitterpalooza' Infographic Celebrates Terrific Tweets
Combating Computer Infographics
Combating Computer Infographics
Mac vs PC Chart Analyzes the Differences Between Users
Social Media Student Facts
Social Media Student Facts
'The Truth About Facebook and Grades' Infographic Lifts Myths
Time-Traveling Tech Graphs
Time-Traveling Tech Graphs
'The Internet of Yesterday and Today' Travels from 1996 to 2011
Innocent Image Infographics
Innocent Image Infographics
The Pixable 'Life of a Facebook Photo' Charts Online Adventures
Facebook Love Charts
Facebook Love Charts
The Relationship Status Update Infographic is Set to Swoon
Parental Privacy Peeping Patterns
Parental Privacy Peeping Patterns
The Spy Who Raised Me Infographic Debates Facebooking Parents
SEO-Savvy Infographics
SEO-Savvy Infographics
'Why Should You Consider SEO For Your Business?' Targets Companies
Social Media Employment Stats
Social Media Employment Stats
The 'Can Facebook Get You a Job?' Infographic is An Eye-Opener
Girly Cyber-Gaming Stats
Girly Cyber-Gaming Stats
'Into the Minds of Women Who Game Online' is Eye-Opening
Online Self-Protection Outlines
Online Self-Protection Outlines
The 'Managing Your Personal E-Reputation' Chart is Enlightening
Sappy Social Networking Graphs
Sappy Social Networking Graphs
'How Facebook Affects You and Your Relationships' Breaks it Down
Social Network Neediness Depictions
Social Network Neediness Depictions
The 'World Without Twitter' Infographic is Hilariously True
Internet Icon Infographics
Internet Icon Infographics
The If Web Browsers Were Celebrities Infographic Goes to Hollywood
Witty Web-User Infographics
Witty Web-User Infographics
'The Awesome Evolution of the Internet' Dissects Online Minds
Twitterverse Infographics
Twitterverse Infographics
This Twitter Infographic Gages The Who, Why and How of Twitter
Fueding Social Network Facts
Fueding Social Network Facts
The Rise of Google Plus Infographic Charts Parallels it to Facebook
Social Network Evolution Art
Social Network Evolution Art
The Facebook Infographic is a Business Blueprint
App-Obsessed Infographics
App-Obsessed Infographics
The Chillingo Apple App Infographic Tracks Up to 500,000 Apps
Social Web Impact Infographics
Social Web Impact Infographics
Is Social Media Ruining Students Answers Some of the Obvious
Diagnostic Internet Infographics
Diagnostic Internet Infographics
Social Media Detox Helps You Recognize When it's Time to Unplug
Social Media Site Demographics
Social Media Site Demographics
The Facebook VS Twitter Infographic Breaks Down Who Uses Each Site
Facebook Employment Stats
Facebook Employment Stats
The 'Job Screening with Social Networking' Infographic Stuns All
Social Media Timelines
Social Media Timelines
The 'Skype a Coming of Age Story' Infographic is Lighthearted & Info-Packed
Social Network Growth Graphs
Social Network Growth Graphs
The Foursquare Infographic Illustrates Fascinating Facts
Empathetic Smartphone Infographics
Empathetic Smartphone Infographics
'Why I Love and Hate Having a Smartphone' Brings the Funnies
Picture-Perfect Infographics
Picture-Perfect Infographics
The Big Picture of Facebook Profile Photos Examines Your Photo Love
Social Media Crisis Infographics
Social Media Crisis Infographics
Disaster Relief on Facebook Charts Japanese Tsunami Responses
Social Media Superheroes
Social Media Superheroes
The 'If Social Sites Were Superheroes' Infographic is on Point
Smartphone Prediction Charts
Smartphone Prediction Charts
This iPhone 5 Rumor Infographic Lays out Intelligent Tech
Facebook Friend Infographics
Facebook Friend Infographics
'10 Types of Facebook Friends From Highschool' is a Hilarious Parody
Social Media Yearbook Stereotypes
Social Media Yearbook Stereotypes
Social Media High School Class of 2011 is an Amusing Infographic
iPhone User Infographics
iPhone User Infographics
The '7 Types of iPhone Users' Celebrates the launch of Verizon iPhones