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100 Fun Smartphone Add-Ons

From Panoramic Phone Mounts to Smartphone Smell Senders

— January 26, 2014 — Tech
These smartphone add-ons help to bring some outrageous capabilities to your phone. Cellphones are hardly just phones anymore — they’re also made to be cameras, calculators, maps, music players and this doesn’t even include the huge number of possibilities apps can bring on top of this. However, without the right hardware, it’s impossible to expand upon what apps and smartphones are capable of on their own.

These attachments range from seemingly futuristic technologies that bring the ability to emit scent to ones that are designed to help you take better selfies.

Some of the add-ons that pertain to sound include attachments that will turn a single headphone jack into a split one, or ones that will amplify sounds like the ‘Annoyinator,’ which may be more fun for the person who is doing the annoying than the person who is being bothered by its sounds.
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Popcorn Scented Mobile Accessories
Popcorn Scented Mobile Accessories
The Pop Dongle Emits Popcorn Smell as You Play on Your Phone
Photography-Friendly Handy Chargers
Photography-Friendly Handy Chargers
The ChargeDrive Charger Does it All
Mounted Smartphone Keyboard Add-Ons
Mounted Smartphone Keyboard Add-Ons
The Typo Keyboard is a Typing Assisstant for the iPhone
Breezy iPhone Accessories
Breezy iPhone Accessories
The Shaka Wind Monitor Analyses Air Currents
Festive Flashing Smartphone Cases
Festive Flashing Smartphone Cases
These Flashing iPhone Cases Will Spark Your Holidays
Smartphone Microscope Attachments
Smartphone Microscope Attachments
The Micro Phone Lens Lets You Zoom in Up to 60x
Cord-Collecting Smartphone Cases
Cord-Collecting Smartphone Cases
The Cordli iPhone 5 Case Manages Your Loose Wires
Noise-Making Mobile Protectors
Noise-Making Mobile Protectors
The Hoo Whistle Case is an Emergency Alert, Faster than Speed Dial
Scent-Delivering Apps
Scent-Delivering Apps
Chat Perf Absorbs and Sends the Aromas of Choice to App Users
Bluetooth Phone Camera Remotes
Bluetooth Phone Camera Remotes
Take iPhone Photos Hands-Free with This Bluetooth Phone Remote
Depth-Enhancing Cameras
Depth-Enhancing Cameras
The iPhone '3DCone' Creates Pictures and Video Like Never Before
3D Measurement Camera Attachments
3D Measurement Camera Attachments
The Occipital Structure Sensor Goes Beyond 2D Images
Photo-Taking Phone Remotes
Photo-Taking Phone Remotes
Take Phone Pictures from 10 Meters Away with This Shutter Button Remote
Mexican Wrestling Phone Plugs
Mexican Wrestling Phone Plugs
These Luchador Plugs Turn Your Phone into a Playful Masked Character
Right Angle Phonetography Attachments
Right Angle Phonetography Attachments
The HiLo Lens is Like a Swivel-Rotating Screen
Electronic Writing Phone Accessories
Electronic Writing Phone Accessories
The Jack Pen Turns Your iPhone into and iPhone Pen
Sophisticated Smartphone Lens Attachments
Sophisticated Smartphone Lens Attachments
The Xistera iPhone5 Attachment is Multi-Functional
Smartphone Shortcut Buttons
Smartphone Shortcut Buttons
Pressy Inserts into Your Headphone Jack to Enable Shortcut Features
Finger-Powered Battery Packs
Finger-Powered Battery Packs
The Mipwr Dynamo Charges Your iPhone Using a Single Digit
Safari Designer Smartphone Cases
Safari Designer Smartphone Cases
The Designer Marc Jacobs Julio Smartphone Case is Jungle Chic
Smartphone Gaming Add-Ons
Smartphone Gaming Add-Ons
The GameKlip Controller Enhances Gamers' On-the-Go Playing Experiences
Panoramic Phone Mounts
Panoramic Phone Mounts
The 'Spin Pod' Rotates to Give You the Perfect Panoramic Shot
Speech-Assisting Smartphone Cases
Speech-Assisting Smartphone Cases
The iTok Helps Language-Challenged Children Learn to Speak
Panoramic Camera Attachments
Panoramic Camera Attachments
The BubbleScope Will be the First 360º Imaging Device
Camera-Controlling Apps
Camera-Controlling Apps
DSLR Controller App Lets Android Photogs Take Photos With Their Phones
Exteme Gaming Phone Attachments
Exteme Gaming Phone Attachments
The MOGA Pro Transforms Your Phone into a Mobile Gaming Device
3D Smartphone Add-Ons
3D Smartphone Add-Ons
Watch 3D Videos, Play 3D Games with Hasbro's My3D Device
Magnifying Smartphone Accessories
Magnifying Smartphone Accessories
The Mini Microscope For iPhone Gives a Detailed Perspective
Smart Bluetooth-Enabling Add-Ons
Smart Bluetooth-Enabling Add-Ons
Adapt by Outdoor Technology Makes Any Pair of Headphones Wireless
Heavenly Cell Attachments
Heavenly Cell Attachments
The Angel Wing Smartphone Stand is a Cute yet Practical Accessory
Time-Keeping Phone Attachments
Time-Keeping Phone Attachments
The Bissol Calibre 788 is a Luxury Watch for Your iPhone
Foldable Wireless Keyboards
Foldable Wireless Keyboards
The myType Portable Keyboard Folds to Fit In Your Pocket
Phone-Holding Key Chains
Phone-Holding Key Chains
The Tiltpod Mobile is a Tripod That Fits in Your Pocket
Customized Stylus Phone Plugs
Customized Stylus Phone Plugs
Dangle Your Colorfully Customized Stylus Off Your Earphone Port
Scent-Sending Apps
Scent-Sending Apps
The Smell-o-Vision Scentee App Adds a New Sensory Experience
Floral Phone Accessories
Floral Phone Accessories
These Phone Plugs Have Been Designed to Look Like Blooming Roses
Heat Sensitive Mobiles
Heat Sensitive Mobiles
laserworks Turns Your iPhone into a Mood Ring
Branded Phone Plugs
Branded Phone Plugs
The Starbucks Cell Phone Plug Keeps Dust Out of Your Audio Jack
Mobile Microphone Add-Ons
Mobile Microphone Add-Ons
The Fostex AR-4i Audio Interface Captures Quality Sound for iPhone
Smartphone Vehicle Attachments
Smartphone Vehicle Attachments
The Griffin 'In-Car Mounts' are Practical
Underwear Smartphone Accessories
Underwear Smartphone Accessories
'Protect the Home Button' is More Decorative than Practical
Portable Food Scent Emitters
Portable Food Scent Emitters
The Hana Yakiniku Lets You Satisfy Your Aromatic Cravings
Smartphone-Intergrated Wallets
Smartphone-Intergrated Wallets
The CardNinja Adhesive Wallet Designs Stick Onto Your Mobile Device
Cute Compact Earpieces
Cute Compact Earpieces
The Nokia Luna Bluetooth Headset Has an Utterly Endearing Design
Enlightening Smartphone Spotlights
Enlightening Smartphone Spotlights
The Pocket Spotlight Helps Capture a Clear Shot When It's Dark
Handset Presentation Indicators
Handset Presentation Indicators
An iPin iPhone Laser Enhances Cells' Capabilities in the Classroom
Telly-Inspired Smartphone Holders
Telly-Inspired Smartphone Holders
The Retro TV for iPhone 5 Props Up Device and Amplifies Audio
Retro Smartphone Handsets
Retro Smartphone Handsets
Step Back in Time with This Old-School Recreation
Magnifying Smartphone Add-Ons
Magnifying Smartphone Add-Ons
The iPhone Microscope Can Zoom 60 Times a Regular Phone
Media-Inspired Mobile Add-Ons
Media-Inspired Mobile Add-Ons
The Paparazzo iPhone Camera Flash Improves Picture Quality
Animalistic Phone Plugs
Animalistic Phone Plugs
The Japanese Gift Market Animal Plug-In Collection is Cute
Stubby Antenna Phone Plugs
Stubby Antenna Phone Plugs
Bring Back Memories of the Flip Phone with These Phone Antennas
Selfie-Assisting Attachments
Selfie-Assisting Attachments
The Cellfie is a Portable Smartphone Shutter
Wind-Measuring Phone Gadgets
Wind-Measuring Phone Gadgets
This SmartPhone Wind Meter is Perfect for Wind Sport Enthusiasts
Smartphone-Compatible Torches
Smartphone-Compatible Torches
Quantum Flashlight Forms a Symbiotic Relationship with Cellphones
Scandalously Submerged Smartphone Cases
Scandalously Submerged Smartphone Cases
The 'Naked Lady In a Bathtube' iPhone Case is Obscene
Photog Smartphone Attachments
Photog Smartphone Attachments
The Eye Scope Takes Your iPhone Photos to a Whole Other Level
Breezy Smartphone Add-Ons
Breezy Smartphone Add-Ons
This iPhone Dock Fan Proves the Touchscreen Can Do Everything
Miniature Mobile Gaming Controllers
Miniature Mobile Gaming Controllers
The iMpulse is the World's Smallest Mobile Controller
Blinged-Out Phone Props
Blinged-Out Phone Props
The iBling Ring Stand is Perfect for Those Who Love Flashy Jewelry
Mobile Credit Card Readers
Mobile Credit Card Readers
The Square Card Reader is Perfect for Shopaholics
Irritating Smartphone Attachments
Irritating Smartphone Attachments
The Annoyinator by Henry Crome Directs Sounds to Specific Areas
Smartphone Smell Senders
Smartphone Smell Senders
The 'ChatPerf' Accessory Can Message Scents Between Phones
Microscopic Smartphone Add-Ons
Microscopic Smartphone Add-Ons
The ProScope Micro Mobile Allows for Extreme Scientific Views
Crown Phone Accessories
Crown Phone Accessories
These Regal Plugs Protect Your Phone's Earphone Jack
Furry Phone Accessories
Furry Phone Accessories
'The Faux Tail' Will Keep You Company with a New Fun Friend
Movie-Recreating Phone Attachments
Movie-Recreating Phone Attachments
Dave Delisle's Phone Accessory Light Creates Naked Gun Scenes
Keyboard Add-Ons
Keyboard Add-Ons
The iPhone QWERTY Case Design Has Buttons for Those Not Familiar with Touchscreen
Quirky Nostril Covers
Quirky Nostril Covers
The 'Nose Case' for iPhone is an Oddball Accessory
Mobile Smartphone Mikes
Mobile Smartphone Mikes
The iPhone 'Boom Mic' Improves Cellular Sound
Smartphone Photography Accessories
Smartphone Photography Accessories
The Moment Lens by Marc Barros Provides Slim Quality Optics
Transformative Chic Smartphones
Transformative Chic Smartphones
Pop Deska Turns Any Smartphone Into a Professional Desk Phone
Point-and-Shoot Smartphone Accessories
Point-and-Shoot Smartphone Accessories
Red Pop from Beep Industries is Perfect for iPhone Photogs
Sneaky Smartphone Add-Ons
Sneaky Smartphone Add-Ons
The Smartphone Spy Lens Changes the Capturing Angle a Full 90-Degrees
Smartphone Video Attachments
Smartphone Video Attachments
The Kogeto Dot Accessory Provides 360-Degree Panoramic View
Classic Composition Phone Covers
Classic Composition Phone Covers
This Notebook Phone Case Features an Iconic and Appealing Design
Leggy Smartphone Attachments
Leggy Smartphone Attachments
Instalegs are a Comically Anatomical Smartphone Accessory
Peering Periscope Phone Gadgets
Peering Periscope Phone Gadgets
The ‘Magnetically Attaching Periscope’ Phone Lens is
Automated Selfie Remotes
Automated Selfie Remotes
The Smartphone Camera Remote Frames Perfect Selfie Pictures
Card-Swiping Smartphone Cases
Card-Swiping Smartphone Cases
The Griffin's Merchant Case From CES 2014 Accepts Credit Cards
Storage-Friendly Smartphone Stands
Storage-Friendly Smartphone Stands
The EarPod Case and Stand Neatly Stores Earbuds
Toy Brick Smartphone Stands
Toy Brick Smartphone Stands
The Brick Lighting Cap Lets You Customzie Your iPhone 5 Using LEGO
Wildlife Headphone Accessories
Wildlife Headphone Accessories
Eduardo Alessi Creates Cute Phone Accessories with a Dual Purpose
Hybrid Smartphone Accessories
Hybrid Smartphone Accessories
This Smartphone Accessory Works as a Stylus and Stand
Rainbow Smartphone Camera Cases
Rainbow Smartphone Camera Cases
The Holga iPhone Lens Spins The Rainbow Into Your Pictures
Flashy Smartphone Accessories
Flashy Smartphone Accessories
The iblazr Makes It Easier to Shoot Mobile Photos in the Dark
Intrinsic Camera Phone Attachments
Intrinsic Camera Phone Attachments
Gizmon Clip-On Lenses Provide Easy-to-Use Polarizing Filters
Organizational Armrest Attachments
Organizational Armrest Attachments
Embrace is a Small Side Table that Connects Right to Your Couch
Clinical Smartphone Accessories
Clinical Smartphone Accessories
The Scanycase is a Portable, Cellphone-Compatible Health Monitor
Phone-Charging Smartphone Sheaths
Phone-Charging Smartphone Sheaths
The PocketPlug Cuts the Charging Cord
Superhero Car Phone Cases
Superhero Car Phone Cases
This Geeky Batman iPhone Case is Shaped Like the Batmobile Tumbler
Integrated Phone Wallets
Integrated Phone Wallets
The Wally iPhone Wallet Ensures Your Phone and Valuables Come as One
Sleek Smartphone Charger Cases
Sleek Smartphone Charger Cases
The JuiceTank Allows One to Plug Their Phone in Anywhere
Tiny Feline Phone Plugs
Tiny Feline Phone Plugs
These Cat Phone Plug Accessories Add Instant Charm to Phones
iPhone Camera Attachments
iPhone Camera Attachments
An iPhone 4 With a DSLR Lens Upgrades the Quality of Your Camera Phone
iPhonetography Attachments
iPhonetography Attachments
Enhance Your Phone Photog Skills With the Turtleback Turtle Jacket
Squishy Smartphone Cases
Squishy Smartphone Cases
The iPooding Liquid Phone Case Turns Your iPhone into a Snowglobe
Tactile Pastime Phone Protectors
Tactile Pastime Phone Protectors
PureGear Retro Game Cases Entertain Without Depleting Power
Storage Compartment Phone Cases
Storage Compartment Phone Cases
The Storage Saving Pocketbuddy Case For iPhone 5 is Practical
DIY Paper Speakers
DIY Paper Speakers
The Plywood iVictrola Design for iPhones is a Fun Project