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29 Steamy Siren Calendars

From Apocalyptic Cocktail Calendars to Naughty Pin-Up Protests

— January 10, 2012 — Naughty
Jumping into 2012, the first thing on your list of must-haves should be an exquisite calendar like one of those seen in this collection of steamy siren calendars.

Here to add some flavor to the winter woes is a stellar collection of seductive and exotic calenders that have been admired by many over the past years. The Campari 2012 Calendar gets the stunning Milla Jovovich who appears in an apocalyptic themed calendar titled ‘It’s the End of the World, Baby!’ If this doesn’t get eyes rolling then the Harper’s Bazaar Spain 2011 calendar with the exotic babes and Swarovski crystals sprouting will gain the attention of the men and women.

Be it the new year that has just begun or the past years that flew by, exotic and steamy models swamping a 12-month chart is definitely a popular theme running.
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Golden Girl Date-Keepers
Golden Girl Date-Keepers
The Betty White Calender will Benefit the Morris Animal Foundation
Crouching Couture Captures
Crouching Couture Captures
The Ataui Deng for Flaunt Winter 2011 Shoot is Luxurious and Chic
Bloggers as Calendar Models
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Internet Writers Get Even More Wall Love in 2009
Apocalyptic Cocktail Calendars
Apocalyptic Cocktail Calendars
The Campari 2012 Calendar Stars the Stunning Milla Jovovich
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“Girls on Film” by Karl Lagerfeld with Marie Claire
Stunning Eco Calendars
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The Ecological Footprint Calendar is Bound to Get Attention
Glittering Grey Calendars
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The Harper's Bazaar Spain 2011 Calendar Sparkles into the New Year
Classic Movie-Inspired Calendars
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The Karl Lagerfeld 2010 Calendar is in Style All Year Long
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Renewable Girls Calender Spreads Eco-Consciousness
Theatrical Date-Keepers
Theatrical Date-Keepers
Tejal Patni's Splash Calendar 2011 is Dark and Dramatic
Politician Appreciation Calendars
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The Vladimir Putin Birthday Calendar is Filled with Students
Freakish Makeup Date-Keepers
Freakish Makeup Date-Keepers
The Maybelline 2012 Calendar is Psychedelically Bold
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Jessica Alba in Club Campari 2009 Calendar
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Jennifer Aniston's Manic-Depressive 2009 Calendar
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This Spread for the Bay Area Harm Reduction Organizations is Hot
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Naughty Pin-Up Protests
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