From Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber to Shocking Underager Outfits
Chalaine Mantha — January 18, 2011 — Naughty
Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are making quite the commotion with rumors swirling about their make-out session, so what a great time to feature some of the greatest teen star finds.
From Justin's photoshoot with Kim Kardashian to Miley Cyrus's shocking scandals, it's all here! Browse through the collection to see what you can find.
Implications - The teen and pre-teen as a distinct market segment has been around (and important in terms of profit) for decades, as teenagers were able to have jobs and keep the pocket change. However, teen pop and television stars are increasingly appearing in media outlets in adult-oriented magazines, news channels and Internet blogs, which reflects the overall trend of the importance placed on youth.
From Justin's photoshoot with Kim Kardashian to Miley Cyrus's shocking scandals, it's all here! Browse through the collection to see what you can find.
Implications - The teen and pre-teen as a distinct market segment has been around (and important in terms of profit) for decades, as teenagers were able to have jobs and keep the pocket change. However, teen pop and television stars are increasingly appearing in media outlets in adult-oriented magazines, news channels and Internet blogs, which reflects the overall trend of the importance placed on youth.