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28 Sacrilegious Finds

From Neon Crucifixes to Tabloid Idolatry

— July 23, 2010 — Social Good
Since the dawn of time, religion has been an inspiration and a motivator for individuals and even entire countries. Check out these sacrilegious finds of "trendy" products that have put a spin on religion. From neon crucifixes to tabloid idolatry to sacrilegious fashion spreads, just don't tell the pope!

Implications - Religion is not a topic that everyone can agree on, and it certainly shows in various forms of expression. The line between the truly religious and artists who use religion as artistic expression is evident, with the latter deemed controversial, inappropriate and offensive by many. From a business point of view, controversy can be a method of success.
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Sacrilegious Webcams
Sacrilegious Webcams
The Golden Ox Figure Webcam Makes Heresy Fun
Fuzzy Religious Wookies
Fuzzy Religious Wookies
'Chewie is My Co-Pilot' by John Lacko is a Fantastic Use of Felt
Confessing Musical Sins
Confessing Musical Sins
Basilica Block Party Ties Religion and Music Through Advertising
Religious Radios
Religious Radios
This Kosmos Project Submission Has Deep Meaning
Autobot Glass Art
Autobot Glass Art
Timothy Miller's Stained Glass 'Transformers' Isn't for Church
Tabloid Idolatry
Tabloid Idolatry
'Your Personal Jesus' by Jonathan Minster Comments on Consumerism & Celebrities
Sacrilegious Talismans
Sacrilegious Talismans
The Heretic Necklace is so Creepy it is Awesome
Sacrilegious iPhone Apps
Sacrilegious iPhone Apps
‘Me So Holy' Deemed Too Devilish by Apple
Religious Gamer Recreations
Religious Gamer Recreations
Kordian Lewandowskiego's 'Game Over' is Inspired by La Pieta
Sacrilegious Fashion Spreads
Sacrilegious Fashion Spreads
The Ones2Watch 'The Kill' Editorial by Jeremy Williams
Biblical Composite Photography
Biblical Composite Photography
'Prophecy' by Jim Lind Takes on Ancient History
Religious Lamps
Religious Lamps
Faux Madonna Lamps With Halos by Konarski-Konarska
Radiant Religious Lamps
Radiant Religious Lamps
The Bless You Lamp by Dima Loginoff Shines a Theological Light
Gilt Cross Hoodies
Gilt Cross Hoodies
Jeremy Scott Originals 2010 Keeps it Real
Godless Glamitorials
Godless Glamitorials
The New Tough Editorial With Heather Sutton is a Bit Sacrilegious
Outlandish Religitorials
Outlandish Religitorials
The Eccentric Portraits of a Lady in Dansk #22
Neon Crucifixes
Neon Crucifixes
Kruzifix from Stefan Strumbel Adds Color to the Crucifixion
Controversial Anti Rape Posters
Controversial Anti Rape Posters
Telefono Donna Ad Causes Uproar
Monstrous Religious Art
Monstrous Religious Art
Isabel Samaras Combines Faith and TV Humor
Holy Covert Cameras
Holy Covert Cameras
The Cross Spy Camera is Undetectable to the Faithful
Naughty Religious Tees
Naughty Religious Tees
The Freshjive 2010 Spring Collection Keeps its Style Sacred
Ironic Religious Mugs
Ironic Religious Mugs
Coffee Mugs That Let You Wake Up With the Lord
Cartoon Cults
Cartoon Cults
Russia-Based Religious Group Worships Gadget Hackwrench
Sacrilegious Catwalk Icons
Sacrilegious Catwalk Icons
Ricardo Oyarzun's Virgin Mary Models Rock Unholy Cleavage
Neon Latex Tattoography
Neon Latex Tattoography
The Nina Kate Photoshoot is Scintillating
Naughty Sacrilegious Editorials
Naughty Sacrilegious Editorials
‘Nun Head' Shows Another Side of Nuns in Pop Magazine