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38 Renditions of Religious Art

From Unusual Religious Iconography to Graphic Bibles

— May 22, 2010 — Social Good
These interpretations of iconic religious scenes are certainly different from the more traditional works of arts some of us are so accustomed to viewing.

The different variations of religious art found in this cluster can either be beautiful, comical or even offensive.

Whether you find yourself smiling or planning to write a concerned letter to the artist, it's clear from this collection of religious art that religion will always have an impact on society.
Fuzzy Religious Wookies
Fuzzy Religious Wookies
'Chewie is My Co-Pilot' by John Lacko is a Fantastic Use of Felt
Cell Phone Holy Cards
Cell Phone Holy Cards
Mobile Santinis Offend Catholic Church
Eye-Ball Bombed Madonnas
Eye-Ball Bombed Madonnas
The Eye-Ball Sacred Heart Portrait is Hella Bizarre
Hypercolor Religious Abstract
Hypercolor Religious Abstract
Wagner Pinto is an Up-And-Coming Brazilian Illustrator
Wrestling Mood Light
Wrestling Mood Light
'Our Lady of Lucha Libre' Candles by Pale Horse.
Eggcellent Religious Art
Eggcellent Religious Art
Oksana Maks Creates an Easter Egg Virgin Mary
Tabloid Idolatry
Tabloid Idolatry
'Your Personal Jesus' by Jonathan Minster Comments on Consumerism & Celebrities
Sensual Religious Calendars
Sensual Religious Calendars
‘Tantalizing Priests 2009' is Endorsed by the Vatican
Augmented Religious Coverstars
Augmented Religious Coverstars
Christian Girl Heidi Montag for Playboy September 2009 Issue
Religious Gamer Recreations
Religious Gamer Recreations
Kordian Lewandowskiego's 'Game Over' is Inspired by La Pieta
Celebreligious Artifacts
Celebreligious Artifacts
Michael Jackson Krishna Rosary Redeems Smooth Criminals
Hilarious Religious Recreations
Hilarious Religious Recreations
'Not Right Nativities' Show Something is Amiss at the Manger
Graphic Bibles
Graphic Bibles
Wolverton Bible Has Vintage Cartoons Even The Non-Religious Will Like
Dress Up Jesus Online
Dress Up Jesus Online
Famed Magnets Sets Are Now Online
Blashphemous Cosmetics
Blashphemous Cosmetics
Looking Good for Jesus Banned in Singapore
Jesus Biscuit Jewelry
Jesus Biscuit Jewelry
The Christ on a Cracker Pendant Makes Me Proud
Church-Offending Art II
Church-Offending Art II
Homoerotic Last Supper
Religious Toast Art
Religious Toast Art
Adam Sheldon's Toast Crucifixion is Good Enough to Eat
Outlandish Religitorials
Outlandish Religitorials
The Eccentric Portraits of a Lady in Dansk #22
Religious Icon Iron-Ons
Religious Icon Iron-Ons
The Our Lady of Guadalupe Patch Makes Anything Holy
Religious Gamer Paintings
Religious Gamer Paintings
'Our Lady Peach' by Sarah Bolton
Carnivorous Frock Art
Carnivorous Frock Art
Mark Ryden's Paintings are Oddly Delicious
Graffiti Bombed Art
Graffiti Bombed Art
The Graffiti Ren 2 Contest is Worth Entering
Biblical Photoshoptography
Biblical Photoshoptography
Alessandro Bavari's "Sodom & Gomorrah" Reinvents Religious Tales
Scandalous Saintography
Scandalous Saintography
The Provocative Art of Mirta Kokalj
Monstrous Religious Art
Monstrous Religious Art
Isabel Samaras Combines Faith and TV Humor
Religious Editorials
Religious Editorials
‘The Evangelist' in Prive Asia
Art Against Animal Abuse
Art Against Animal Abuse
The Abandoned Dogs Last Supper
Reverent Photo Shoots
Reverent Photo Shoots
'Conversation With God' by Mariya Sabotinova is Just Like a Prayer
Surreal Religious Remixes
Surreal Religious Remixes
'The New Revelations' by Giancarlo Cruz is a Twist on Religion
Lego Replicas
Lego Replicas
Abston Church of Christ by Amy Hughes
Unusual Religious Iconography
Unusual Religious Iconography
10 Pieces of Subverted Jesus Artwork
Immaculate Jewelry Ads
Immaculate Jewelry Ads
Sharon Nayak's Ads for Tanishq Jewellery Channel Madonna
Religious Parody Blogs
Religious Parody Blogs
‘Jesus is Love' Offers Modernized Christ Cartoons
Rock ‘N Roll Oil Paintings
Rock ‘N Roll Oil Paintings
Religious Art ‘Kiss'ed With Makeup
Couture Nuns
Couture Nuns
Designers Swear by Religious Inspiration for A/W Runways
Iconic Art Makeovers
Iconic Art Makeovers
10 'The Last Supper' Remakes