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37 Branding Blunders

Problematic Brand Strategies, from Offensive Gum to Religious Co-Branding

— October 3, 2009 — Marketing
It's a scary, unpredictable world for marketers these days and sometimes companies don't realize they've engaged in some problematic branding techniques. Other times, well, let's just say they know exactly what they're doing—and it gets results.

At any rate, here are some of the most offensive, silly, awkward, and problematic branding techniques, from inappropriate dessert branding to offensive stuffed animals.

Implications - When a brand creates ultimate shock with an advertisement or product, it gains much more attention from the consumer world. When people are shocked about something they often tell others and that is how the ad or product manages to go viral. Going viral for good or bad reasons still gets the business a huge amount of attention. Like the saying goes, "any publicity is good publicity."
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Apple-izing Ordinary Objects
Apple-izing Ordinary Objects
The Kraft iSnack 2.0 Attempts to Create Cool Through PC Lingo
Offensive Charity Promotions
Offensive Charity Promotions
Controversial Donation Cup Ad
Offensive Cell Phone Ad Parodies
Offensive Cell Phone Ad Parodies
LOLz AT&T 'No Bars' Commercial
Accidentally Offensive Branding
Accidentally Offensive Branding
Eyebrows Raise With 'Jewnail' Cosmetics' Contentious Name
Religious Co-Branding
Religious Co-Branding
Catholic Mobile Phone Carrier
Recession Rebranding
Recession Rebranding
RecessIsOn Pursuades Us to ‘F_ck the Recession'
Microsoft Branding Blunders
Microsoft Branding Blunders
"I'm A PC" Ads Made on a Mac
Beyond Offensive Political Wear
Beyond Offensive Political Wear
Supporters Hit New Lows (NSFW)
Stupid Names Get Attention
Stupid Names Get Attention
Catchword Branding Creates: Vudu, Promptu, BooRah, ItzBig
Offensive Ringtones
Offensive Ringtones
'Psycho Teddy' Tune Protested by Mental Health Charity
Catholic Cross-Branding
Catholic Cross-Branding
Boston College Fashion at Victoria's Secret
Offensive Child Toy Marketing
Offensive Child Toy Marketing
Strapya's Hip-Shaking Product Description Misses the Mark
Offensive Traveling Billboards
Offensive Traveling Billboards
Aborted Fetus On Moving Truck
Cross-Promotional Fails
Cross-Promotional Fails
Burger King Un-Friends Facebook Over 'Whopper Sacrifice' Snafu
Catastrophic Candy Branding
Catastrophic Candy Branding
Skittles Relaunches Website as Twitter Search, Offensive Tweets Ensue
Drug-Themed Eateries
Drug-Themed Eateries
'Marihuana' Restaurant in Taiwan Uses Smokin' Branding
Offensive Viral Disruptions
Offensive Viral Disruptions
Pantless Streaker Dances Across Courts at Australian Open
Offensive Desk Toys
Offensive Desk Toys
Terry the Swearing Turtle
Abbreviated Fail Branding
Abbreviated Fail Branding
Companies Named WTF, OMG & STD Could Give the Wrong Idea
Coke Bots Attack When You Buy Other Brands
Offensive Video Games
Offensive Video Games
‘Fat Princess' Outrages Feminists
Shocking Ironic Art Installations
Shocking Ironic Art Installations
Is Eugenio Merino's Damien Hirst Piece Offensive or Artist
Offensive Candy
Offensive Candy
Fat Pig Chocolate
Innappropriate Dessert Branding
Innappropriate Dessert Branding
The Big Gay Ice Cream Truck Roams NYC
Offensive Stuffed Animals
Offensive Stuffed Animals
Guerrilla Grocery Labels
Guerrilla Grocery Labels
Shop Drop Montreal Rebrands the Shopping Experience
Mega Unbrandings
Mega Unbrandings
McDonald's Abstract ‘Quarter Pounder' Store
Offensive New Yorker Covers
Offensive New Yorker Covers
Obama Loves Osama
Offensive Splash Pages
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Hugs for Monsters Punishes IE6 Users With Scathing Anti-Welcome
Violent & Offensive Video Games
Violent & Offensive Video Games
'Rapelay' Removed From Amazon After Public Objects
Offensive Children's Clothes
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The PeanutButter Mofo TShirt
Offensive Magazine Features
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Offensive Chewing Gum
Offensive Chewing Gum
Too Shy to Say It? Express Your Opinion With Chewing Gum
Offensive LEGO Figures
Offensive LEGO Figures
Shocking Toy Terrorists and Nazis
Failed Sexvertising
Failed Sexvertising
Matthew McConaughey's Film Made $36,497, Despite Gratuitous Nudity
Cheeky Packaging Designs
Cheeky Packaging Designs
Brooklyn Fare's Branding Puts the Fun in Functional
Offensive Advertising Mistakes
Offensive Advertising Mistakes
Mega Logo Blunders