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45 Pop Culture Tattoos

From Michael Jackson Ink to Hello Kitty Body Mods

— July 19, 2009 — Unique
The wave of tattoos that emerged after Michael Jackson's death got me thinking about the plethora of pop culture tattoos we've featured at This slideshow aims to showcase some of the best from this bunch, from tattoos that depict Hello Kitty as Darth Vader to Will Ferrell from "Elf."

Click through the slideshow to see these pop culture tattoos and more--including the aforementioned Michael Jackson tattoos.

Implications - Tattoo art is an undying and growing art form. Where it was once perceived as a taboo form exclusively for miscreants and deviants, it is now seen as one of the most acceptable forms of self expression. As a result, the variety of tattoos available is expanding rapidly to reflect a broader range of personal styles and interests. From pop culture tattoo-inspired by song lyrics, fictional characters and icons to patriotic ones, the range of options is infinite.
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Cewebrity Tattoos
Cewebrity Tattoos
Tay Zonday Chocolate Rain Ink
Faking Street Cred
Faking Street Cred
Hero Tattoos
Tattoos For Virtual Fans
Tattoos For Virtual Fans
Twitter Fail WhaleTattoo Created Thanks to @BaltimoreMD Friending
Black and White Designs for Serious Animal Lovers
Political Tattoos
Political Tattoos
Candidates Get Permanent Vote
Celebrity Tribute Tattoos
Celebrity Tribute Tattoos
Heath Ledger as Joker
Street Art Body Suits
Street Art Body Suits
'Jerm IX Tattoo Project' Celebrates Graffiti With Permanent Ink
Geek Tattoos
Geek Tattoos
16 Fake Tattoos for Geeks, Nerds and Hackers
Anti-Whaling Body Art
Anti-Whaling Body Art
Greenpeace Tattoos Turn Bodies Into Canvases of Protest
Star Wars Tattoo Primers
Star Wars Tattoo Primers
The Force In The Flesh
ASCII Art Tattoos
ASCII Art Tattoos
Geektoos 1.0
Fictional Icon Inking
Fictional Icon Inking
Bewitching Harry Potter Tattoos Celebrate a Teen Icon
Tetris Tattoos
Tetris Tattoos
Geeky Shapes Make Their Way From Video Games to Skin
Autograph Tattoos
Autograph Tattoos
Permanent Inked Celebrity Signatures
Girlie Pop Culture Inking
Girlie Pop Culture Inking
Barbie Tattoos Let You Mark Yourself In Honor of Your Favorite Doll
Patriotic Tattoos
Patriotic Tattoos
Celebrate the 4th of July by Showing Your Love for Your Country
Graphic Geekttoos
Graphic Geekttoos
Ink That Proves a Word or Simple Font Can Say It All
Tattoos of Classic Video Games
Tattoos of Classic Video Games
Permanent Pacman Ink for Extreme(ly Nerdy) Gamers
Tattooed Magazines
Tattooed Magazines
Tare Lugnt Releases Its Third Issue Via Permanent Ink
Tattoos of Dead Celebrities
Tattoos of Dead Celebrities
Inked Elvis Fans
Tattoos of Musicians
Tattoos of Musicians
10 Inked Band Tributes
Famous People Tattoos
Famous People Tattoos
Celebrity Tribute Tattoos
Alien Ink
Alien Ink
These Extraterrestrial Tattoos Are Out of This World
TV Tribute Tattoos
TV Tribute Tattoos
'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' Body Ink
Violent Film Tattoos
Violent Film Tattoos
10 Inked Dedications to Stanley Kubrick's Clockwork Orange
10 Scientific Tattoos for Badass Geeks
10 Scientific Tattoos for Badass Geeks
Mathematical Tattoos
Mathematical Tattoos
Formulaic Body Art
Harry Potter Tattoos
Harry Potter Tattoos
Muggles Show Their Love for New Movie Release With Ink (UPDATE)
Childish Care Bear Tattoos For People With a Peter Pan Complex
Anime Tattoos
Anime Tattoos
Hello Kitty Forehead Tattoo
Michael Jackson Tattoos
Michael Jackson Tattoos
Fans Scramble to Honor the King of Pop With Permanent Ink
Surrealist Caricature Tattoos
Surrealist Caricature Tattoos
Inked Tributes to Salvador Dali and His Quirky Work
Last Supper Tattoos
Last Supper Tattoos
Christian Body Art
Comic Book Tattoos
Comic Book Tattoos
Superhero Body Art
Witch Tattoos
Witch Tattoos
Hubble, Bubble, Boil & Tattoo
Geek Tattoos
Geek Tattoos
Tattoo Designs for Nerds
Collaborative Stories on Skin
Collaborative Stories on Skin
A Story Tattooed On The Bodies of 2,095 Strangers
Lyrical Tattoos
Lyrical Tattoos
Permanent Skin Art Inspired by Musicians (UPDATE)
Bizarre Eyebrow Tattoos
Bizarre Eyebrow Tattoos
10 Permanent Eyesores
Inked Mythological Power Symbols
Inked Mythological Power Symbols
Rising Phoenix Tattoos as Statements of Rebirth
Extreme 3D Tattoos
Extreme 3D Tattoos
Raised Breast Implant Tattoo
Street Art Body Ink
Street Art Body Ink
Banksy Tattoos
Inked Injuries
Inked Injuries
Wound and Bullet Hole Tattoos for the Wannabe Badass
Literary Tattoos
Literary Tattoos
Inked Art for Writers and Word Nerds