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47 Pimped-Out Pens

From Covert Spy Pens to Jedi Writing Utensils

— June 19, 2010 — Luxury
This collected of pimped-out pens features a range of crazy writing utensils, from pens that read to you to $15,000 platinum pens. It's pretty crazy how tech-savvy some of these pens are. For example, who knew that James Bond-esque pens would someday be a real thing? I wouldn't mind owning an invisible ink pen, just in case there's a tricky contract I'm ever forced into signing.

Implications - With so many commodities on the market, consumers are searching for an original take on traditional products. By infusing a conventional product with an alternative angle, consumers will respect this development and consider purchasing the item. Companies should consider how their designs present something alternative to the consumer.
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Personal Courtesy Pens
Personal Courtesy Pens
The Bank Pen Looks Just Like the Ones Found at the Bank
Trumpeting Sports Pens
Trumpeting Sports Pens
The Vuvuzela Pen Helps You Write Out Loud During the 2010 World Cup
Jedi Writing Utensils
Jedi Writing Utensils
Lightsaber Pens Put Some Force in Your Writing
Potato-Based Pens
Potato-Based Pens
The DBA Pen by Harbec Plastics is Biodegradable
Pocket Clip Pencils
Pocket Clip Pencils
Present & Correct Makes the 'World's Cleverest Pencil'
Biodegradable Writing Utensils
Biodegradable Writing Utensils
The Paper Mate Biodegradable Line Helps Writers Go Green
Repurposing Used Markers
Repurposing Used Markers
Terracycle Upcycles Trashed Pens into New Products
Instrument Instruction Pens
Instrument Instruction Pens
The Piano & Violin Learning Pen from Gigway is for Budding Bachs
Marco Polo Pens
Marco Polo Pens
The Limited Edition Omas Fountain Pens Are Inspired By The Desert
Floating Friend Pens
Floating Friend Pens
Gama-Go Gets Retro With Motion Enhanced Writing Gear
Hot Spot Finder
Hot Spot Finder
Pen Detects Wifi
Covert Spy Pens
Covert Spy Pens
The Disappearing Ink Pen is Spy-Ready
Color Printer Pens
Color Printer Pens
Braun Markerfool Marker is an Innovative Inkjet Wonder
Skin-Based Notepads
Skin-Based Notepads
The Pen + Sprayer Creates a Fool-Proof Writing Surface on Your Hand
Pen Projects Your Logo
Pen Projects Your Logo
Shameless Promotion Anywhere
Digitally Record Your Scribbles
Digitally Record Your Scribbles
The Zpen
Mactacular Pens
Mactacular Pens
Write Like Steve Jobs With the iPen
Pens that Read to You
Pens that Read to You
Livescribe's Pulse Smartpen Perfects Note Taking
Speed Racer Writing Utensils
Speed Racer Writing Utensils
The Lamborghini Pen Will Not Make You as Fast as the Car
$19,000 Pens
$19,000 Pens
The Behold 1010
Pencil-Pen Hybrids
Pencil-Pen Hybrids
Alexander Hulme Makes a Frankenstein Writing Utensil
Organic Writing Tools
Organic Writing Tools
The Sprout Pen Creates Natural Penmanship
Space and Underwater Pen
Space and Underwater Pen
Tombow's Object XL Pressurized Ink Cartridges
Mac Ball Points
Mac Ball Points
Apple Gets Inked With the iPen Flashdrive
Supercar Styluses
Supercar Styluses
Tibaldi Pens are Fashioned After the Bentley Mulsanne
Digital Pen
Digital Pen
Logitech io2 Records Your Writing
Docupen RC800
Docupen RC800
Full Page 24Bit Colour Handheld Scanner
Pen Shade Scanners
Pen Shade Scanners
Jinsun Park Creates the Color Picker Pen (UPDATE)
Inkless Pens
Inkless Pens
Metal Alloy Paper Markers
Erogonomic Ballpoint Pens
Erogonomic Ballpoint Pens
Wishbone Chrome Finger Cradle
DIY Ballpoint Pens
DIY Ballpoint Pens
The Falter 2D Pen
$15,000 Platinum Pens
$15,000 Platinum Pens
'Bugatti Pen' by Ferrari Da Varese is for Well-Heeled Wordsmiths
Architecture-Inspired Pens
Architecture-Inspired Pens
The Architectural Masterpieces Pen from S.T. Dupont is Up to Code
Pen with WiFi detector from Informatica
Pen with WiFi detector from Informatica
Gilded God Writing Utensils
Gilded God Writing Utensils
The Caran d'Ache Ganesha Pen is Fit for the Heavens
Movie-Playing Ballpoints
Movie-Playing Ballpoints
Edgar Navarro's Portable Pen Projector is Amazing
Eco-Friendly Digital Pen
Eco-Friendly Digital Pen
The Techie Way To Save Trees
Pen Pays Homage to Swiss Watchmakers
Pen Pays Homage to Swiss Watchmakers
Caran d'Ache Pens Resemble Clocks
Nokia Digital Pen
Nokia Digital Pen
Recall What You Write!
Covert Writing Utensils
Covert Writing Utensils
Hammacher Schlemmer Spy Pens Make You Feel Like James Bond
Techie Writing Utensils
Techie Writing Utensils
The Mimeo Mobile Phone Doubles as a Digital Pen
Flash Drive Fountain Pen
Flash Drive Fountain Pen
S.T. Dupont USB
Real Life Anti-Spyware
Real Life Anti-Spyware
Hidden Camera + Fake Money Detector Pen
Digital Fountain Pen
Digital Fountain Pen
Send SMS and Email
Modern Feather Pens
Modern Feather Pens
Vivien Muller Plume Fountain Pen
Wrist Pens
Wrist Pens
The Helix Watch is a Must-Have for those Who Love Writing
Dangerous Pens
Dangerous Pens
The Uzi Tactical Pen is Protection, James Bond-Style