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36 Panda Bear Innovations

From Revolutionary Animal Posters to Cuddly Hot Pants

— May 18, 2011 — Lifestyle
These panda bear innovations prove that the cuddly monochromatic bears are unmatched in causing an uproar. Whether you're watching some panda porn or looking at some revolutionary animal posters, you'll realize you really just can't get enough of this black and white bear.

Unsurprisingly, the panda bear is featured prominently in numerous animal activism ads, but if the thought of these glorious creatures dying off doesn't move you, then maybe a group of Chinese girls wearing panda-themed hot pants will. And don't let the adorable appearance of these huggable mammals fool you into thinking they can only be cute. If anything, these panda bear innovations prove that pandas can be badass and make for some intimidating tattoos and wall graffiti as well.
Racy Sushi-Rolling Babes
Racy Sushi-Rolling Babes
Nadeshico is Japan's First Female Sushi Chef Restaurant
Animalistic Peripherals
Animalistic Peripherals
The Panda Points Mouse and Pad Set is Beary Cute
Panda Bovines
Panda Bovines
Rare Miniature Calf Similar to a Panda Bear Fetches $30,000
Talking Twitter Notifiers
Talking Twitter Notifiers
Have Your Tweets Read by the Charatter Bear
Panda-Like Seating
Panda-Like Seating
The Little Fellow Chair Will Become Your Little, Comfy Friend
Costumed Cub Carers
Costumed Cub Carers
The Hetaoping Panda Costume Project Prepares the Young for Release
Panda Survival Schools
Panda Survival Schools
China Plans to Build Facility to Train Pandas to Live in The Wild
Panda Love Photography
Panda Love Photography
Mehmet Erzincan is a Versatile Fashion Photographer
Pandas for Tragedy Relief
Pandas for Tragedy Relief
YOKA SC for China Earthquake
Cutesy Toy Peripherals
Cutesy Toy Peripherals
The Panda Skull USB Memory Stick Has a Tough Attitude
Cuddly Hot Pants
Cuddly Hot Pants
Girls Walked Through the Busiest Shopping District Wearing Panda Shorts
Crash Test Pandas
Crash Test Pandas
Fiat Shows Animals at the Wheel of Green Rides
Adorable Audio Equipment
Adorable Audio Equipment
The Charming GOGroove Panda Pal Portable Speaker
Cutesy Toy Music Players
Cutesy Toy Music Players
The Animal Town Panda Speaker Will Make You Squeal
Panda Eyeshadow
Panda Eyeshadow
'Manipulation' by Luca La Greca Messes With Your Mind
Black and White Bear Kicks
Black and White Bear Kicks
These Adidas Originals Jeremy Scott Panda Sneakers are Super Cute
Pre-Movie Awareness
Pre-Movie Awareness
Tugg Speedman is a Panda Celebrity
Cake-Eating Pandas
Cake-Eating Pandas
The Panda Birthday Party Looks like Fun
Painted Animal Promos
Painted Animal Promos
Thai Elephants Painted Like Pandas to Lure Back Zoo Fans
Panda Bread
Panda Bread
Taro Taro Teaches How to Turn Your Loaf Into a Conversation Piece
Fashion Plushies
Fashion Plushies
Pandatown in Beijing is All About Fashion for Pandas
Abrupt Bear Outbursts
Abrupt Bear Outbursts
The "Never Say No to Panda" Campaign is Uproariously Funny
Panda Bear Buddies
Panda Bear Buddies
The Wild Magdalena Frackowiak Harper's Bazaar US March 2011 Shoot
Modern Modular Lighting
Modern Modular Lighting
Olafur Eliasson's Starbrick Light Can Expand to Any Size
Urban Micro Pandas
Urban Micro Pandas
1600 Black Eyed Bears Bring Important Message for WWF
Panda Death Shockvertising
Panda Death Shockvertising
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Raises Bluefin Tuna Awareness
Black and White Designs for Serious Animal Lovers
Revolutionary Animal Portraits
Revolutionary Animal Portraits
Panda Revolution Makes Propoganda Posters Cute and Cuddly
Graffiti Warfare
Graffiti Warfare
Weapon-Inspired Street Art
Thought-Provoking Fish Campaigns
Thought-Provoking Fish Campaigns
WWF Bluefin Tuna Ads Want You to Give Tuna a Break
Viral Mammal Hybrids
Viral Mammal Hybrids
Meet the Panda Dog
Disguised Canines
Disguised Canines
Painting Pets is the Newest Craze in China
Sushi Art
Sushi Art
Fancy Sushi Rolls, From Cartoons to Flowers, Make Rice More Fun