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31 Examples of On-the-Go Product Packaging

From Accordian Perfume Cartons to Treat-Mimicking Tins

— January 21, 2015 — Marketing
Convenience is a quality that many consumers appreciate and these on-the-go product packaging designs are great examples of how businesses and brands can address such a concern. By creating packages that are easy to travel around with, there is one less excuse for potential customers to avoid making the finalizing purchase. Although such on-the-go product packing might seem like a psychological ploy, it also simply gives the consumer what they want.

From as basic a tweak as adding a handle to a more complex concept that involves a collapsible body, there are many ways in which on-the-go product packaging can be made more convenient. A focus on compact sizes is also a great avenue to take when creating something particularly portable.
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Eyeshadow Cream Pens
Eyeshadow Cream Pens
Colorbar's 'Color-Matic Eyeshadow Pen' Comes with a Sponge Applicator
Fruity Cottage Cheese Cups
Fruity Cottage Cheese Cups
Gevina's 'Fruittage' Products Blend Fruit with Whipped Cheese
Single-Use Toner Swabs
Single-Use Toner Swabs
The Yoon Dermaline Marine Aqua Peeler Hydrates and Exfoliates
Treat-Mimicking Tins
Treat-Mimicking Tins
Chocolate Eyeshadow Packaging is Sweet Enough to Keep on Display
Elegantly Cased Fragrances
Elegantly Cased Fragrances
The S.lshira Perfume and Case Combines Luxury and Convenience
Collapsible Kettle Designs
Collapsible Kettle Designs
Miyoshi's Space-Saving Travel Kettle Folds In On Itself Until Flat
Spinning Lipbalm Packaging
Spinning Lipbalm Packaging
Perfumerias Julia's Lip Balm Packaging Looks as Precious as a Diamond
Golden Canister Packaging
Golden Canister Packaging
This Luxurious Can Hosts Classique Intense by Jean Paul Gaultier
Stylish Collapsible Bags
Stylish Collapsible Bags
The Pop’n'Pack Folds Down into a Tiny Circular Package to Free Up Storage
Reusable Delivery Packaging
Reusable Delivery Packaging
The RePack System Encourages Consumers to Return Their Used Envelopes
Compressed Protein Packaging
Compressed Protein Packaging
The .Zip Sublimated Forcemeat Wrappers Lighten Consumers' Loads
Metallic Cologne Branding
Metallic Cologne Branding
This Solid Perfume Packaging is Sleek and Masculine
Flat-Pack Lamps
Flat-Pack Lamps
The Lampo's Origami Shape Allows the Light to be Packaged Completely Levelled
Deceptive Paper Packaging
Deceptive Paper Packaging
Papelaria's Memo Paper Boxes Mock Traditionally Romantic Gifts
Pebbly Polish Branding
Pebbly Polish Branding
S-Tone Nail Polish Packaging Embodies the Organic Beauty of River Rocks
Paint Set Cosmetics Packaging
Paint Set Cosmetics Packaging
The Aerie Makeup Line is for the Maquillage Maestro
Ultra Compact Spray Packaging
Ultra Compact Spray Packaging
MiiSTS Personal Care Products Are Slim and Super Portable
Compartmentalized Pet Canisters
Compartmentalized Pet Canisters
Dexas' 'Snack-DuO' Holds Water and a Snack for Pets
Compressible Accordion Cartons
Compressible Accordion Cartons
Tri-Container Packaging is Embodies Portability and Recyclability
Tented Olive Oil Packaging
Tented Olive Oil Packaging
The Unrefined Olive's Olive Oil Package is Practical and Eco-Friendly
Optical Illusion Packaging
Optical Illusion Packaging
Chloe Galea Designs a Strong Identity for Makeup Brand Uzuri
Prismic Cosmetic Containers
Prismic Cosmetic Containers
Body Shop Packaging Assumes Rigid Geometries in Respecting Nature
Purse-Like Takeout Bags
Purse-Like Takeout Bags
Gustav Karlsson Reimagines the Take Out Box to Be Chic and Eco-Friendly
Collapsible Perfume Cartons
Collapsible Perfume Cartons
This Perfume Packaging Design Flattens When Fragrance is Sprayed
Box-Delivered Beds
Box-Delivered Beds
This Mattress in a Box Expands to Full-Size with Its Innovative Memory Foam
Eco-Friendly Postal Packages
Eco-Friendly Postal Packages
The Sendbag Concept Gives the Envelope an Extended Life
Compacted Geometric Packaging
Compacted Geometric Packaging
NRG Organic Tea Boxes Give an Illusion of Great Depth and Complexity
Eco-Friendly Folding Packaging
Eco-Friendly Folding Packaging
Timberland Earthkeepers Shoebox Encourages Reuse
Adhestive Handle Branding
Adhestive Handle Branding
Qubic Concept Packaging Conforms to Purchases of Every Size
Pleated Bottle Packaging
Pleated Bottle Packaging
The ZigPack is an Eco-Friendly, Effective and Exposing Wine Tote