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25 Sweet Nestle Treats

From Cookie-Flavored Milk to Ethical Chocolate Bars and Edible Teapots

— February 18, 2015 — Marketing
Whenever you're experiencing a chocolate craving, Nestle treats are the obvious go-to solutions. The multinational Swiss company has done deliciously well for about 150 years, churning out the beloved food and drink products that make people smile on a daily basis.

Always with a sensitivity towards its consumers, Nestlé has lead the way to uphold allergy-conscious production and a more recent pledge to strip artificial ingredients from its candy. The great chocolatier has worked to perfect its classic favorites like the Kit Kat bar, the Crunch and Butterfinger chocolate bars. To appeal to different markets and more diverse tastebuds, Nestle treats have expanded into the realm of buiscuity beverages and surprising sculptural desserts like chocolate teapots. There's something sweet for everybody to love.
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Useful Chocolate Teapots
Useful Chocolate Teapots
This Non-Melting Chocolate Pot Puts a British Insult to the Test
Cookie Themed Milk
Cookie Themed Milk
NESQUIK is Offering Beverages Based on Samoa and Thin Mint Girl Scout Flavors
Traffic Coffee Dispensers
Traffic Coffee Dispensers
Nescafe Doles Out Coffee and 'Instant Connections' at a Crossing Light
Cookie-Infused Chocolatey Snacks
Cookie-Infused Chocolatey Snacks
The Crunch Girl Scout Candy Bar is Full of Thin Minty Goodness
Pop-Up Paper Coffee Mugs
Pop-Up Paper Coffee Mugs
Nescafe Equipped Newspapers with Two Cups to Start Conversations
Wake-Up-Worthy Noms
Wake-Up-Worthy Noms
The Butterfinger Buzz Bar is Infused with Chocolate Flavor & a Hit of Caffeine
Upsized Coffee Machines
Upsized Coffee Machines
The Nespresso Coffee Company is Heeding to the Desire for More Caffeine
Social Media Mug Campaigns
Social Media Mug Campaigns
Nescafe Gave Away 1,000 Red Mugs in the Most Creative Way Ever
Nutrition Supplement Pods
Nutrition Supplement Pods
Podlife Introduces an Easier Way to Take Vitamins and Stay Healthy
Nutrient-Focused Cereals
Nutrient-Focused Cereals
Cheerios' Protein Breakfast Cereal is Loaded with 11g of Protein
Custom Baked Chocolate Bars
Custom Baked Chocolate Bars
This Special Treat Comes in Original Chocolate or Mini Pudding
Cereal-Infused Sandwiches
Cereal-Infused Sandwiches
This Cheerios Sandwich Puts the Breakfast Cereal in a New Form
Cup-Unlocking Campaigns
Cup-Unlocking Campaigns
This Campaign Challenged Fans to Free a Chained Up Nescafe Red Mug
Banana Peel-Inspired Popsicles
Banana Peel-Inspired Popsicles
The Wonka Peel-A-Pop Looks Like Something of Pure Imagination
Travel Coffee Packaging
Travel Coffee Packaging
This Nescafe Travel Coffee Concept Makes Coffee on the Go Easy
Sketched City Wrappers
Sketched City Wrappers
Kit Kat Cities Packaging Features Doodles of Three Marvellous Metropolises
Smart Snack Marketing
Smart Snack Marketing
In Japanese, ‘Kit Kat' Sounds Just Like ‘Good Luck'
Crowdsourced Candy Bar Flavors
Crowdsourced Candy Bar Flavors
Kit Kat 'Choose a Chunky Champion' Asks You to Pick a Favorite
Customized Luxury Chocolates
Customized Luxury Chocolates
Nestle's Maison Cailler Sweets are Personalized to Individual Tastes
Calorie-Burning Sodas
Calorie-Burning Sodas
The Enviga Soft Drink Will Cut Out The Gym Factor
Coffee Container Clocks
Coffee Container Clocks
The Nescafe Alarm Cap is a 3D Printed Jar Lid and Functioning Alarm Clock
Flirtatious Candy
Flirtatious Candy
'Chocolate Fling' Is The First Candy Bar From MARS in 20 Years
Peeling Summer Pops
Peeling Summer Pops
Peel Down Refreshing & Fruity Flavors with This Banana Popsicle
Ethical Chocolate Bars
Ethical Chocolate Bars
Fairtrade for Nestle Kit Kat Most Popular Bar in Britain
Artisan Chocolate Packaging
Artisan Chocolate Packaging
Les Recettes d'Atelier Takes Pride in its Contents