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63 Multi-Sensory Innovations

From Intuitive Airports to Pitch-Black Dinne

— July 26, 2012 — Tech
These multi-sensory creations are at the forefront of perceptive technology.

Each of these automated developments points to the future of fully digitized experiences. These inventions are progressive in the utilization of science and technology to form pieces that appeal to multiple human senses.

For instace, in Shanghai there exists a restaurant that is designed to create a dining experience that teases taste, sound, sight and even scent. Custom-tailored meals exist in order to evoke emotion. From multi-sensory musical exhibitions to assistive listening spectacles, these futuristic creations are pioneering intuitive design.

Although it may seem like many of these pieces are geared for entertainment, the functionality of the scientific advances is impressive in their potential to act as a vehicle for social good. The vast amount of groundbreaking items emerging are a great indication of technological advances that will not only enhance entertainment, but health and education as well.
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Intuitive Touch Thermometers
Intuitive Touch Thermometers
Robb Godshaw's Cryoscope Allows Temperature to be Told by Touch
Emotional Sensory-Overload Clips
Emotional Sensory-Overload Clips
AB/CD/CD's 'On Hold' Captivates Through Repetition
Gesture-Controlled Dashboards
Gesture-Controlled Dashboards
Mercedes-Benz DICE Concept Detects Hand Motions
Melodic Interpretation Glasses
Melodic Interpretation Glasses
EyeMusic Translates Visual Stimuli Into Sounds for the Blind
Rich Dessert Records
Rich Dessert Records
'33 RPM' Puts Classic Vinyls and Sweets Together in This Tempting Photography
Roller Coaster Symphony Campaigns
Roller Coaster Symphony Campaigns
The Zurich Chamber Orchestra Ad is a Musical Ride
Boozy Sniffer Snifters
Boozy Sniffer Snifters
The Macallan and Roja Dove Sensory Experience Will Help You Enjoy Whiskey
Idea-Inspiring Animal Toys
Idea-Inspiring Animal Toys
The Sergio Guijarro + Miriam Tochijara Baooab Helps Boost Creativity
Wearable Muscle Stimulators
Wearable Muscle Stimulators
The Elektrodress Helps Individuals Suffering From Nerve Disorders
Intuitive Abstract Artworks
Intuitive Abstract Artworks
Artist Ky Anderson Allows his Subconscious to do the Painting
Sensory Spam Helmets
Sensory Spam Helmets
The Information Overload Filter Blocks Sounds and Images You Wish to Ignore
Fear-Sensing Gadgets
Fear-Sensing Gadgets
The Mimo Autonomous Robot is a Scary Piece of Machinery
Comforting Cushion Companions
Comforting Cushion Companions
The ‘Hugby' Novelty Vibrating Pillow is a Bit Controver
Sensory-Crossing Performance
Sensory-Crossing Performance
the Anarchy Dance Theater Combines Experiences
Sensory-Crossing Apparel
Sensory-Crossing Apparel
Max Binski Creates Visual Sound Interpretations
Assistive Listening Spectacles
Assistive Listening Spectacles
Himri Glasses Make Sounds Visible to Users with Hearing Impairments
Vision-Enhancing Visors
Vision-Enhancing Visors
The Nike SPARQ Sensory Performance Improves Visual Information Processing
High-Tech Touchscreen Tables
High-Tech Touchscreen Tables
The Touchscape Multi-Touch Is the Ultimate Coffee Table
Sensory Robotic Limbs
Sensory Robotic Limbs
Scientists Confirm First Feeling Hand
Touch-Sensitive Autos
Touch-Sensitive Autos
The Volvo Concept 'You' Makes its Debut
Space-Responsive Gadgets
Space-Responsive Gadgets
Leap Motion Transforms Workspaces Into Intuitive Touchpads
Tech-Infused Tissue Dispensers
Tech-Infused Tissue Dispensers
The Camitool Electric Toilet Paper Dispenser Promotes Cleanliness
Sensory-Guided Longboards
Sensory-Guided Longboards
Chaotic Moon's Board of Awesomeness is Steered by Your Motions
Canned Aromatherapy
Canned Aromatherapy
Air Box
Interactive Ice Projections
Interactive Ice Projections
S-MAX Gets Launched with Live Actors and Laser Cannons
Gravity-Free Relaxation Therapies
Gravity-Free Relaxation Therapies
Gain Rest with the Float SPA
Pitch Black Dinners
Pitch Black Dinners
'Dans le Noir' Lets You Eat in the Dark, Employs Blind Servers
Multi-Sensory Perfumes
Multi-Sensory Perfumes
Launch of Joya Studio 'Ames Soeurs' Scent Explores All Sensations
Multisensory Musical Exhibitions
Multisensory Musical Exhibitions
The 'Center of Attention' Installation is Made for Listening
Interactive Movie Theatres
Interactive Movie Theatres
M.A.S.T. Novabell
Mystifying Maze Artwork
Mystifying Maze Artwork
The Serge Salat 'Beyond Infinity' Installation is Disorientating
Laugh-And-Sniff Cards
Laugh-And-Sniff Cards
What Earl Really Smells Like
Scent-Based Clocks
Scent-Based Clocks
'Flavor of Time' Has Capsulized Smells to Signal Hours of the Day
Illuminated Aquatic Exhibits
Illuminated Aquatic Exhibits
The Greenpeace Expo by De Organisatie Promotes Marine Reserves
Perfume-Powered Exhibits
Perfume-Powered Exhibits
The Sephora Sensorium is a Popup Museum of Fragrance
Urban Olfactory Installation
Urban Olfactory Installation
AIR Lets You Smell Helsinki, Budapest, Paris.
Sensory-Stimulating Jackets
Sensory-Stimulating Jackets
Deep Pressure Therapy was Designed to Simulate a Hug For Autistic Kids
Inflated Performance Venues
Inflated Performance Venues
Kaohsiung Music Center is an Effervescent Artistic Environment
Fairytale-Themed Castles
Fairytale-Themed Castles
The Enchanted Palace Sets Out a Quest to Find Seven Princesses
Laboratory-Like Dishware
Laboratory-Like Dishware
Eating Objects Creates an Interactive Multi-Sensory Eating Experience
Animalesque Ear Extensions
Animalesque Ear Extensions
The Kawamura-Ganjavian 'Earshell' Continues the Sensory Series
Multi-Sensory Eateries
Multi-Sensory Eateries
The UltraViolet Restaurant by Paul Pairet is Modern Luxury Epitomized
Otherworldly Light Shows
Otherworldly Light Shows
The Sensory Box Installation Art is Futuristic Fun
Sensory Tableware
Sensory Tableware
Senses! Teaches You How to Appreciate Food
Sign Language Translators
Sign Language Translators
Mac Funamizu Design Helps the Hearing-Impaired Communicate
Intuitive Airport Installations
Intuitive Airport Installations
Christopher Janney's 'Harmonic Convergence' Combines Light & Sound
Bubble-Filled Boutiques
Bubble-Filled Boutiques
The Melbourne Melissa Shoe Store is Quirky and Imaginative
18th Century Sensory Storefronts
18th Century Sensory Storefronts
Hermes ‘Silver Forest' Installation
Muti-Sensory Serving Plates
Muti-Sensory Serving Plates
Concept Gastronomic Dishes by Chef Juan Mari Arzak
Scent-Emitting Bus Stops
Scent-Emitting Bus Stops
McCain Ready Baked Jackets Campaign Offers Smell of Baking Food
Trippy Bar Interiors
Trippy Bar Interiors
Francesco Gatti Architects Have Made a Psychedelic Cave-Like Bar in Shanghai
Brilliant Blinds Sculptures
Brilliant Blinds Sculptures
Haegue Yang Creates Sensual Experiences Through Her Architectural Art
Luxurious Futuristic Furniture
Luxurious Futuristic Furniture
The Mozayo Multi Touch Hardwood Table Uses Cutting Edge Technology
3D Ceiling Constellations
3D Ceiling Constellations
The Grotte Stellaire Installation by Julien Salaud is Intricately Lit
Emotion Sensing Dresses
Emotion Sensing Dresses
Second Skin by Jenny Tillotson & the Science Fashion Lab
Hybrid Couch Beds
Hybrid Couch Beds
The E-Sens Sofa TV Bed from Guillaume Raoult is a Sensory Experience
Multi-Sensory Remote Communication
Multi-Sensory Remote Communication
Nokia Scentsory Phone
Infant Sensory Playgrounds
Infant Sensory Playgrounds
The MAXI-ooh! is an Innovative Learning Area for Babies
Interactive Art Installations
Interactive Art Installations
The 'Love from Mount Pom Pom' Exhibit by Misaki Kawai is Touchable
Interactive Origami Installations
Interactive Origami Installations
'Anything Can Break' Explores Geometric and Organic Forms
Knitted Kid-Friendly Installations
Knitted Kid-Friendly Installations
These Interactive Crocheted Playgrounds Embrace Childhood
Playful Sensory Furnishings
Playful Sensory Furnishings
NunoErin Interactive Light Products Line is a Bright Idea
Marine Invertebrate Installations
Marine Invertebrate Installations
Jelly Swarm by Tangible Interaction Teaches About the Sea