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Top 35 Social Media Trends in June

From Mom-Connecting Video Chats to Pet-Streaming Networks

— June 30, 2018 — Social Media
In just a little over a decade, social media has gone from nonexistent to one of the dominant forces in the world as a whole, and the June 2018 social media trends show that that growth won't be stopping any time soon. Social media is massive, and yet upstart companies are still finding new niches to appeal to, all while the biggest players continue to eat up larger and larger portions of the population as a whole.

Social media's grown so big that it's even expanding beyond people. Pets and the internet have gone hand in hand for almost as long as the latter has been around, and so Petcube is a social media platform that explicitly shows off pets to users around the world.
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Instantly Shareable Action Stories
Instantly Shareable Action Stories
The New GoPro Stories Feature Lets Users Share on Instagram
Colleague-Connecting Platforms
Colleague-Connecting Platforms
'Someonew' Matches Employees Together for Mentoring and More
Time-Limiting Chat Features
Time-Limiting Chat Features
Facebook 'Sleep Mode' Lets Parents Control Their Child's Time Chatting
Social Media Dating Apps
Social Media Dating Apps
Facebook Dating Will Be Based in Meaningful Connection
Confidential Advice Platforms
Confidential Advice Platforms
'Advice Me' Lets Friends and Colleagues Provide Feedback
Actionable Social Media Analytics
Actionable Social Media Analytics
'Vaizle' Helps Brands Harness the Power of Social Media
Mom-Connecting Video Chat Promotions
Mom-Connecting Video Chat Promotions
KLM's Mother's Day Initiative is Offering Plane Tickets
Social Fine Art Apps
Social Fine Art Apps
The 8x10 App Turns Instagram Posts into Limited-Edition Art Pieces
Location-Based Credit Card Apps
Location-Based Credit Card Apps
The Vota App Creates a Social Network Using Purchasing Power
Privacy-Oriented Digital Boards
Privacy-Oriented Digital Boards
'Capsure' Lets Users Share Life's Moments
Mutually Friendly Expat Apps
Mutually Friendly Expat Apps
Pivt Connects People as Friends Based on Mutual Relationships
Social Homeshare Features
Social Homeshare Features
Airbnb's Travel Stories Make Experieces on the Platform Shareable
Secure Digital Marketing Platforms
Secure Digital Marketing Platforms
'Postedo' Securely Streamlines Instagram Marketing
Social Circle Playlists
Social Circle Playlists
Audiogum's Friend Mix is a Convenient Way to Create Playlists with Friends
Short-Form Soda Campaigns
Short-Form Soda Campaigns
7UP's #RefresCosas Shares Fun and Entertaining Clips on Social Media
Brief Video Chat Apps
Brief Video Chat Apps
The 'Thirty' App Connects Friends for Thirty-Second Catch-Up Sessions
Topic Discussion Social Networks
Topic Discussion Social Networks
The 'WONDR' Network Helps Likeminded Individuals to Connect
Music Teacher Matchmaking
Music Teacher Matchmaking
Find a Music Teacher with a New Filterable and Informative Platform
VR Personal Memories
VR Personal Memories
The Facebook VR Memories Feature Presents Photos in a 3D Space
Aspiring Influencer Training Trips
Aspiring Influencer Training Trips
VISA is Sending Someone on a Free Trip to Thailand or Spain
Story-Enhancing Social Tools
Story-Enhancing Social Tools
'Storybeat' Adds Music to the Story Features on Social Media
Influencer-Analyzing Tools
Influencer-Analyzing Tools
'MightScout' Provides Profile Metrics for Top Social Media Influencers
Question-Based Social Apps
Question-Based Social Apps
'Ryact' Lets Users Ask Yes or No Questions to Incite a Quick Response
Reflection-Eliminating Selfie Apps
Reflection-Eliminating Selfie Apps
The Shades App Makes Sunglass Selfies Easier to Master
Social Media Dating Apps
Social Media Dating Apps
'Warble' Romantically Connects Twitter Users Together
Dreamer Makeup Gurus
Dreamer Makeup Gurus
Daisy Marquez Shares Beauty Tutorials and Her Immigration Experience
Pet-Streaming Social Networks
Pet-Streaming Social Networks
The New Petcube App Brands Itself as the "Twitch for Pets"
Afro-Latina Beauty Influencers
Afro-Latina Beauty Influencers
Tatiana JD is a New Makeup Guru Who Speaks Out About Colorism
Social Media Housing Marketplaces
Social Media Housing Marketplaces
Facebook has announced the launch of a housing marketplace
AI-Driven Fashion Apps
AI-Driven Fashion Apps
'Browzzin' Uses AI to Provide Fashion Inspiration
Document-Summarizing Chatbots
Document-Summarizing Chatbots
'SummarizeBot' Quickly Synthesizes Content for Easy Consumption
Social Media Queueing Campaigns
Social Media Queueing Campaigns
Nike Created a Virtual #AirMaxLine for Sneakerheads on Instagram
Social Media Burger Personalization
Social Media Burger Personalization
Burger King Lets You Customize Your Own Burger Via Instagram
Color-Changing AR Hair Ads
Color-Changing AR Hair Ads
Clairol and Snapchat are Testing Shoppable Augmented Reality Ads
Interactive AR Messengers
Interactive AR Messengers
The New AR Facebook Messenger Camera Effects Create Engaging Experiences