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Top 25 Robot Trends in July

From Futuristic Mobility Vehicles to Robotic Burger Joints

— July 29, 2018 — Tech
The top July 2018 robot ideas offer a look at how the world of the future will be aided and entertained by various forms of technology.

While some modern restaurants are now introducing fully automated systems for food preparation, they are also sharing low-cost meals and theatrical experiences for guests. San Francisco's 'Creator' recently opened as a new burger joint that has a robot machine take care of everything from slicing buns to adding the toppings and condiments to one's burger.

At the same time some large-scale robotics projects are being unveiled, so are many ideas that show how robotics has the potential to influence life's many mundane tasks—including everything from washing windows to keeping oneself protected from the inclement weather with an umbrella overhead.
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