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20 Job Onboarding Innovations

From Railway Recruiting Simulators to Freelance Management Platforms

— March 28, 2016 — Business
These job onboarding innovations range from in-store coding workshops to miner-training simulators that are designed to offer on-the-job experience through digital means. In addition to virtual and augmented reality simulators that correspond with medical, construction and aviation industries, other standouts include in-store digital art workshops. Apple's iPhone photography workshops are currently being hosted inside Dubai store locations in an effort to educate staff and visitors about the impressive features of the popular mobile product.

Other notable job onboarding innovations include artistic employee manuals that aim to feed one's creativity while celebrating a brand's core values. EF Labs' employee manual is a great example that is modeled after a children's storybook. Stamped with inspiring quotes like "have fun" and "nothing is impossible," this manual boasts colorful visuals and presents a brand's message in a clear and comprehensive way.
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App-Building Training Programs
App-Building Training Programs
This Company is Bringing iOS Training to Eager Young Coders
Fusion Aviation Simulators
Fusion Aviation Simulators
NASA's Fused Reality Headset Lays Simulation Onto Real Airplanes
Email-Based Evaluation Tools
Email-Based Evaluation Tools
This Program Helps Improve Corporate Training Programs
Virtual Reality Medical Simulators
Virtual Reality Medical Simulators
zSpace Offers Training Solutions for Physicians and Surgeons
Freelance Management Platforms
Freelance Management Platforms
Lystable Enables Companies to Manage Their External Workforce
Female-Focused Startup Accelerators
Female-Focused Startup Accelerators
This Program Provides Mentorship for Female Entrepreneurs
Visible Minority Coding Bootcamps
Visible Minority Coding Bootcamps
The Telegraph Academy Focuses on Black and Latin Peoples
Cybersecurity Training Programs
Cybersecurity Training Programs
The Launch of 'CyberVista' Was Made Official at CES 2016
Interactive Taxi Learning Tools
Interactive Taxi Learning Tools
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Instant Learning Inventions
Instant Learning Inventions
HRL Laboratories Has Discovered a Way to Mimic Matrix-Like Learning
Simulation Construction Sites
Simulation Construction Sites
This Construction Simulation Uses a 360-Degree Training Dome
Digital Art Workshops
Digital Art Workshops
Dubai's Apple Store Hosts Art Workshops With In-Store Devices
Flagship Computing Stores
Flagship Computing Stores
The Microsoft Flagship Store in New York City Covers Five Floors
Pre Job-Training Platforms
Pre Job-Training Platforms
LearnUp is Closing the Skills Gap by Helping You Before You're Employed
Business Book GIFs
Business Book GIFs
Snaploop Creates GIFs for Business that Summarize Books
Railway Recruiting Simulators
Railway Recruiting Simulators
Deutsche Bahn's Employee Training Program is VR-Powered
Miner-Training Simulators
Miner-Training Simulators
The Cybermine Simulator Emulates the Operation of Mining Equipment
Web-Based Training Programs
Web-Based Training Programs
Cornerstone Learning Provides a System That is Efficient and Effective
AR Management Programs
AR Management Programs
Zurich Insurance Uses Augmented Reality to Help Managers Improve
Artistic Employee Manuals
Artistic Employee Manuals
EF Labs' Company Manual is Inspired by Children's Books