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20 Wacky Internet Halloween Costumes

From DIY Meme Dress-Up to Photo-Sharing App Outfits

— October 24, 2013 — Special
Since Internet Halloween costumes bring on-screen objects to life, these outfits can be fairly 2D in appearance, which makes them great last-minute options.

One of the best ways to make sure people know what costume you’re wearing is to choose one that lots of people will know. But sometimes even choosing a costume from a movie or popular TV show can’t guarantee that people will have seen it. This is the beauty of outfits and makeup looks based off of viral Internet memes. Cat costumes are a staple for Halloween, but dressing up like Grumpy Cat or Nyan Cat brings a hilarious twist.

Since social networking sites can be personified so easily with the right colours and the addition of a logo, dressing up in something like a Facebook profile dress definitely makes for a likeable costume.
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