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100 Intergalactic Gifts for Dad

From Star Wars Inspired Greetings to Sci-Fi Lightsaber Accessories

— May 26, 2014 — Art & Design
With Fathers Day fast approaching, these intergalactic gifts for dad celebrate everyone's favourite epic film franchise, Star Wars. Created for the sci-fi obsessed dad, these tech accessories, kitchen tools and fashionable staples are inspired by the films' most memorable characters.

Darth Vader inspired cuff links, sophisticated sci-fi tees and intergalactic tech tools are just some of the fun Fathers Day gifts for the avid Star Wars fan. Whether your dad is a fan of Han Solo or Darth Vader, the possibilities are endless with these intergalactic gift ideas.

Any of these dad-approved items are sure to put a smile on your father's face this holiday. From custom art works to high-tech motorcycle designs, these gifts ideas feature a wide range of options fit for every budget.
Evil Galctic Empire Shakers
Evil Galctic Empire Shakers
This Star Wars Salt and Pepper Shaker Adds Geeky Flair to Your Table
Galactic Seat Belt Covers
Galactic Seat Belt Covers
This Seat Belt Cover is Shaped Like the Belt That Chewbacca Wears
Robotic Wine Toppers
Robotic Wine Toppers
The R2-D2 Bottle Stopper Makes the Perfect Intergalactic Gift
Galactic Villain Cupcakes
Galactic Villain Cupcakes
These Darth Vader Cupcakes Were Designed to Celebrate Star Wars Weekend
Robotic Sci-Fi Measurers
Robotic Sci-Fi Measurers
This Star Wars Measuring Cup Comes in the Classic R2D2 Shape
Intergallactic Stein Glasses
Intergallactic Stein Glasses
This Star Wars Beer Stein Features Hand Painted Artwork
Intergalactic Droid Coolers
Intergalactic Droid Coolers
The R2-D2 Ice Tray Keeps Drinks Frosty and Geeky
Galactic Villain Battery Chargers
Galactic Villain Battery Chargers
The Star Wars Darth Vader ProMini 9000 is Seriously Upgraded
Space Station Soccer Balls
Space Station Soccer Balls
The Death Star Soccer Ball Brings the Force to the Field
Starfighter Booze Poppers
Starfighter Booze Poppers
Bottle Caps Will Feel the Might of Your Star Wars Bottle Opener
Dark Side Coffee
Dark Side Coffee
The Star Wars Breakfast Beverages Set is Perfect for Geeky Java Fiends
Intergalactic Phone Chargers
Intergalactic Phone Chargers
This R2 Astro Droids Charger Will Zap Your Phone Back to Life
Classic Film Coins
Classic Film Coins
The Niue 'Star Wars' Currency Hopes to Boost its Government Coffers
Sci-Fi Toilet Decals
Sci-Fi Toilet Decals
These Star Wars Decals are Perfect for Keeping You on Target in the Bathroom
Bounty Hunter Bathroom Attire
Bounty Hunter Bathroom Attire
The Boba Fett Bathrobe Brings the Sith to the Shower
Sci-Fi Soldier Studs
Sci-Fi Soldier Studs
These Star Wars Stormtrooper Earrings are Perfect for Sci-Fi Fans
Daring Droid Cups
Daring Droid Cups
Indulge in Hard Alcohol with the Detailed R2D2 10oz Glass
Sci-Fi Faction Mancessories
Sci-Fi Faction Mancessories
The Star Wars Allegiance Cufflinks Ask You to Choose a Side
Dark Side Car Mats
Dark Side Car Mats
The 'Star Wars Darth Vader Floor Mats' are Perfect for Geeky Sci-Fi Fans
Galactic Weapon Chargers
Galactic Weapon Chargers
The Force Will Always Be With You with This Lightsaber Charger
Destructive Sci-Fi Kitchenware
Destructive Sci-Fi Kitchenware
The Death Star Cutting Board is Ideal for Star Wars Fans Who Cook
Sci-Fi Rogue Collectibles
Sci-Fi Rogue Collectibles
This Han Solo Colectible Figures is Ready to Fight the Empire
Urban Black Bear Amplifiers
Urban Black Bear Amplifiers
The Stussy x Medicom Toy Speakers Provides Fashionable Listening
Movie-Inspired Chop Sticks
Movie-Inspired Chop Sticks
Introducing the Stars Wars Chop Sabers to Illuminate Your Meal
Frozen Sci-Fi Character Cases
Frozen Sci-Fi Character Cases
May the Fourth Be with You with This Han Solo Phone Case
App-Infused Peripherals
App-Infused Peripherals
'Star Wars: The Old Republic' Keyboards are from a Galaxy Not Far Away
Textual Intergalactic Accessories
Textual Intergalactic Accessories
These Star Wars Typography Cufflinks Make a Sci-Fi Statement
Sci-Fi Storage Devices
Sci-Fi Storage Devices
The Jabba the Hutt Mimobot USB Flash Drive is Geared Towards Geeks
Galatic Drink Chillers
Galatic Drink Chillers
This Star Wars Ship Ice Cube Tray is Out of This World
Sci-Fi Soldier Smartphone Cases
Sci-Fi Soldier Smartphone Cases
This Star Wars Stormtroopers Case is Perfect for Hardcore Fans
Vinyl Record Sci-Fi Art
Vinyl Record Sci-Fi Art
These Star Wars Characters are Immortalized in Vinyl Record Portraits
Galactic Toilet Art
Galactic Toilet Art
Transform Your Toilet into The Sarlacc Pit with These Star Wars Stickers
Galactic Sporting Gear
Galactic Sporting Gear
The R2D2 Football is a Thematic Sporting Good
Dweeby Ice Trays
Dweeby Ice Trays
Fill That Glass at the Cantina with the Han Solo Silicon Tray
Sleek Sci-Fi Timepieces
Sleek Sci-Fi Timepieces
This Boba Fett Watch is the Perfect Gift for Star Wars Loving Men
Movie Villain Barbecue Tongs
Movie Villain Barbecue Tongs
These Darth Vader Tongs Bring the Dark Side to the Grill
Stormtrooper Timepieces
Stormtrooper Timepieces
The LEGO Star Wars Watch is Adjustable to Fit Kids or Kids-at-Heart
Gold Sci-Fi Figures
Gold Sci-Fi Figures
Imperial Enterprise Releases a Limited Edition Gold C-3PO
Elite Space Robes
Elite Space Robes
The Star Wars Jedi Night Robe Will Make the Force Be With You
Sci-fi Gaming Gear
Sci-fi Gaming Gear
Feel the Force of Gaming With Razer Star Wars Gear
Intergalactic Beach Towels
Intergalactic Beach Towels
These Star Wars Towels are Perfect for a Fan of the Film Saga
High End Geeky Shirts
High End Geeky Shirts
Being a Geek Just Got Even Cooler with These Argyle Star Wars Shirts
Pugnacious Parasols
Pugnacious Parasols
Star Wars Lightsaber Umbrella Keeps Heads Dry with the Force
Sci-Fi Tie Clips
Sci-Fi Tie Clips
The Star Wars Darth Maul Necktie Accessory Pays Tribute to the Well-Known Villan
Cocoa Carbonite-Covered Snacks
Cocoa Carbonite-Covered Snacks
Han Solo Cookies Let Fans Enjoy Star Wars with their Sense of Taste
Geeky Sci-Fi Hangers
Geeky Sci-Fi Hangers
These Star Wars Hooks are Perfect for Organizing Galactic Gear
Sci-Fi Lightsaber Shades
Sci-Fi Lightsaber Shades
These Star Wars Light-Up Sunglasses are for Those Who Feel the Force
Star Wars-Inspired Instruments
Star Wars-Inspired Instruments
The C3PO Electric Guitar by Marc Potter Meshes Sci-Fi and Music
Wicked Emperor Slippers
Wicked Emperor Slippers
Relax with the Dark Side in the Cozy Darth Vader Slippers
Sci-Fi Booze Poppers
Sci-Fi Booze Poppers
The Death Star Bottle Opener Will be a Blast at Any Party
Geeky Galactic Spice Dispensers
Geeky Galactic Spice Dispensers
Pull Little Pranks with the Disney Star Wars Collectibles
Intergalactic Condiment Containers
Intergalactic Condiment Containers
Add Flavor to Food with the R2-D2 Soy Sauce Dispenser
DIY Sci-Fi Globes
DIY Sci-Fi Globes
This Tutorial Teaches You How to Upcycle a Globe into a Star Wars Death Star
Sci-Fi Coffee Machines
Sci-Fi Coffee Machines
These Star Wars Coffee Makers Pay Tribute to the Iconic Franchise
Intergalactic Droid Memory Sticks
Intergalactic Droid Memory Sticks
The R2-D2 USB Flash Drive is for Techie Star Wars Fans
Sugary Sci-Fi Snacks
Sugary Sci-Fi Snacks
The Wacky Cookies Boba Fett Sugar Cookies are Geektastic
Sci-Fi Breath Refreshers
Sci-Fi Breath Refreshers
Star Wars Tinned Confectionary Eliminates Bad Breath with the Force
Cosmic Father's Day Cards
Cosmic Father's Day Cards
These Star Wars Greeting Cards Wish Your Dad a Happy Father's Day
Sci-Fi Droid Consoles
Sci-Fi Droid Consoles
The Star Wars Xbox 360 Pimps Out Gaming for Devoted George Lucas Fans
Sci-Fi Battery Chargers
Sci-Fi Battery Chargers
Recharge with the Darth Vader Lightsaber Portable Battery Charger
Sci-Fi Caffeine Packaging
Sci-Fi Caffeine Packaging
Star Wars Coffee Uses The Force to Wake People Up
Space Station Confections
Space Station Confections
The Death Star Cake Will Have Fans Drooling Over it in Hunger
Dark Side Drink Dispensers
Dark Side Drink Dispensers
Tom Sachs Wants You to Chill with His Evil Vader Fridge Design
Sci-Fi Soldier Figurines
Sci-Fi Soldier Figurines
Medicom Toy x Stussy Stormtrooper Salutes Star Wars Fanatics
Evil Sci-Fi Car Decals
Evil Sci-Fi Car Decals
These Star Wars Car Stickers Help Show Off the Dark Side of Your Family
Sci-Fi Sports Helmets
Sci-Fi Sports Helmets
The Star Wars National Football League by John Raya is Fictional
Sleek Sci Fi-Savvy Timekeepers
Sleek Sci Fi-Savvy Timekeepers
This Star Wars Clock is Geek-Chic and Marvelously Modern
Sci-Fi Robot Time Tellers
Sci-Fi Robot Time Tellers
The R2D2 Alarm Clock Projects the Time onto a Nearby Surface
Sci-Fi Rapper Heaphones
Sci-Fi Rapper Heaphones
50 Cent's SMS Audio Headphones Partner with Star Wars at CES 2014
Sci-Fi Motorcycle Gear
Sci-Fi Motorcycle Gear
The Stormtrooper Motorcycle Suit is Geek-Chic and Protective
Galactic Alliance Apparel
Galactic Alliance Apparel
These Star Wars: The Old Republic T-Shirts Let You Show Your Loyalties
War-Torn Gaming Consoles
War-Torn Gaming Consoles
The Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 Gives Gaming a Gritty Revamp
Intergalactic Robot Scooters
Intergalactic Robot Scooters
The R2D2 Vespa Makes for a Super Sleek Star Wars Vehicle
Stormtrooper MP3 Earbuds
Stormtrooper MP3 Earbuds
The Coloud C19 Star Wars Headphones Are for Music-Loving Sci-Fi Fans
Sci-Fi Clan Stickers
Sci-Fi Clan Stickers
The Star Wars Family Member Car Stamps are Hilarious to Mix and Match
Sci-Fi Urban Mash-Ups
Sci-Fi Urban Mash-Ups
Bape x Star Wars T-Shirt Collection Sparks a Geeky Collaboration
Sleek Sci-Fi Apparel
Sleek Sci-Fi Apparel
The 'Star Wars Adidas' Line is Sure to Please Fans of the Franchise
Galactic Elixir Vessels
Galactic Elixir Vessels
The Evian Star Wars Bottle Design is Out of This World
Imperial Soldier Street Cruisers
Imperial Soldier Street Cruisers
The Phat Stormtrooper Lets Cyclists Ride with the Force in Mind
Galactic Camping Gear
Galactic Camping Gear
This Geek Camping Gear is a Must-Have for the Indoors and Out
Miniature Jedi Torches
Miniature Jedi Torches
Fight Your Way Through the Darkness With the Star Wars Lightsaber Keychain
Lewd Light Switches
Lewd Light Switches
Han Solo Frozen In Carbonite Light Switch is Hilariously Inappropriate
Light Saber Parasols
Light Saber Parasols
Have a Real Life Star Wars Battle with the Rainbow Flash LED Umbrella
Minimalist Movie Poster Art
Minimalist Movie Poster Art
The Drew Roberts Limited Edition Star Wars Posters are a New Take
Sophisticated Intergalactic Portraits
Sophisticated Intergalactic Portraits
Star Wars of the Victorian Era Takes Us Back In Time
Sci-Fi Smuggler Kicks
Sci-Fi Smuggler Kicks
The Star Wars x Adidas Han Solo Sneakers Cement Harrison Ford in Fashion
Imperial Guard Coffee Cups
Imperial Guard Coffee Cups
Drink in Intergalactic Style with the Star Wars Stormtrooper Travel Mug
Sci-Fi Formal Accessories
Sci-Fi Formal Accessories
The Geeky Star Wars Cufflinks Add Charisma to a Suit
Galactic Film-Inspired Confections
Galactic Film-Inspired Confections
This Star Wars Chocolate is Sure to Please a Fan's Sweet Tooth
Sci-Fi Brass Sculptures
Sci-Fi Brass Sculptures
Bellino Alain Recreates Darth Vader's Helmet Using Fancy Junk
Upscale Sci-Fi Wallets
Upscale Sci-Fi Wallets
The R2-D2 Leather Wallet is for Classy Geeks
Sci-Fi Alcohol Cabinets
Sci-Fi Alcohol Cabinets
The AT-AT Display Brings Together the World of Sci-Fi and Alcohol
Star Wars Seats
Star Wars Seats
The Stormtrooper Lawn Chair is the Perfect Geek Relaxation Device
Sci-Fi Seat Covers
Sci-Fi Seat Covers
Showcase Your Admiration for Star Wars with These Automotive Seat Covers
Sci-Fi Blizzard Kicks
Sci-Fi Blizzard Kicks
The Star Wars Superstar 2.0 Shoes Shows the Fashionable Side of Planet Hoth
Geeky Sci-Fi Phone Protectors
Geeky Sci-Fi Phone Protectors
Pick up a Star Wars iPhone Case & Let the Force be with you
Intergalactic Space Sneakers
Intergalactic Space Sneakers
The Star Wars Adidas Wampa Shoe Boasts a Furry Exterior
Sophisticated Sci-Fi Timepieces
Sophisticated Sci-Fi Timepieces
The Seiko Luxury Star Wars Watches are Gorgeously Geeky
Sci-Fi Head Protectors
Sci-Fi Head Protectors
Jenn Hall's R2D2 Helmet Shows Her Inner Geek