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68 Innovative Startup Companies

From Bodybuilding Exercise Sensors to Multitasking 3D Printers

— August 21, 2014 — Business
This collection of innovative startup companies pushes the limits with regard to keen ideation and clever marketing with the brands featured being among some of the freshest. Amidst troubling figures regarding startup culture, we're still seeing a steady stream of startups entering the market on a quarterly basis. Ranging from tech to fashion and everywhere in between, the startups are coming from a variety of different verticals and directions to effectively broaden the market in new and innovative ways.

Whether these innovative startup companies inspire some sort of personal drive to perhaps try an endeavor yourself or offer insight behind what's happening in the market, it's clear that there's plenty to learn when it comes to the entrepreneurial culture.
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Consciously Quenching Drink Mixes
Consciously Quenching Drink Mixes
Everly Enhances Your Water with Honest and Natural Ingredients
Hospital-Exclusive Social Networks
Hospital-Exclusive Social Networks
The Hppital Affinité Network Helps Patients Socialize
Hospital Social Networking Sites
Hospital Social Networking Sites
Hospital Affinity Allows Patients to Connect
Futuristic Eye-Tracking Headwear
Futuristic Eye-Tracking Headwear
The Fove Head-Mounted Display Contains Eye-Tracking Technology
Trip Transportation Planning Sites
Trip Transportation Planning Sites
Mozio Helps Tourists With Their Hotel to Airport Transportation
PR-Eliminating Web Services
PR-Eliminating Web Services
JustReachOut Connects Brands to Relevant Journalists For Startup Press
Impact-Driven Health Tech Startups
Impact-Driven Health Tech Startups
Preciva is Pioneering Accessible Cervical Cancer Screenings
App Advancement Services
App Advancement Services
FbStart by Facebook Provides a Free Package to Improve Mobile Apps
Social Innovation Incubators
Social Innovation Incubators
Affinity Lab is a Shared Working Space and Platform in DC
Alien-Messaging Services
Alien-Messaging Services
The 'Lone Signal' Platform Lets You Send Texts or Pictures to Outer Space
Convertible Prescription Specs
Convertible Prescription Specs
Frameri Lets You Swap Out Your Frames and Lenses at Will
Parking Auction Apps
Parking Auction Apps
MonkeyParking Shows San Francisco Parking Spots Available to Bid Upon
Energy-Wasting Tattletale Apps
Energy-Wasting Tattletale Apps
Environmental Reporting App LightsOut Lets Users Note Harmful Acts
Youth Innovation Mentorships
Youth Innovation Mentorships
Startup Corps Engages Students in Social Enterprise in Philadelphia
Memory-Retaining Wristbands
Memory-Retaining Wristbands
Sheepdog Creates a Device to Develop Long-Term Memory While You Sleep
Personalized Printed Papers
Personalized Printed Papers
Startup PaperLater Reformats Online Articles Into Print News For You
Radiation-Harnessing Phone Cases
Radiation-Harnessing Phone Cases
The Lune Case Uses Electromagnetic Energy to Detect Calls
DNA-Based Matchmaking Kits
DNA-Based Matchmaking Kits
The Matchmaking Kit by Instant Chemistry Provides Matches Based on DNA
Kite-Based Power Plants
Kite-Based Power Plants
TwingTec Leverages Turbulent Winds to Collect Kite Wind Power
3D Printing Kitchen Appliances
3D Printing Kitchen Appliances
Foodini Saves You the Time & Effort in Making Savory Gourmet Foods
Upcyled Art Supply Sites
Upcyled Art Supply Sites
Creative Resale Helps Starving Artists Find Cheap Materials
Swag Donation Startup Giveaways
Swag Donation Startup Giveaways
These Start-Ups are Donating Their SXSW Swag to the Homeless
Weed-Reviewing Websites
Weed-Reviewing Websites
Leafly Helps Users Find and Review Over 50,000 Marijuana Strains
Crowdsourced Microjournalism Sites
Crowdsourced Microjournalism Sites
Onpublico Turns Citizens with Smartphones into Photojournalists
Book Delivery Drones
Book Delivery Drones
The Zookal Textbook Drones Make Ordering Required Readings a Breeze
Experience-Based Startups
Experience-Based Startups
Keep Your Social Calendar Full with ‘Joylister’
Vinyl Subscription Services
Vinyl Subscription Services
A Vinyl Record Club Offers Monthly Music Paired with Cocktail Recipes
Curated Food Apps
Curated Food Apps
The Hotsauce App Spices Up Your Dining Experience
Budding Tech Idea Programs
Budding Tech Idea Programs
Social Startups is Specifically for Purpose-Minded Social Entrepreneurs
Social Media Matryoshka Dolls
Social Media Matryoshka Dolls
Nesting Twitter by Yiying Lu Tells the Story of a Startup
Crowdsourced Helicopter Ride Apps
Crowdsourced Helicopter Ride Apps
The Blade App Crowdsources Rides by Helicopter to the Hamptons
Multitasking 3D Printers
Multitasking 3D Printers
AIO Robotics Invented the First All-In-One 3D Printer, Scanner & Faxer
Low-Rent Innovation Labs
Low-Rent Innovation Labs
Venture House Will Turn a Foreclosed Property Into a Startup Incubator
Impromptu Bellhop Services
Impromptu Bellhop Services
The 'Urban Bellhop' Handles Check-Ins for Airbnb Hosts
Backpack Electric Vehicles
Backpack Electric Vehicles
This Electric Skateboard-Like Contraption Fits in a Backpack
Visual Product Search Platforms
Visual Product Search Platforms
The Slyce Product-Scanning App Makes Shopping a Breeze
Playful Bilingual Packaging
Playful Bilingual Packaging
Mistik Source's Bio-Pure Branding Includes French & English
At-Home Call Center Platforms
At-Home Call Center Platforms
Kallfly's Call Center Service Platform Can Be Operated from Home
Incentive-Driven Fitness Apps
Incentive-Driven Fitness Apps
The Fitmob App Makes Workouts More Financially Appealing
Accessible Shower Buses
Accessible Shower Buses
Lava Mae Provides Showers For the Homeless Using Renovated Automobiles
Interactive Entrepreneurial Business Hubs
Interactive Entrepreneurial Business Hubs
The SXSW Startup Village Brings New Age Entrepreneurship
Body-Syncing Music Apps
Body-Syncing Music Apps
The BioBeats 'Pulse' App Reads Your Heart Rate to Tailor Custom Tracks
Car-Monitoring Apps
Car-Monitoring Apps
The 'Dash' App Brings Data Analytics to Your Automobile
Mobile Furniture Workspaces
Mobile Furniture Workspaces
Naruse Inokuma Architects Builds a Communal Space with KOIL in Japan
Foodie-Centric Social Networks
Foodie-Centric Social Networks
The TableCrowd Platform Lets You Network While Dining
Selfie Sharing Branding
Selfie Sharing Branding
Olapic Uses Selfies to Explain Customer Purchasing Habits to Clients
Air-Sucking Water Machines
Air-Sucking Water Machines
These Atmostpheric Water Generators Create Gallons of Drinking Water
Wireless Custom Earbuds
Wireless Custom Earbuds
These 3D Printed OwnPhones Are Uniquely Designed Not to Fall Out
Phone Projector Chips
Phone Projector Chips
Ostendo's Tic Tac-Sized Projectors Can Emit Holograms From Your Smartphone
Swiping Fashion Retail Apps
Swiping Fashion Retail Apps
Kwoller's Fashion Price Tracking Feature Adds to a Tinder-Inspired App
Pain-Inflicting Fitness Trackers
Pain-Inflicting Fitness Trackers
The Pavlok Habit Forming Device Delivers a Shock of Electricity
Customizable Smartwatches
Customizable Smartwatches
Blocks is a Modular Solution for Wearable Technology
Healthy Fast-Food Deliveries
Healthy Fast-Food Deliveries
Spoonrockets Deliveries Healthy and Organic Meals Within 10 Minutes
Big Data Lingerie Lines
Big Data Lingerie Lines
Startup True & Co Uses Big Data to Help Women Locate the Perfect Bra Fit
Future-Forward Parisian Eateries
Future-Forward Parisian Eateries
The WikiBar Serves Food Covered in Edible Packaging
Social Media-Inspired Shops
Social Media-Inspired Shops
The Online Startup 'Keep' Lets You Buy Items You See on Instagram
Wearable Keyboards
Wearable Keyboards
AirType Turns Your Hand into the Keyboard
Logo-Creating Design Apps
Logo-Creating Design Apps
Jon Cropper Converts Students into Entrepreneurs in Seven Days
Bodybuilding Exercise Sensors
Bodybuilding Exercise Sensors
The Beast System is About Tracking Weight Lifting And Goal Setting
Student Survival Gift Boxes
Student Survival Gift Boxes
The Pijon Box Lets Parents Send Essentials to Students Away at School
Execution-Oriented Coffee Cups
Execution-Oriented Coffee Cups
The Motivation Mug by Aaron Levie for Startup Vitamins is the Sh*t
Affordable 3D Printing Technology
Affordable 3D Printing Technology
This Successful Indiegogo Campaign is for an At Home 3D Printer
Cussing Motivational Calendars
Cussing Motivational Calendars
This Motivational Calendar will Put an End to Your Procrastination
Key-Replicating Kiosks
Key-Replicating Kiosks
The 'KeyMe' Automated Service Acts as a Quick Locksmith
Contemporary Collapsible Bikes
Contemporary Collapsible Bikes
Kolelinia's Foldable Halfbike is Compact and Practical for Riders
Sweet Selfie Deliveries
Sweet Selfie Deliveries
Founder James Middleton Says Boomf's Next Step is Tricycle Delivery
Personalized Scent Subscriptions
Personalized Scent Subscriptions
Scent Trunk's Fragrance Subscription Will Find Your Perfect Scent
Connected Carbon Fiber Bicycles
Connected Carbon Fiber Bicycles
The Lightweight Bluetooth Bike Protects Riders from Unseen Dangers