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19 Ingenious Iced Teas

From Creamy Ice Tea Floats to Ruby-Red Ice Teas

— October 28, 2014 — Lifestyle
Iced teas are one of the best ways to escape the summer heat without having to worry too much about calories. Who says you need to bust out cold beers or fizzy drinks of either the alcoholic or non-alcoholic varieties to stay cool? Iced teas are an excellent, delicious and usually nutritious way to beat the heat.

Ice teas lend themselves excellently to infusions from herbs and fruit of different kind. From orange peels to peaches, a number of different elements can be infused into iced teas.

You can hit your local grocery store or supermarket for a variety of delicious iced teas, but the great thing about iced teas as opposed to many other beverages is that they're extremely easy to prepare at home. Stats for Ingenious Iced Teas
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Golden Ice Teas
Golden Ice Teas
Iced Ceylon Gold Delivers the Goodness of Sri Lankan Tea
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Hashtag Beverage Promotions
Lipton's and Instagram Pair Up for ‘Briskpic'
Ruby-Red Ice Teas
Ruby-Red Ice Teas
Iced Raspberry Nectar is a Delicious Herbal Ice Tea
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This Ice Tea Recipe Requires the Best Kind of Herbal Infusion
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Park-Promoting Ice Teas
The Colteryahn Lemonade Ice Tea Promotes Allegheny County Parks
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Lipton Fresh Brew Ice Teas Mix Up the Summer Drink Lineup
Eco-Friendly Ice Teas
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Dunkin' Donuts Iced Green Tea is Rainforest Aliance Certified
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Interactive Lemon Fridges
Nestea's Interactive Marketing Campaign Requires Action to Open a Fridge
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This Granita Recipe Combines Sweet Tea and Sorbet into a Chilly Dessert
Sweet Floral Beverages
Sweet Floral Beverages
Joy the Baker's 'Lavender Lemonade' is Botanical
Lavender-Infused Iced Lattes
Lavender-Infused Iced Lattes
This Lavender-Honey Ice Latte Recipe Will Have Your Senses Enthralled
Creamy Ice Tea Floats
Creamy Ice Tea Floats
This Soda Ice Cream Float is Made Using Thai Ice Tea
Healthy Summer Drink Jars
Healthy Summer Drink Jars
The Prodyne Fruit Infusion Pitcher is Splendid
Cultural Tea Recipes
Cultural Tea Recipes
The Thai Tea Frappe Will Make You Crave a Tropical Getaway
Animated Beverage Branding
Animated Beverage Branding
Lipton Packaging by Cesar Evangelista Features Chaotic Cartooning
Sleek Summer Tea Pitchers
Sleek Summer Tea Pitchers
The Eva Solo Iced Tea Maker is Chic and Stylish
Organic Tea Brand Reboots
Organic Tea Brand Reboots
The Tazo Tea Rebranding is More Streamlined and Focuses on Ingredients
Brewing Water Bottles
Brewing Water Bottles
The O'Cha Tea Capsule Lets You Conveniently Create On-the-Go Infusions
Purist Patterned Pop Cans
Purist Patterned Pop Cans
Arizona Tea Packaging Simplifies the Busy Motifs of the Existing Look