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50 Funky Fonts

From Bleeding Liquid Letters to Seductive Booze Branding

— July 10, 2011 — Art & Design
As this collection of funky fonts demonstrates, typography has come a long way since the days of early calligraphy and the invention of the printing press. Today, both the type of font as well as the medium on which it's printed have changed drastically.

From branding to pop culture, individuals cannot escape the presence of typography. It is a way of living, and it continues to influence how one thinks when it comes to product purchases. These funky fonts will give viewers an idea of just how many variations of the letter A are available today.

Implications - Companies must keep in mind that even the smallest details can have a dramatic impact on consumer thinking. Using the appropriate fonts when advertising is crucial to conveying a specific message and selling a business brand.
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Televised Typographic Time Lapses
Televised Typographic Time Lapses
Jack Archer's TV Typeface Film "alpha-Bitmaps" the Alphabet
Touchphone Typography
Touchphone Typography
Oriol Fernandez Tur's iPhone Font Uses 540 Apps to Form Letters
Biblical Typography Artwork
Biblical Typography Artwork
Meg Hitchcock Puts a Creative Spin on Old Religious Texts
Frozen Typography
Frozen Typography
Veronica Falsen Hiis Takes to the Streets of Oslo to Create Snow Typography
Nonviolent Typography
Nonviolent Typography
Leo Burnett India Creates Mahatma Gandhi Font
Cut and Combed Characters
Cut and Combed Characters
A Grooming Typeface Styles and Sprays the Standard Sans Serif
Animal-Bodied Typography
Animal-Bodied Typography
Llama Font Allows You to Create a Story Out of Flexing Llamas
Type-Faced Topography
Type-Faced Topography
Axis Maps Use Street Names to Form the Streets Themselves
Vintage Human Typography
Vintage Human Typography
Jenny Shipper Takes Stills from Films and Turns Them into Type
Literary Alphabet Art
Literary Alphabet Art
Sonia Lamera Produces the Alphabet Using Famous Books
Typography-Painted Faces
Typography-Painted Faces
The Font Face by Atipo Series Pays Homage to Four Type Designers
Typography-Heavy Bottle Designs
Typography-Heavy Bottle Designs
Yasmin Marquez's Packaging is Old-Fashioned Yet Modern
Typography Guessing Apps
Typography Guessing Apps
Fontagious is a Thrilling Font Recognition Game
Cunning Skull Typography
Cunning Skull Typography
T7Sins T-shirt From Artist Joby Cummings
Dancing Typography
Dancing Typography
The Dance Writer App Turns Words into a Choreographed Dance Sequence
City Sign Graveyards
City Sign Graveyards
The Neon Museum is Where Las Vegas Lights Go to Die
Terrific Gamer Typography
Terrific Gamer Typography
Video Games Characters Alphabet Turns Icons into Type
Fluent Font Maps
Fluent Font Maps
The Bold & Noble Typographic Topography is Elegantly Eloquent
Flammable Fonts
Flammable Fonts
The Au Revoir Font is Elegant
Office Supply Typography
Office Supply Typography
The Bandpile Rubberband Type by Erik Berger is Playfully Colorful
Musical Alphabet Illustrations
Musical Alphabet Illustrations
The Ana Gomez Octave Artwork Fuses Typography With Musicianship
Tasty Edible Typography
Tasty Edible Typography
Typefruitography by Garret Steider Combines Design With Food
Metropolitan Typography
Metropolitan Typography
Theo Aartsma Creates Wonderful Hybrids of Texts & Architecture
Sewn-Up Typography
Sewn-Up Typography
David Schwen Uses Real-Life Ligature to Bring Letters Together
Bleeding Liquid Letters
Bleeding Liquid Letters
The Rus Khasanov Micro Type Font Warps the Alphabet
Iconic Cartoon Typography
Iconic Cartoon Typography
The Simpsons Alphabet by Fabian Gonzales Morphs Popular Characters
Simplistic Java Packaging
Simplistic Java Packaging
Jed's Coffee Co. has Easily Decipherable Informing Packets
Precariously Written Prints
Precariously Written Prints
The Max Croc 'Nhac' Campaign Markets Unstoppable Munching
Construction Paper Typography
Construction Paper Typography
Jerome Corgan Creates Elaborate Paper Letter Sculptures
Illuminating Typography Books
Illuminating Typography Books
'Cultural Connectives' Links Arabic and Latin Languages
Tasty Type Prints (UPDATE)
Tasty Type Prints (UPDATE)
The Type Sandwiches Series is Perfect for a Hungry Pop-Culture Junkie
Typographic Bottles
Typographic Bottles
The Schiszler Silver Merlot Wine Bottle is Creatively Designed
Retro Raunchy Typography
Retro Raunchy Typography
The Eric Foss 'Word' Series Features 70s Porn Images
Alphabetic Acrylic Accessories
Alphabetic Acrylic Accessories
The Plastique Avant Garde Necklace is a Typography Essential
Paper Cup Typography
Paper Cup Typography
Derek Munn Uses Styrofoam Cups to Create Unique Artworks
Seductive Booze Branding
Seductive Booze Branding
The Femme Fatale Wine Bottle Features a Tantalizing Design
Typographic Topography
Typographic Topography
The Typomaps Collection is a Travelling Designer's Dream
Typographic Papercrafts
Typographic Papercrafts
Owen Gildersleeve Creates Multiple Choice Paper Sculptures for Lactofree
Typography Jewelry
Typography Jewelry
Trudee Hill Designs Let You Wear Your Words
Pop Culture Typography
Pop Culture Typography
The Art is the Message With These Juan Osborne Artworks
Intergalactic Typography Ads
Intergalactic Typography Ads
Italian Agency Uses "The Force" for a Fun 'Star Wars' Campaign
Typographical Tunics
Typographical Tunics
'"T" Shirts' by Masashi Kawamura are Typeface Trendy
Tangible Typefaces
Tangible Typefaces
The Freedom of Creation 3D Font Brings Text Off the Page
Trippy Type-Setting Tables
Trippy Type-Setting Tables
Typography Furniture by Marc Lauckhardt Alphabetizes Your Decor
Neon Typography Installations
Neon Typography Installations
Meryl Pataky Brings Light to Plato's Words
Calligraphic Candy Branding
Calligraphic Candy Branding
Waitrose Christmas Packaging Prepares Delicious Graphic Design
Matchstick Typography
Matchstick Typography
Pei-San Ng Creates Light-Hearted, Cartoonish Sculptures
Bicycle-Branded Fonts
Bicycle-Branded Fonts
The Juri Zaech Bike Typography is Fun and Fabulous
Athletic Typography
Athletic Typography
These Nike 2010 Fonts are Unique and Creative
Perfect Pair Cards
Perfect Pair Cards
Sapling Press Creates Perfect Greeting Card Comparisons