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Top 35 Social Media Trends in February

From Vertical Format Short Films to GIF-Sharing Platforms

— February 25, 2018 — Social Media
February 2018 social media trends feature a wide range of interesting innovations and updates to already existing platforms.

Vertical films are often criticized for the blank bars they reveal once uploaded, however Facebook decided to take advantage of the attention, both positive and negative, these videos get by challenging 15 influencers to create short vertical films. The resulting films harness the creativity of the various chosen influencers using a distinctly polarizing format.

The popularity of GIFs remains steadfast, and Instagram has recognized this fact and added a new update in which its users are able to post GIFs to their Instagram Stories. The GIFs are sourced from the online platform GIPHY, which hosts several thousand images.
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Inventive Temporal Units
Inventive Temporal Units
The Facebook Flick is a New Unit of Time That Improves Editing Harmony
Connective Neighbourhood Apps
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The BuzzLoop App Helps You Share Information With Your Neighbours
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Chinese Social Media Tokens
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Weekend Travel Resources
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AI Image Cropping
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Food-Focused Couple Blogs
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Address-Saving Social Networks
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Wearable Smart Buttons
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Authentic Social Media Apps
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Audience Insight Platforms
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Gaming Creator Programs
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Social Media ID Systems
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GIF-Sharing Social Media Updates
GIF-Sharing Social Media Updates
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Anti-Cheating Gaming Chatbots
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Refocused Social Media Platforms
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Vertical-Format Short Films
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Astronaut-Themed Streetwear
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Phone-Integrating Fashion Shows
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