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Top 45 Robot Trends in February

From Road-Repairing Robots to Bird-Deterring Drones

— February 28, 2016 — Tech
Within the high-tech homes of the future, the February 2016 robot ideas imagine the roles that these smart assistants will play in everything from cooking and cleaning to home security and simply providing companionship to homeowners.

In addition to taking on greater roles within the home, it seems that robots of the future will also make up for some of the limitations of the human form. For instance, there are newly developed drones that are capable of lifting extremely heavy weights, while there are other lightweight models that take advantage of their aerial abilities to deter birds from flying in certain areas.

These February 2016 robot trends show that consumers will be looking for high-tech aids when it comes from everything from entertainment to saving lives.
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Puzzle-Solving Robots
Puzzle-Solving Robots
The Rubik's Cube Robot Can Solve the Iconic Brain Teaser in One Second
Carbon Fiber Drones
Carbon Fiber Drones
The Typhoon H Hexacopter Has a Camera With An Unobstructed View
Slithering Snake Robots
Slithering Snake Robots
The LaserPipe Robot Can Crawl Into Pipes and Weld Them From the Inside
Agile Firefighting Drones
Agile Firefighting Drones
The FAROS Drone Quickly Scales Walls to Locate and Assess Fires
Nighttime Drone Add-Ons
Nighttime Drone Add-Ons
This Infrared Module Enables Drone Flying After Dark
Auto-Backed Space Projects
Auto-Backed Space Projects
Part Time Scientists' Audi Rover Will Debut at the Detroit Auto Show
Autonomous Automobile Computers
Autonomous Automobile Computers
The Nvidia 'Drive PX 2' In-Car Computer Packs Powerful Features
Resolution-Encouraging Robots
Resolution-Encouraging Robots
The MOTI Gadget Motivates Consumers to Keep Their New Year's Goals
Road-Repairing Robots
Road-Repairing Robots
The 'Addibot' Mobile Robot Could Help to Revolutionize Road Repairs
Drinking Companion Robots
Drinking Companion Robots
The Bro-Bot Ensures That You Never Drink Alone
Realistic Social Robots
Realistic Social Robots
Nadine the Social Robot Looks and Feels Like a Human Being
Humanitarian-Focused Drones
Humanitarian-Focused Drones
This Fixed-Wing Drone is Perfect For Carrying Supplies to the Stricken
Hurricane-Analyzing Drones
Hurricane-Analyzing Drones
The Coyote Unmanned Aircraft System Aims to Improve Storm Forecasting
Heavy-Lifting Drones
Heavy-Lifting Drones
The Megakopter Superdrone is Capable Of Lifting 134 Pounds of Weight
Droid-Controlling Wearables
Droid-Controlling Wearables
The Sphero Force Band Excites Star Wars Fans at CES 2016
Robot Screen Projectors
Robot Screen Projectors
Cerevo's 'Tipron' is a Mobile Screen Projector Previewed at CES 2016
Muscle-Motoring Exoskeletons
Muscle-Motoring Exoskeletons
This Passive Exoskeleton is Designed For Muscular Dystrophy Patients
Dedicated Commercial Droneports
Dedicated Commercial Droneports
The Aerodrome Airport for Drones Will Be the First of Its Kind
Smartphone-Controlled Modular Robots
Smartphone-Controlled Modular Robots
The 'ZoZbot' Was Debuted by 'Cutthroatrobotics' at CES 2016
Autonomous Electric Hearses
Autonomous Electric Hearses
The Korbiyor Electric Vehicle Design Transports the Deceased in Style
Minuscule POV Drones
Minuscule POV Drones
The Axis Vidus is the Smallest Flying Device to Offer Remote Person View
Roving 3D-Printing Robots
Roving 3D-Printing Robots
This Robotic 3D Printer Can Print Objects On a Massive Scale
Bird-Deterring Drones
Bird-Deterring Drones
The Bird-X 'ProHawk' Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Works Like a Digital Scarecrow
Meal-Making Robotic Appliances
Meal-Making Robotic Appliances
The Gourmia Multifunction Robotic Cooker Will Display at CES 2016
Responsive Owl Robots
Responsive Owl Robots
The Happiness Owl Toy Android Enhances One's Mood with Continual Dialogue
Autonomous Tracking Drones
Autonomous Tracking Drones
The 'Lily' Smart Camera Drone Follows Users and Features No Controller
Robotic Life Preservers
Robotic Life Preservers
The EMILY Robot is Used to Save the Lives of Refugees at Sea
Interchangeable Delivery Drones
Interchangeable Delivery Drones
This Autonomous FedEx Drone Concept Carries Passengers or Cargo
Intelligent Water Sprinkler Systems
Intelligent Water Sprinkler Systems
The Plumis 'Automist Smartscan' System Saves Water and Lives
Hands-Free Smart Luggage
Hands-Free Smart Luggage
The Carry-On Suitcase by NUA Robotics Follows Consumers Like a Pet
Holographic Home Robots
Holographic Home Robots
This Gatebox Hologram Robot is Like the 3d Equivalent of an AI Assistant
Customized Programmable Drones
Customized Programmable Drones
The 'CoDrone' Programmable Drone Hit Kickstarter After CES 2016
Modular Gaming Robots
Modular Gaming Robots
The 'ZoZobot' Game Robot Offers Intuitive Fun for the Whole Family
Robotic Security Systems
Robotic Security Systems
The 'Appbot-LINK' Security Robot Enables Comprehensive Protection
Robotic Soup Chefs
Robotic Soup Chefs
These Robot Chefs from China Prepare Ramen Noodle Bowls in 90 Seconds
Compact Flatpack Drones
Compact Flatpack Drones
The ProDrone 'Byrd' Quadcopter Drone is Designed to be Ultra-Portable
Wall-Climbing Robots
Wall-Climbing Robots
This Wheeled Robot From Disney Can Climb Even Uneven Walls With Agility
Aging Simulation Suits
Aging Simulation Suits
The R70i Aging Experience Simulates Aging for Visitors at the CES 2016
Educational Modular Robots
Educational Modular Robots
The Unigear Building Block Toy Robot Teaches Robotics and Construction
LEGO-Based Robotics Kits
LEGO-Based Robotics Kits
The 'WeDo 2.0' Robotics Kit Debuted at CES 2016
Personal Mobility Robots
Personal Mobility Robots
The Segway Robot is One Part Robot, One Part Scooter at CES 2016
VR Drone Cameras
VR Drone Cameras
The EHANG 'GHOSTDRONE 2.0' Drone Allows for Immersive Flying Experiences
3D-Printed Concrete Architecture
3D-Printed Concrete Architecture
This Team is Revolutionizing 3D-Printed Buildings by Using Layers
Home Automation Assistants
Home Automation Assistants
The 'Lola' Home Automation System Helps Streamline the IOT Experience
Free-Rotation VR Pods
Free-Rotation VR Pods
The Rotating Krush Moveo Simulation Pod is Showing Off At CES 2016