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22 Environmentally Focused Campaigns

From Plastic Waste Invasion Ads to Whale-Sized Recycle Ads

— June 15, 2013 — Eco
Sometimes we all need a little reminder about being more eco-friendly and sustainable in our lives, which is why these clever environmentally focused campaigns are here to help us remember how devastating pollution and waste can be.

While hearing about the environmental impact of pollution might not completely resonate with every individual, seeing the possible horrendous aftermath of plastic waste on print ads can often serve to create a more significant lasting impression. These environmental campaigns are providing a practical source for environmental awareness, showcasing not only the types of devastating outcomes but also the possible solutions to eliminating the problem.

From lively litter campaigns to recycling ads that encourage global participation, these environmentally focused ads are catching people's attention with its striking and influential messages.
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Eco Crusader Campaigns
Eco Crusader Campaigns
Greenpeace’s Eco Commercial is Sure to Cause Quite the Controversy
Whale-Sized Recycle Ads
Whale-Sized Recycle Ads
New Eco Advertisement for 'Rise Above Plastics'
Clean Air Campaigns
Clean Air Campaigns
The Shell 'Kite' Commercial Shows the Oil Company's Greener Innitiatives
Surfer Graveyard Ads
Surfer Graveyard Ads
Increase Water Awareness with the Protect Our Waves Campaign
Lively Litter Campaigns
Lively Litter Campaigns
The 'One Beach' Trash Mosaic Promotes Turning Garbage into Gold
Recyclable Roadster Ads
Recyclable Roadster Ads
The New Volkswagen Polo is Made of 95% Reused Materials
Eco-Friendly Metal Ads
Eco-Friendly Metal Ads
The Outokumpu Duplex Stainless Steel Campaign Backs Sustainable Materials
Cash for Curbside Trash
Cash for Curbside Trash
Recyclebank Encourages Recycling with Rewards for Rubbish
Trashy Burger Ads
Trashy Burger Ads
The Heal the Bay Campaign by RLR Advertising Urges People to Recycle
Environmentally Aware Advertising
Environmentally Aware Advertising
PRASA Calls Attention to the Dangers of Deforestation
Sustainable Soda Campaigns
Sustainable Soda Campaigns
The Fukien Tea Plant Billboard was Created by Coca-Cola and WWF
Bicycle-Driven Billboards
Bicycle-Driven Billboards
'I Pedal Ads' are Eco-Friendly Promotion Deliveries
Polar Bear Shockvertising
Polar Bear Shockvertising
The Plane Stupid Polar Bear Ad is Disturbingly Graphic
Fighting Public Space Pollution
Fighting Public Space Pollution
The Guerrilla 'Pop Down Project' Marks Unwanted Ads
Eco Fuel Guage Ads
Eco Fuel Guage Ads
The Ford Mondeo Campaign Addresses Important Issues in a Modern Way
Plastic Waste Invasion Ads
Plastic Waste Invasion Ads
The Surfrider Foundation Showcases the Effects of Pollution
Canned Garbage Ads
Canned Garbage Ads
The Ondazul NGO Campaign Discourages People from Littering in the Ocean
Dictatorial Trash Ads
Dictatorial Trash Ads
A Campaign for 'Let's Do It Ukraine!' Imbues Trash with Evil
Plastic-Infused Surfing Ads
Plastic-Infused Surfing Ads
These Anti-Pollution Ads for Surfrider Throw Plastic in Surfers' Faces
Street Life Awareness Campaigns
Street Life Awareness Campaigns
Jan Moucha's Subversive Homelessness Posters
Hopscotch Trash Can Campaigns
Hopscotch Trash Can Campaigns
Lucerne, Switzerland Gets Cleaned Up in a Playful Manner
Packaged Ocean Trash Campaigns
Packaged Ocean Trash Campaigns
The 'Catch of the Day' Campaign Displays Debris Like Food